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i just experienced a foot server crash
not sure how i hshould investigate it
a bunch of Mar 07 20:53:24 runxiyu-asahi foot[1252]: wayland: failed to roundtrip Wayland display: Invalid argument
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runxiyu: not much you can do, unless you can figure out a way to trigger it again
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I'm running foot-master, and I can't type double quote any more.
I have english international layout, which means that I usually press shift+' followed by SPACE
Oddly, single quote does work (which is ' followed by space)
Er, I can type double quote in foot itself, but i can't in vim, neovim or senpai
I can repro the issue on another host, also running sway with foot-master and 'input type:keybord xkb_layout us xkb_variant intl'.
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bisected to 6ca1a2c2dcdcbd3432a953e19f55829b6f07e7f0
i've no idea what that commit means. shall i open an issue?
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