in other words, will foot look up in DNS when it finds OSC7?
anarcat: I don't think so. We lookup the current hostname, and string compares with the one from the OSC. But we don't lookup the OSC hostname.
good, thanks
cromulent has joined #foot
Hey, question. I'm running Emacs in foot in Arch. Almost everything works, except the Ctrl-Arrow and Meta-Arrow commands are broken. For example Emacs says Ctrl-Left is "M-[ 1 ; 5 d". Any ideas on how to fix this?
The escape sequence for Ctrl-Left is 'ESC [ 1 ; 5 D', meta modified keys are ESC prefixed...
it's like emacs isn't interpretting the escape sequence
It should be handling ESC [ as a CSI prefix and interpretting therafter
Not sure how to fix though
kraftwerk28_ has quit [Quit: *disconnects*]
Also, typing "ESC a" into emacs functions as Meta-Left correctly, whereas typing "Meta-Left" is "M-[ 1 ; 3 d".
kraftwerk28 has joined #foot
Er, typing "ESC left" into emacs functions as Meta-Left correctly.
Libinput says Esc, Ctrl, and Alt are (-1). Maybe I can try disabling meta mode as described in man foot. How do I run the command "E[?1036l"?
printf "\e[?1036l"
I'm not sure if shells turn it back on, you may have to && emacs
`ESC a` functions as meta left?? That is bizarre
Yeah, Emacs interprets Meta-a and Esc-a identically. I think Meta and Ctrl work always, except with the arrow keys.
So printf "\e[?1036l" && emacs -nw (disabled) keeps all Ctrl- functionality ok, and changes Meta- to send unicode keys. Then printf "\e[?1036h" && emacs -nw keeps Ctrl- functionality ok, Meta- functionality good. In both cases Ctrl-Arrow and Meta-arrow are still broken.
what do you see if you do `cat -v` and press Ctrl-Arrow?
By the way I can configure emacs to bind the unparsed Ctrl/Meta-arrow keycodes "M-[ 1 ; 3 d", etc. That works.
Ctrl-Left is ^[[1;5D, Meta-Left is ^[[1;3D, ESC-left is ^[^[[D.
That does look strange. Esc-a and Meta-A are ^[a, Ctrl-a is ^A. Emacs interprets those correctly.
I'll pick this up some other time. Thanks for your suggestions!