dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.15.1 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<llyyr> is it expected that animated cursors are stuck on the first frame when hovering foot?
<llyyr> I'd have thought the cursor-shape protocol would allow the compositor to handle it
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<yonson> Is there a standard pattern to using systemd user socket and sway on startup? I seem to only be able to use the new socket file after manually pullin in the WAYLAND_DISPLAY env var for systemd and calling start on the socket. Ideally, the socket would begin on startup after the env is ready, but struggling with that part. Realted PR: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/pulls/1281
<yonson> I guess i could call "systemctl --user start foot-server.socket" in my sway config, just not sure if that is a footgun or something
<Arnavion> You'd call `systemctl --user start graphical-session.target`, and any unit that is part of that target and which you had previously `enable`d will start automatically
<dnkl> llyyr: yes, assuming the compositor implements animations... don't think sway does
<llyyr> sway does now
<llyyr> it works on swaybg at least, but not on foot (or mpv for that matter, which is also using the cursor-shape protocol)
<dnkl> llyyr: have you checked foot is actually using the new protocol? I.e have you checked the log output? or foot --version?
<llyyr> foot version: 1.15.1 -pgo +ime +graphemes +fractional-scaling +cursor-shape -assertions
<llyyr> I doubt it's a foot issue since it doesn't work with mpv either
<llyyr> I'll just ask in #sway
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<p00f1> llyr: that sway PR isn't merged yet
<p00f1> llyyr *
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<llyyr> oh...
<llyyr> (why did I think it was?)
<dnkl> if that's the case, foot should warn about it (on stderr, not in the foot window)
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<Morteza> Hey, does anybody know why I can't disable cursor blinking even tough i have it disabled in config
<Morteza> corsponding line in config
<Morteza> [cursor]\nstyle=beam\nblink=no
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<dnkl> Morteza: guessing your shell overrides it
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<ahmadraniri[m]> Hello since foot version 0.15.x came, my compositor won't launch foot, 0.14.x works fine. I saw an issue about it. When I run foot using gdb, the bt told me about wl_proxy_get_version stuff. My compositor is https://gitlab.com/lidgl/tinyway. Any clue to fix it ? Should I make adjustment to my compositor ? Thanks.
<dnkl> ahmadraniri[m]: doesn't foot log any errors?
<ahmadraniri[m]> <dnkl> "ahmadraniri: doesn't foot log..." <- Foot gave me some warnings about no XDG activation, fractional scaling, and IME disabled before segmentation fault.
<dnkl> please don't use matrix replies here; this is an IRC channel
<dnkl> anyway, absolutely sounds like a compositor issue. Try #wlroots
<ahmadraniri[m]> Oh my bad. Thanks dnkl.
<dnkl> regardless of channel, you'll have to link to the actual backtrace
<dnkl> no one will be able to help you without it
<dnkl> TIL emacs can use the kitty keyboard protocol: https://github.com/benjaminor/kkp
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<yonson> Arnavion: that makes sense, thanks!
<p00f1> dnkl: how do you even use terminal emacs without it
<p00f1> even things like the default keybinding for xref-find-apropos don't work
<p00f1> also is #footerm:matrix.org yours
<dnkl> no, that's not mine
<dnkl> you use xterm's modifyOtherKeys protocol
<dnkl> before emacs 29, you had to:
<dnkl> (add-to-list 'term-file-aliases '("foot" . "xterm"))
<dnkl> fwiw, I've been using terminal-only emacs for years now
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