dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.20.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> WhyNotHugo: please open an issue
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<kidofcubes> Is there any way to disable font smoothing/anti aliasing, whatevers causing my font (cozette) to appear smudged at the edges? https://files.catbox.moe/0v86dt.png screenshot of it at 13px, 26px, 39px, 52px
<kidofcubes> Or is this a font issue?
<dnkl> kidofcubes: bitmap fonts are *never* antialiased. Either it's not a true bitmap font, or you have bitmap font scaling enabled in fontconfig
<dnkl> look for 10-scale-bitmap-fonts.conf in (typically) /etc/fonts/conf.d, and remove it
<kidofcubes> I'll take a look at that, thanks
<dnkl> kidofcubes: could also be desktop scaling related
<kidofcubes> I'm running 100% scale on my entire system, no dpi scaling at all
<dnkl> 👍
<kidofcubes> Removing it did the trick (technically) because now I can't scale above 2x '=D
<kidofcubes> I'd assume this is because there aren't any larger sizes packaged in the font?
<dnkl> WhyNotHugo: works for me in neovim and vim
<dnkl> WhyNotHugo: which versions of those are you using?
<dnkl> kidofcubes: yes
<kidofcubes> I see, I'll try to find a workaround for that then, thanks!
<dnkl> kidofcubes: most bitmap fonts come with a very limited set of sizes
<dnkl> (unfortunately)
<kidofcubes> I've fiddled with fonts a little bit before, so I'm considering making a script to just build it at a few more sizes
<dnkl> WhyNotHugo: the steps to debug this is: figure out if your neovim version is outdated, or mine. If yours is up to date and mine isn't, figure out which level of the kitty keyboard protocol it enables.
<dnkl> two, manually switch to that level and check with e.g. "read", or showkey, which escapes is emitted for the non-working key-combo, in foot before it broke, in foot master, and in kitty (for reference)
<dnkl> foot -d debug will log kitty keyboard level changes, if you also enable LOG_ENABLE_DBG in csi.c
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<dnkl> WhyNotHugo: I tested with neovim 0.10.4, and vim-9.1.1165
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<aelius> Is it desirable for foot to not hide the cursor when it is moved via wlr_cursor_warp_closest ?
<aelius> foot isn't hiding the cursor when moved programmatically- only hides if moved by a real device
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<arniiiii> Hello. I'm a user of irssi inside of tmux on local system inside of kde plasma. How to make `printf '\a'` work in foot? Why it does work in plain kitty and neither in plain foot nor plain konsole? I don't even know how to do that correctly in tmux
<arniiiii> I mean it's expected that I would hear a bell, but I don't hear it
<arniiiii> audio system: correctly installed and perfectly working pipewire
<arniiiii> with pulseaudio and alsa "adapter" I would say
<j`ey> I don't think foot will ever play a sound
<j`ey> but you can configure it to run a command
<arniiiii> j`ey: thanks for the link
<dnkl> aelius: foot doesn't know _how_ the cursor is moved. I would guess warp only results in an "enter" event, while foot only hides the cursor on response to "motion" events
<dnkl> or wait... for doesn't care about the cursor events, even hiding. It hides it when you're typing
<aelius> Yes, I omitted that for brevity. It doesn't hide (when typing should make it hide)
<aelius> Perhaps relevant, the dwl patch in question calls that function with NULL for the device (?). I'm really new to wayland, but I'm vaguely aware that the cursor is mapped onto the device normally.
<aelius> I think foot doesn't realize the cursor is in-bounds. In this context foot is programmatically focused via keyboard, and then the cursor is warped to the center of the window.
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<aelius> OK, there must be a gap in the logic somewhere. The way I described it was a bit off. Further testing reveals...
<aelius> 1. Cursor warped onto foot: does not hide.
<aelius> 2. foot programmatically moved away and back via keyboard - cursor WILL hide
<aelius> foot (or wayland? or dwl? don't know which layer might be responsible) is evidently re-evaluating the condition in #2, and getting it right
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<dnkl> aelius: you could check with "WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 foot", which events are sent to foot in response to the warp, and go from there
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<kidofcubes> Small update on the font scaling thing, building the larger font seems to work fine, but I can't zoom into it from the base scale on foot for some reason?
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<kidofcubes> Heres the link to the scaled font https://files.catbox.moe/34cmzy.otb and the unscaled font https://files.catbox.moe/2sg8w5.otb if you could try giving it a go
<kidofcubes> Never mind, it seems to work now???
<kidofcubes> I'll see if I can get it to reproduce reliably
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<fkobi> hello
<fkobi> I would like to add signature verification to the foot package on Gentoo
<fkobi> but I cannot find the public key
<fkobi> can someone please tell me where to get it?
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<kidofcubes> font issue was caused by forgetting to font-cache -r '=D
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<dnkl> fkobi: hmm, perhaps it's not mentioned anywhere... anyway, it's the same key I use for signing my commits
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<fkobi> dnkl: it's fingerprint is B19964FBBA09664CC81027ED5BBD4992C116573F, right?
<dnkl> fkobi: yes
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<fkobi> got it, thanks
<fkobi> I would like to ask about one thing though
<fkobi> in the releases tab you are providing a distfile that after decompressing is the same as the automated release
<fkobi> extracting I should say
<fkobi> because the uncompressed tar files differ
<fkobi> I do not know much about being a software producer
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<fkobi> could you explain the duplication here? does it have a purpuse?
<dnkl> one is auto-generated by forgejo, the other is prepped (and signed) by me.
<fkobi> why won't you use the forgejo's auto generated file?
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<dnkl> you can. But since it's generated on the fly when you download it, checksums can change for older releases (if e g a new forgejo release changes something in how the tarball is generated). it's also not signed.
<fkobi> so for stability, I see
<fkobi> in that case I would like to ask about the compression algorithm
<fkobi> would you mind switching to bzip2 or is there a specific reason for which you use gzip?
<fkobi> (bzip2 in latest release's case would reduce the file size by ~15%)
<WhyNotHugo> neovim 0.10.4-r1 from alpine edge.
<WhyNotHugo> i'll open an issue
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