dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.9.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<hspak> Just a heads up, it looks like the ncurses package version 6.3 on arch includes the foot terminfo in it. Just ran into this: https://paste.rs/iro
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<dnkl> I'll push updates to the AUR packages later today.
<dnkl> hspak: thanks for pinging!
<dnkl> (got a few AUR comments as well...)
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<dnkl> All foot AUR packages have now been updated
<tomleb> Hey folks, I recently changed terminal to foot and I'm liking it so far. I'm currently having an issue with vim + fzf.vim. I'm having trouble finding the cause so I don't know yet if it's terminal/vim/fzf the culprit. The issue I'm having is that eventually, my ctrl+p keybinding doesn't start fzf anymore, and instead it just moves the cursor up. I wonder if anyone had similar issue with foot in the
<tomleb> past?
<dnkl> tomleb: not much of a vim user myself, but the closest thing I've heard about is https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/9014
<dnkl> (which isn't really foot related at all)
<dnkl> except that foot emits the escapes for C-; by default
<dnkl> many terminals emit the same escape for ; and C-;
<dnkl> thus never triggering this issue
<tomleb> Damn, that's what it is. ctrl+; breaks it.
<dnkl> tomleb: then I'd suggest chiming in on that issue, to hopefully get someone to look at it ;)
<tomleb> yeah I'll do that. In the meantime, is there a workaround I could do with foot to emit something else than the escape for C-;?
<dnkl> tomleb: aside from patching the sources and rebuild foot, no, unfortunately not
<tomleb> alright, thanks, I'll give patching the source a shot. Thank you again
<dnkl> note that this is generic "catch-all" code to handle non-ascii keys with modifiers
<dnkl> up to you if you want to disable all of them, or filter out ';'
<tomleb> I'll probably try filtering out ';' only to attempt to break the less amount of stuff :P
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<cbb> dnkl: tomleb: wouldn't using the new "noop" key binding work?
<cbb> ...it'd emit nothing, but that's perhaps what is wanted
<dnkl> cbb: oh yeah, that's right! Forgot about that one...
<dnkl> tomleb: foot.ini: [key-bindings] \n noop=Control+; (untested)
<tomleb> Is that foot specific?
<dnkl> yes
<tomleb> Ok let me try.. I finished my patch and it worked too, so let me try this as well
<dnkl> you're basically telling foot to handle the key combo, instead of passing it to the application
<dnkl> and then do nothing with it...
<cbb> the original use case was pretty much the same as this one
<dnkl> Right, *exactly* the same issue 🤣
<dnkl> tomleb: the binding should be "Control+semicolon" (and not ";")
<tomleb> right, I was trying to find how to specify ;
<tomleb> key-bindings.noop isn't available on 1.9.1 apparently so I'll have to build it myself
<tomleb> but other than that, it works fine. Thanks!
<hhirtz> dnkl: thanks a lot for the explanation, this helps a lot. Just a question about the "old" text example, the cells have to be cleared because foot suppose the application computes the width of unicode codepoint invidually (instead of e.g. taking the width of a codepoint in the cluster)
<hhirtz> ok, thanks!
<dnkl> hhirtz: did my comment clear things up?
<hhirtz> yes :)
<dnkl> hhirtz: so yeah, the assumption that wcswidth() works as "agreement" between the terminal and the application is only true if the actual implementations of wcswidth() are identical...
<dnkl> I believe there has been similar issues in the past, not related to emojis, even with plain wcwidth()
<dnkl> due to the implementations implementing different versions of the Unicode standard...
<dnkl> hhirtz: can I close #782 ?
<cbb> tomleb: `xkbcli interactive-wayland` can be useful for finding keysym names
<dnkl> cbb: I just added that to the foot.ini(5) man page
<cbb> dnkl: nice one!
<hhirtz> dnkl: closed, thank you again
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<armin> hi, i have the following error when trying to upgrade my arch linux installation: https://unix.porn/f.png - the "ncurses" package obviously conflicts with some foot terminfo files (!?) - anyone an idea what to do? should i talk to the packager?
<dnkl> armin: update the foot packages first, then do a system update
<dnkl> armin: see the pinned comments on the foot and foot-terminfo packages on aur.archlinux.org
<armin> oh interesting
<dnkl> armin: that's one way to call it. I call it annoying 😅
<armin> dnkl: it is, but i'm not here to complain ;-)
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<digital_mystik> hello.. so random issue I was having for a while with aerc and my neovim theme being completely red was resolved with the latest update! not sure what did it, but thanks haha (noone should care but glad its fixed 👍)
<dnkl> digital_mystik: no idea either, but hey, great anyway :)
<digital_mystik> sometimes things have a way of working themselves out
<tomleb> Been finding out more keyboard combo that triggers this vim bug: ctrl+escape, ctrl+., ctrl+, ctrl+' so I'll be noop'ing most of them
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