p00f: no, that's not possible. Foot would have to effectively start up another terminal instance, but re-use the current window. Lots of complexity...
i see
what if
it inserted "nvim $filename\r" into the prompt
p00f: should be scriptable... the script's parent process is foot. I guess you could try writing to its stdin
sorry... not stdin. The tty
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ah cool
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p00f: xdg-open can spawn neovim in a terminal for you.
You don't need that wrapper script
manio: yes
WhyNotHugo: i want it to launch it in the current foot instance
That's kinda tricky. The current foot instance might be running neovim, or less or fzf, etc. So even just injecting keystrokes for 'nvim filename' won't work.
BTW: there was an IOCTL feature to inject keystrokes into the current terminal, but it was deemed a security liability and dropped.
hyperer-rg will add links to ripgrep output
You can use wtype maybe?
oh yeah
wtype works, just one more thing
\r just inserts literal \r
instead of pressing enter
wtype -P Return && wtype -p Return does what i want
thanks WhyNotHugo!
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dnkl: https://github.com/groves/hyperer embeds file://hostname/path#line_number links, and it looks like foot strips the line number part in addition to the hostname
p00f: osc-8 or auto-detected?
guessing osc-8
I doubt foot is the one stripping the #, but I'll see if I can test that tomorrow
osc-8, yes
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p00f: works for me
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print - '\e]8;;file://home/ronan/file.txt#23\e\\example\e]8;;\e\' prints "example" linked to "file://home/ronan/file.txt#23"