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<dnkl> sefidel: hmm, I have a vague memory of this being something emacs does intentionally. Can't remember why, or if you can somehow disable it. Will check if I see the same thing when I get to the office.
<dnkl> (user claims it was a terminal issue, but the "solution" he/she arrived at was to change the terminal color theme...)
<dnkl> and yes, Emacs 28 honors COLORTERM
<dnkl> same issue here, emacs 29
<dnkl> alright, found this in the emacs documentation (faq - colors on a TTY): terminals with 'RGB' capability treat pixels #000001-#000007 [sic] as indexed colors to maintain backwards compatibility with applications that are unaware of direct color mode. Therefore the seven darkest blue shades may not be available. If this is a problem, you can always use custom terminal definition with 'setb24' and
<dnkl> 'setf24'.
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<dnkl> might work if you manually set "xterm-standard-colors" to match your terminal color theme
<dnkl> sorry, not "match", but to the actual rgb values
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<sefidel> `xterm-standard-colors` seems to do nothing.
<sefidel> Is there no way other than creating a custom terminfo file?
<sefidel> the `xterm-standard-colors` (and `ansi-color-names-vector`) seems to be for a terminal *inside* emacs, at a glance
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<dnkl> sefidel: try to convince the Emacs devs to add an option for this?
<sefidel> hmm. i could send a feature request, but i doubt it'll be accepted. i believe i'd get directions to set the `set{b,f}24`
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<sefidel> I'm still not sure if the `RGB` capability actually having that backwards-compatibility limitation is from specs or emacs implementation.
<sefidel> for the time being, i've followed the emacs docs and added a custom terminfo, foot-emacs.
<sefidel> all colours seems to be normal with that terminfo.
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<sefidel> well it seems like emacs could send a different escape sequence instead of just blindly tput'ing `0` for #000000, but as i said, given that they're guiding users to use a custom terminfo with `set{b,f}24` i don't think they'll fix this.
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<armin> 🦶
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