dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.9.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<n3o> Hello there
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<n3o> I get an error when doing clear in foot
<n3o> 'foot': unknown terminal tpe
<n3o> type*
<n3o> I'm on Manjaro Linux running river compositor (I have the foot-terminfo installed from the AUR)
<n3o> warn: wayland.c:1261: text input interface not implemented by compositor; IME will be disabled <- When running river, I only get this warning
<n3o> Doing "term=linux" in an opened terminal fixes that terminal but doesn't apply to others
<dnkl> n3o: arch has a newer ncurses that provides the foot terminfo files. If manjaro doesn't have that yet, you can use the foot-extra terminfos from the foot-terminfo package
<dnkl> Follow the instructions on the aur page for foot-terminfo
<beerman> do you have terminfo files for foot?
<n3o> I do have it
<n3o> I have installed the one from the AUR
<dnkl> n3o: please read my previous reply
<n3o> dnkl: What do you mean by foot-extra terminfos?
<n3o> dnkl: I did "foot --term xterm-256color" To mitigate this, is this fine?
<dnkl> n3o: the foot-terminfo package contains terminfo files called foot-extra. Install that package, then set term=foot-extra in foot.ini
<dnkl> Just like the pinned comment on the aur web page for foot-terminfo says
<n3o> dnkl: Alright, I'll do it rn
<n3o> dnkl: Well, that fixed the issue, thank you!
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<n3o> Hello there
<n3o> How may I apply specific styles of a font?
<n3o> like bold or italic
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<beerman> https://dpaste.com/C8X8DCEAM i have that in my config
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<n3o> Oh thats how you do it! Thank you!
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<dnkl> cbb: the vim devs wonder if we can change our secondary DA response. Specifically, the leading '1', as they worry our response will collide with other terminals' respondes (since most terminals reply with their version number)
<dnkl> Thoughts?
<dnkl> They seem to rely on TERM and the DA response to identity a terminal
<dnkl> And seem unwilling to add additional queries
<dnkl> Like XTVERSION, or tertiary DA
<dnkl> I'm thinking it's a bad idea
<dnkl> S/respondes/responses
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<cbb> dnkl: I could imagine some arguments for changing the secondary DA reply
<cbb> but that the one they give doesn't seem very compelling
<cbb> but the one*
<cbb> doesn't the "1" mean "vt220"...?
<cbb> surely that "collides" with other terminals by design....since they're all emulating a vt220
<cbb> or put another way; it only "collides" if you see it as some kind of unique terminal ID, which it really isn't...
<dnkl> cbb: exactly. 1 means vt220. I'd rather not change it. I'll tell them we won't change it and see what they say
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<cbb> dnkl: I could maybe understand changing it to one of the later DEC models
<cbb> but not just changing it to some arbitrary unique number to justify their hacks
<cbb> lol
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<dnkl> Yeah... There's a very real possibility that other applications enable features depending on the VT level reported
<dnkl> Pretending to be a vt540 is probably not a good idea...
<cbb> yeah it's probably best to keep it conservative
<cbb> vt220 seems perfect for that
<dnkl> And making up a random number may work. Or not. Really hard to say what applications will do when presented with something unknown
<dnkl> Ok. Thanks for the feedback :)
<dnkl> I'll make a case for us keeping the current format
<cbb> dnkl: no worries
<cbb> fwiw, the only value I see in the DA responses is for emulation/compat purposes
<cbb> it doesn't make much sense to extend it beyond what it historically was.....if they can just use XTVERSION
<dnkl> Yeah. But that was apparently too much to ask
<dnkl> :/
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<dnkl> To be honest, i think they're kind of turning a blind eye to their own issues...
<cbb> dnkl: lol yeah I was going to say that
<cbb> multiple issues
<cbb> I replied to the thread
<cbb> I avoided mentioning the issue though, lol
<cbb> I don't think they respond very well to that kind of thing over there
<dnkl> Yeah, i don't intend to push that issue anymore. Just happy if we can get a working solution for foot
<cbb> to be brutally honest, their entire codebase is just one big issue
<cbb> but Bram has admitted as much in the past, so I don't feel guilty for saying so ;)
<dnkl> :) want aware of that
<dnkl> Wasn't*
<cbb> dnkl: hmm I had to edit my post
<cbb> I guess his concerns about DCS sequences do apply
<cbb> the problems can be worked around though -- switch to alt. screen, perform any queries and then clear screen before drawing anything
<dnkl> Another day in the wonderful world of terminal emulators :)
<cbb> dnkl: lol
<cbb> I'm not sure if I've been even remotely convincing, but I leave my comment as is now
<dnkl> cbb: thanks, that last update finally makes sense... I wasn't sure what the "DCS problem" was... But DCS *queries*, that I can understand can cause issues
<cbb> dnkl: yeah I confused myself for a moment...
<cbb> dnkl: did you study the xterm code to implement modifyOtherKeys=2 ?
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