note that it _does_ affect foot runtime too, if you use a foot binary compiled against fcft-3.2 (or older)
I'll do a fcft-3.3.1 patch release as soon as possible, hopefully later today
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Hah, actually compiling foot 1.20.2 against fcft 3.3.0 breaks the config parser for the tweaks.scale-filter option. fcft 3.3.0 renumbered the FCFT_SCALING_FILTER_* constants such that there are now additional constants between _BILINEAR and _CUBIC -> foot's hard-coded array ends up containing NULLs between those two indices -> foot's config parser stops parsing the array after "bilinear" and thus no longer considers "cubic" a valid option
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Ah yes, you said it already :)
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Arnavion: yes, and also, if you don't set the config option, the wrong enum value will be used.. broken, in many ways 😅
That part at least is fine for OpenSUSE because it always recompiles packages when their dependencies get updated, so the ABI breakage won't be a problem
That's also why the "staging" repo that I pushed fcft 3.3.0 to has been sending me angry emails about being unable to rebuild foot against it :D
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when the window has spare space under the last row, that row is rendered the same colour as the foot theme's default background. how to make this bottom half-row copy backgrounds from the last row?
WhyNotHugo: you can't
* WhyNotHugo
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WhyNotHugo: hey are you the shotman WhyNotHugo ?
the same!
thanks for your work! :)
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