dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.15.3 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<rockorager> dnkl: i have an obscure vim question. What about foot's terminfo sets vim to have <PageDown> = ^[[6;*~?
<rockorager> I can't figure out any key that actually does that, and infocmp-ing between foot and terminals that _don't_ do this isn't helping much
<rockorager> s/any key/any terminfo key
<rockorager> (see :set termcap in vim)
<dnkl> rockorager: don't think that's in the terminfo
<dnkl> \E[6~ is the xterm standard for page-down
<dnkl> ;* seems to indicate any set of modifiers
<dnkl> btw, recent versions of vim will use the kitty keyboard protocol with foot. But the base sequence for page-down is the same
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<rockorager> dnkl: vim is using kitty keyboard now??
<rockorager> For example, both alacritty and foot output CSI 5;5~ but in vim only foot can do ctrl+pgup/ctrl+pgdn to change tabs
<rockorager> open vim, :tabnew and you can see how it works
<rockorager> And if you do :set termcap you can see foot has different entries than alaacritty
<rockorager> But nothing in terminfo shows why this would be...
<rockorager> And neither are special cased in vim_is_xterm
<dnkl> not sure about vim and alacritty, but suspect foot works thanks to the kitty keyboard protocol.
<dnkl> I have a vague memory of vim being very limited unless the terminal supports either kitty, or xterm's extended keyboard protocol
<dnkl> which alacritty does not
<rockorager> dnkl: TERM=foot and alacritty works...
<rockorager> It's so bizarre
<rockorager> I can't reason why that would work
<dnkl> I think vim defaults to a very simple mode, where it simply chooses to ignore certain combinations, unless it knows the terminal is smarter. Alacritty doesn't support any extended keyboard protocols, and as a result, some key combos it _does_ support, are ignored by vim
<dnkl> by setting TERM=foot, you're tricking vim into believing it supports the kitty keyboard protocol
<dnkl> since the escapes for page up/down are the same, it "works"
<rockorager> but how is it knowing it supports the protocol?
<rockorager> Something in TERM=foot?
<rockorager> I don't see any hardcoded things for foot in vim source code
<rockorager> If it's querying...it shoudln't be getting a response since alacritty wouldn't respond
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<dnkl> rockorager: there's a thing in optiondefs.h, where foot is listed. Guessing it matches TERM against that
<rockorager> ah i see it
<rockorager> Yeah that's definitely it
<rockorager> not sure how my grepping missed that one, thanks for looking
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<WhyNotHugo> When using --hold, can I somehow configure so that pressing any key exits?
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<dnkl> WhyNotHugo: no, that's not possible
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<sewn> dnkl: off-topic to this channel, but are you ever going to review wbg prs #8 and #7
<dnkl> sewn: thanks for reminding me. I had forgotten them. I will review them, but it'll likely be a while. I don't have much free time right now
<sewn> oh okay thats fine, just great to hear a reasoning
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