dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.9.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<feinedsquirrel> Another question, if I may. In Termite I am able to set the cursor location in vim (I'm on arch linux) by clicking at the desired location. Foot does not let me do that. I read through the foot and foot.ini man pages, but can't figure out if what I need is in there. Is this just something that isn't possible in foot?
<manio> feinedsquirrel: fwiw just also tested it in neovim now and I my main cursor is still in previous place
<manio> it seems it is because the text is selected and probably it was not a good idea to move the cursor when selecting text
<manio> one way or another i think dnkl will tell you more...
<feinedsquirrel> manio: thanks for verifying, yeah, that makes sense, not moving cursor during selection. Hope there's a way to make it happen
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<dnkl> feinedsquirrel: manio: I don't use vim myself... But, what does the mouse cursor look like while inside vim? An I-beam, or a pointer (arrow)?
<dnkl> In any case, I suspect the issue is that vim, before enabling many features, checks the name of the terminfo against a pre-defined list. If you're not on that list, tough luck. Last time I checked, foot was not on that list
<dnkl> So, you could try running vim with TERM=xterm-256color, and see if that works better
<dnkl> If it does, you can set term in your vimrc (rather than changing TERM for *all* applications in e.g foot.ini)
<dnkl> FWIW, I use neovim myself when I want a vim-like editor
<manio> dnkl: the mouse cursor inside vim is I-beam for me
<manio> dnkl: I am also using neovim here btw
<dnkl> manio: ok, then it looks like vim hasn't enabled mouse capturing. And then clicking-to-move the cursor obviously will not work
<dnkl> Let me check my own vim/neovim configs later, when I'm at a computer
<manio> oh and I have set xterm-256color currently
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<dnkl> feinedsquirrel: manio: for vim (not neovim), you need 'set ttymouse=sgr' and 'set mouse=a' in your vimrc
<dnkl> not sure what you need for neovim. My conf is empty, and mouse just works...
<dnkl> perhaps it depends on which version of neovim you're on (0.5.1 here)
<manio> same version here (I use arch btw ;)
<manio> dnkl: let's see what feinedsquirrel will find out... I personally don't need a mouse in neovim, frankly this is why I am using vim (to use it with keyboard only) :)
<manio> I was only trying to help/diagnose in my env
<dnkl> manio: got it, and thanks! :)
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<brocellous> neovim mouse works fine for me in foot
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<feinedsquirrel> I hope y'all live in a very different time zone than I do. :) First off, using the default vimrc for Arch, I have an I-beam mouse cursor (not a pointer). If I set TERM=xterm-256color, or, if I manually assign ttymouse=sgr, or, if I do both, I have a pointer mouse cursor, and I am able to click to place the input cursor. ...
<dnkl> feinedsquirrel: great! Must likely, vim doesn't want to enable mouse capturing automatically when running in a terminal emulator it doesn't recognize. Xterm it knows supports it, but "foot".... Never heard of it :D
<feinedsquirrel> ... reading the ":help ttymouse", looks like xterm, screen, tmux, and "st" terminals are on that short list you mentioned. It also says if compiled in, and "t_RV is set to the escape sequence to request xterm version", the ttymouse is set to sgr by default. Am I to read that as conditional on if "TERM=xterm*"? Arch xterm version is 369, so I'm assuming that extra condition must be met.
<feinedsquirrel> Haha, yeah, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I assume termite worked by default because its terminfo file is called xterm-termite.
<dnkl> feinedsquirrel: probably the exact reason it's called "xterm-termite"...
<dnkl> Which leads to terminal applications going to (greater) lengths to try to differentiate the real xterm from terminals pretending to be xterm...
<dnkl> Because only xterm supports *all* features of xterm
<feinedsquirrel> yeah, I'd bet. There are probably a lot of tools written with xterm in mind, easy hack to get basic behavior.
<feinedsquirrel> makes sense
<dnkl> European timezone here, btw
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