dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.15.3 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> brocellous: p00f is right; while foot displays the entire URL, it does strip both the "query" and "fragment" parts from it *when it's copied, or activated/opened*
<dnkl> only for file:// URLs, on localhost
<dnkl> perhaps the best solution is to stop special casing file:// URLs. That is, strop stripping file://<hostname>/ prefixes
<brocellous> ah, I didn't try localhost
<dnkl> not "localhost" specifically, but a hostname that resolves to the "current" host
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<dnkl> I'm writing up an issue on codeberg
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<sentriz> p00f: ooh cool, i also made a little project like hyperer. didn't know there was another one https://github.com/sentriz/add-osc-8-hyperlink
<sentriz> i just have foot copy the link to the clipboard though. seems to be the most flexible workflow for me
<p00f> dnkl: thanks!
<p00f> sentriz: oh but yours can be extended to other programs without too much work
<p00f> thanks!
<sentriz> yeah it doesn't really have have knowledge of any programs. only the shell
<sentriz> i was also wondering would it be possible to write a program that runs the shell is a pty and automatically adds links everywhere. not sure how hard or possible that is
<sentriz> shell in a pty*
<p00f> brocellus: what shell is that "print" example for
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<brocellous> zsh
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