dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.10.1 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<pipeweed[m]> are there other irc channels for your programs? like yambar
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<teraflops> hi, I'm trying to set border/color in the [csd] section but I'm having a hard time trying to figure out the right way to do that
<teraflops> tried color.regular0 w/ and w/o <> regular0 and the #505354 vale w/o success
<teraflops> value^
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<teraflops> oh well, man foot.ini :)
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<dnkl> pipeweed[m]: no, but asking here is ok
<dnkl> teraflops: got it working?
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<helby> Hey, any idea why my command under bell get error "failed to spawn: No such file or directory" ?
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<dnkl> helby: probably because you have a shell command line there? Foot only supports spawning actual binaries, in your PATH. I.e no pipes, redirection etc.
<dnkl> For that, you can manually wrap it in a sh -c "<command>"
<helby> dnkl: thanks, so created kind of shell scrip ;/ works, but remember that simple commands worked before in foot
<dnkl> helby: hmm, no? Foot has never executed a shell for you... But yeah, script is another alternative to sh -c "" :)
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<helby> dnkl: sh -c "command" did not work somehow ;/ yes, it worked somehow too, but not sure if it was under like 'comand' and not something like notify-something
<helby> sorry, now checked again, sh -c "command" works ;/
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<helby> I use just for simple 'beep' bc. need to 'doas beep' as in wayalnd it complain about console or whatever ;/
<dnkl> helby: you can probably do without doas if you change
<dnkl> The permissions of the pc speaker device file
<dnkl> For example, change the group to one your user is in
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<helby> dnkl: it sounds more hacky no?
<rcf> Doing it with udev works fine, I already need that sort of thing to set the brightness
<rcf> You can also bypass the PC speaker and beep through the normal one if you want to avoid permission entirely.
<helby> normal one?
<rcf> Just play a sound file
<helby> yes, I think I tried it in the past, but it's too complicated for practically just beep for irc
<dnkl> helby: setting user and group permissions is how you usually configure device access permissions
<dnkl> use the "audio" group, or create a custom one
<helby> pcspeaker device is even disabled in alpine
<rcf> helby: I used to think so, then I just pre-generated the beep as a low-resolution WAV file and stuck it in my dotfiles. aplay "$HOME/.beep/beep.wav"
<helby> rcf: I did something like that before but ...
<rcf> It is the alternative. Otherwise what dnkl says works well (I do that on weird cases where there *is* no audio device)
<dnkl> How does "beep" play without a pc speaker device? By using an alsa device? If so, the recommendation is still the same: set up proper permissions
<helby> yes I assume it play using alsa to regular speaker
<helby> but in that case I am in audio
<helby> but in any terminal I get 'can't open console' from console it works
<dnkl> And with doas it also works? Then I'd say strace it. You'll see which device it tries, and fails, to open
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<helby> yes from terminal with doas it works, in console without it ;/
<dnkl> Interesting problem, in any case :)
<helby> it shows and can't open first /dev/tty0 then /dev/console
<helby> but what I searched in the past, it's the way how that stupid beep is
<helby> no idea how X works, bc. in xorg it works even from terminal
<helby> but not in sway/river ...
<helby> strace beep https://envs.sh/Euj.txt
<dnkl> Before that, it tries to open /dev/tty. It succeeds, but then gets ENOTTY. Which is why it proceeds to try /dev/tty1, and then /dev/console
<dnkl> The weird thing here is ENOTTY. At least when running interactively from within the terminal
<helby> btw. that beep is busybox
<dnkl> Hmm, three ioctl is KDGKBTYPE (get keyboard type), which looks a lot like a console specific ioctl.
<dnkl> The ioctl*
<dnkl> Ah, BusyBox... That explains why my beep behaved completely different...
<helby> yes, in windows it works differently ;/
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