dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.15.3 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<cbb> jmcantrell: I'm curious how you were running that script you mentioned yesterday
<cbb> were you starting it from a shell or with something like `foot ./script.bash`?
<cbb> by "from a shell" I mean an interactive shell in foot
<cbb> I think running "backgrounded" GUI apps from an interactive shell is perfectly reasonable tbh and there's a way to do it properly
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<jmcantrell> cbb: my testing was done using `foot ./script` in an interactive shell (in foot), but i intended it to be run from a bindsym in sway. i found out that it behaves the same way running it in another terminal, like alacritty, so i'm not sure it's indicative of anything wrong with foot
<cbb> jmcantrell: oh ok, I don't get why you'd run `foot ./script` instead of just `./script` then
<cbb> if you want to run a GUI app from an interactive shell, you can "background" it with e.g. `setsid --fork seahorse >/dev/null 2>&1`
<jmcantrell> does that work for non-interactive too? i'm curious why this is necessary. seems like backgrounding + disowning is the correct (?) way
<cbb> jmcantrell: it's not necessary for non-interactive, but it should work nontheless
<cbb> so you can do it unconditionally in a script like that, if you want it to work in either context
<cbb> using setsid(1) just eliminates all the quirks around controlling terminals and process groups (and the foreground group getting SIGHUP when losing the tty)
<jmcantrell> cbb: thanks. i was not aware of setsid
<cbb> jmcantrell: no worries
<cbb> I should note that setsid(1) comes from util-linux, so it's not portable to BSDs if that matters
<jmcantrell> understood
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