dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.10.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<kibomo> is gtk the only good gui toolkit? a simple application uses up 50mb of memory while on osx system applications using cocoa api use 20-30mb
<dnkl> Nulo: it is documented, in foot.ini(5), near the bottom of the "main" section.
<kibomo> dnkl :( you know programming right? is gtk good stuff? does it just need to be improved or do we need a new gui toolkit?
<dnkl> kibomo: I actually don't do that much GUI programming...
<dnkl> from what I do know/have heard, there aren't really any good toolkits for Linux
<kibomo> you made foot, its a beast of a terminal.
<kibomo> good performance
<dnkl> gtk's main problem is, afaik, that it is for GNOME mainly. Other projects may use it, but at their own risk
<dnkl> kibomo: yeah, but foot doesn't use any toolkits
<kibomo> and yambar
<kibomo> you make good performant software
<dnkl> none of my projects use any toolkits ;)
<kibomo> keep it up
<dnkl> kibomo: thanks, will try to :)
<kibomo> would it make sense to make my own gui toolkit and render with vulkan?
<kibomo> gtk isn't terrible i just feel like it could do better
<dnkl> can't reallly answer that... vulkan is, from what it looks like, the future. So makes sense from that perspective. But a new toolkit is a *lot* of work...
<dnkl> my main issue with gtk is how they handle bugs that don't directly affect gnome
<kibomo> fork gtk ?
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<kibomo> would you reccomend rust or c?
<kibomo> if im looking to make performant applications?
<kibomo> currently compiling infrastructure is a bit lacking for rust but mmm it looks like the language could be faster
<cbb> lol, GTK gets worse and worse as time goes on....the people running the project now act as if Microsoft is paying them off to destroy desktop Linux 😆
<kibomo> yeah writing a gui toolkit sounds like it would take me 20 years haha
<rcf> kibomo: while forcing GPU rendering might seem like a performance no-brainer, foot itself is an excellent counterexample by managing to outperform existing GPU terminals, and it avoids the hardware dependency that vulkan especially imposes.
<kibomo> mmm yeah
<kibomo> i think your just built different
<kibomo> you're*
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<rcf> The hardware issue may not seem that significant until you look at things like ARM or its derivatives; the open source drivers (if they exist) simply will not support vulkan reliably any time soon, if they can do acceleration at all.
<dnkl> even GL has been (is?) an issue on many SoCs, and x86 alternatives
<rcf> OpenGL at least has software implementations if one desperately needs some application in a weird environment, regardless of the insanity of using an API for high performance with an implementation that guarantees you the worst.
<rcf> Most fun on big endian systems where llvmpipe is broken horribly so you get an even worse result than the terrible one you expected.
<dnkl> rcf: ah, yes, llvm on big-endian... I remember that from when I made foot big-endian compatible...
<rumpelsepp> Read through the last conversation and especially this question comes to my mind: How did you guys even got started with coding graphical stuff (-> foot) with plain wayland interfaces? My background is networking and I find it … very difficult to even find some high level documentation of all the wayland stuff. I know drew's book, but it's more like a tutorial.
<dnkl> rumpelsepp: hmm, I started by looking at two example hello world applications, copied the generic stuff and kind of went from there... pretty sure one of the examples was emersions
<dnkl> I never read books... only code :)
<dnkl> but, I've rewritten the low-level Wayland stuff several times
<dnkl> the small examples are a bit too simplistic, compared to what e.g. foot needs to do
<dnkl> (e.g. handling outputs coming and going, multi-seat etc)
<rumpelsepp> Yeah, reading code is often the way to go. But when you do not know the concepts behind it, its useless to read code.
<ericonr> I usually force myself to learn concepts by reading /writing new code. Find a small project I want to accomplish, and learn the necessary pieces as I go.
<rumpelsepp> Yeah, I failed with this approach when I tried to write a Linux USB device driver and did not know what interrupt context means.^^
<dnkl> rumpelsepp: I can image several books describing how to write a USB driver that simply assumes the reader is already familiar with interrupt context...
<dnkl> I tend to read code first, then look for a textual description if I find myself not understanding the concepts
<rumpelsepp> Yeah, you are right with this statement about textbooks. 😀
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<Nulo> dnkl, either I can't see or it isn't on foot 1.10.0 on Alpine
<Nulo> It seems everyone wants to write a GUI toolkit these days (me included)
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<dnkl> That's the 1.10.0 tag. I.e if you don't see it, it's either something on your end, or an Alpine packaging issue
<Nulo> Yep you're right. For some reason mandoc is taking an old file..
<Nulo> Somehow I have /usr/share/man/man5/foot.ini.5 and /usr/share/man/man5/foot.ini.5.gz
<Nulo> Sorry!
<ericonr> dnkl: speaking of distro packages, do you think you'll tag 1.10.1 this weekend? from comments here, I was holding the void package to update directly to 1.10.1
<ericonr> no pressure, I'm asking just so I know to watch for it
<dnkl> ericonr: I'd like to merge https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/pulls/806 before I tag 1.10.1
<dnkl> All that's left is to benchmark it
<dnkl> If I can find the time, I expect a release in the beginning of next week
<ericonr> cheers, thanks
<ericonr> that's a lot of code for what reads like an initially simple problem, good luck!
<ericonr> it also seems simpler if I ignore the various ways they can overlap heh :P
<dnkl> ericonr: yeah, the initial report (crash) was easy to fix, but unearthed a bigger problem...
<dnkl> That PR implements the same behavior e.g VTE has
<dnkl> (and I think they're the ones who invented OSC-8?)
<dnkl> But to be fair, a large chunk of the diff is made up of the unit test (🎉)
<rj1> foot is so good
<rj1> i love it
<rj1> i am using foot to chat in this chat right now!
<ericonr> dnkl: that's encouraging :D
<rj1> you know which terminal emulator is better than foot though?
<rj1> none. there isn't one.
<ericonr> I'm not sure I have things currently using OSC-8 though hmm
<dnkl> ericonr: "ls" can ;)
<dnkl> Gcc too
<dnkl> The "tcell" go framework recently gained support, which should mean many more applications soon...
<ericonr> of course it's not in the manpage ;-;
<dnkl> One can always hope at least..
<ericonr> ooh, they don't talk about OSC-8 explicitly
<ericonr> amazing :D
<ericonr> ls --hyperlink
<ericonr> dnkl: what does gcc use it for?
<ericonr> hyperlink to the file where errors/warnings happen?
<ericonr> actually to docs for the warnings :o
<ericonr> that's pretty cool
<ericonr> it's rarer that a C warning confuse the hell out of me, it's usually C++ warnings/errors that screw with my brain :D
<dnkl> Yeah, those template errors are usually impossible to read...
<Nulo> dnkl, coreutils' ls specifically <this message brought to you from busybox in userland>
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<dnkl> Nulo: aye, of course. --hyperlink isn't POSIX :D
<Nulo> I should have said something along the lines of "I know you already know this but.."
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