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jmcantrell: I'm curious how you were running that script you mentioned yesterday
were you starting it from a shell or with something like `foot ./script.bash`?
by "from a shell" I mean an interactive shell in foot
I think running "backgrounded" GUI apps from an interactive shell is perfectly reasonable tbh and there's a way to do it properly
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cbb: my testing was done using `foot ./script` in an interactive shell (in foot), but i intended it to be run from a bindsym in sway. i found out that it behaves the same way running it in another terminal, like alacritty, so i'm not sure it's indicative of anything wrong with foot
jmcantrell: oh ok, I don't get why you'd run `foot ./script` instead of just `./script` then
if you want to run a GUI app from an interactive shell, you can "background" it with e.g. `setsid --fork seahorse >/dev/null 2>&1`
does that work for non-interactive too? i'm curious why this is necessary. seems like backgrounding + disowning is the correct (?) way
jmcantrell: it's not necessary for non-interactive, but it should work nontheless
so you can do it unconditionally in a script like that, if you want it to work in either context
using setsid(1) just eliminates all the quirks around controlling terminals and process groups (and the foreground group getting SIGHUP when losing the tty)
cbb: thanks. i was not aware of setsid
jmcantrell: no worries
I should note that setsid(1) comes from util-linux, so it's not portable to BSDs if that matters
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