dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.15.3 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<boud> I'm trying to understand the relation between upstream 'foot' at https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot versus the debian package https://salsa.debian.org/birger/foot that has no source, only debian/ packaging files, and https://salsa.debian.org/debian/ncurses, where "foot[^e_]" mainly only appears in misc/terminfo.src .
<boud> Is https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot essentially just a branch of 'ncurses'?
<boud> I know that foot is very light (much lower cpu usage than kgx, which is excellent for a pinephone), so that wouldn't surprise me.
<manio> boud: you need to look at specific tree/tag
<boud> manio: OK, I see :). It's a way of using branches to separate the debian-only versus upstream parts. Fair enough.
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<Kabouik_> Is any of you using ytfzf? I'm wondering which thumbnail viewer you are using. If I use chafa, I only get those pixellized thumbnails, not real sixel.
<dnkl> Kabouik_: chafa is capable of sixel. Which terminfo are you using?
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<Kabouik_> Yes that's why I'm asking dnkl, I know chafa can do better than big pixels. My $TERM is `foot`. There are several programs that are unhappy with it by the way and force me to use xterm-256color, such as nano or nmtui.
<Kabouik_> Just tested nano and it works with foot terminfo apparently, I don't exactly remember in which conditions it complained about TERM.
<Kabouik_> I should say that foot is installed from the Guix package.
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<cc0> dnkl: i've just added a .desktop file for senpai, with an icon and Terminal=true. supposing my defualt terminal emulator is set to foot, do you think there would be a way to get to foot to show the nice senpai icon when started when starting "senpai" an application launcher?
<cc0> (maybe a bit too broad of a question.) apparently the window icon gets set at the compositor's discretion from the window app ID. foot can be started with a custom app ID with a CLI argument.
<cc0> so i suppose doing Terminal=false and adding Exec=foot ... --app-id senpai ... senpai would work
<cc0> do you think there'd be a way to do that with Terminal=true, so that i wouldnt have to explicitly specify foot in the command line? like foot autodiscovering some application id passed from the launcher, or using the startup notification protocol, or by senpai asking foot to change its app id after start?
<cc0> im exploring ideas
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<gim> Hi there! I have enabled scaling (200%) in gnome which results in my mouse cursor becoming comically large while hovering over the foot windows. This makes text selection very hard. Is there a way to disable this?
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<dnkl> gim: ask the gnome devs to fix fractional scaling of the mouse cursor... I'm afraid there's no workaround in foot for this bug
<dnkl> cc0: I don't like automagic things like that... it just makes it difficult to understand what's happening, can be confusing for the user, and often interacts badly with other customizations.
<dnkl> dynamically setting the app ID _might_ be acceptable, assuming all the compositors can handle it...
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<jmcantrell> is there a way to bind an action to ctrl + mouse scroll?
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