dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.15.3 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<p00f> dnkl: when i use a custom script for url-open, can i make it launch the command in the current foot instance
<p00f> the matrix bridge died as i suspected
<p00f> :(
<dnkl> p00f: no, that's not possible. Foot would have to effectively start up another terminal instance, but re-use the current window. Lots of complexity...
<p00f> i see
<p00f> so
<p00f> what if
<p00f> it inserted "nvim $filename\r" into the prompt
<dnkl> p00f: should be scriptable... the script's parent process is foot. I guess you could try writing to its stdin
<dnkl> sorry... not stdin. The tty
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<p00f> ah cool
<p00f> nice
<p00f> thanks
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<p00f> dnkl: doesn't work
<p00f> [I] ganymede ~> string join "" "/dev/" (ps -o tty= --pid $fish_pid)
<p00f> /dev/pts/0
<p00f> [I] ganymede ~> echo foo\r > /dev/pts/0
<p00f> foo
<p00f> [I] ganymede ~>
<p00f> it just prints it, doesn't insert into the prompt
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<p00f> I might be severely misunderstanding what "writing to a process's tty" means
<p00f> and foot doesn't have a tty?
<p00f> ps -o tty= --pid (pidof foot) gives "?"
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<manio> p00f: ganymede is your hostname?
<manio> i remember theme called like this: https://ps.ucw.cz/e16/e16-themes-gallery/Ganymede.png
<manio> :)
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<WhyNotHugo> p00f: xdg-open can spawn neovim in a terminal for you.
<WhyNotHugo> You don't need that wrapper script
<p00f> manio: yes
<p00f> WhyNotHugo: i want it to launch it in the current foot instance
<WhyNotHugo> That's kinda tricky. The current foot instance might be running neovim, or less or fzf, etc. So even just injecting keystrokes for 'nvim filename' won't work.
<p00f> it won't
<p00f> the use case is https://github.com/groves/hyperer:
<WhyNotHugo> BTW: there was an IOCTL feature to inject keystrokes into the current terminal, but it was deemed a security liability and dropped.
<p00f> hyperer-rg will add links to ripgrep output
<WhyNotHugo> You can use wtype maybe?
<p00f> hmmm
<p00f> oh yeah
<p00f> sure
<p00f> nice
<p00f> wtype works, just one more thing
<p00f> \r just inserts literal \r
<p00f> instead of pressing enter
<p00f> wtype -P Return && wtype -p Return does what i want
<p00f> thanks WhyNotHugo!
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<p00f> dnkl: https://github.com/groves/hyperer embeds file://hostname/path#line_number links, and it looks like foot strips the line number part in addition to the hostname
<dnkl> p00f: osc-8 or auto-detected?
<dnkl> guessing osc-8
<dnkl> I doubt foot is the one stripping the #, but I'll see if I can test that tomorrow
<p00f> osc-8, yes
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<brocellous> p00f: works for me
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<brocellous> print - '\e]8;;file://home/ronan/file.txt#23\e\\example\e]8;;\e\' prints "example" linked to "file://home/ronan/file.txt#23"
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