dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.9.2 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<cherti> just noticed: the foot-terminfo included in curses seems to be incomplete
<cherti> very specifically, the tsl-capability seems to be not present
<cherti> is that known/intended/broken?
<cherti> works fine if I set term=foot-extra in foot.ini
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<rcf> cherti: this is the intention; the entry was added by upstream of their own initiative, and they only include the more 'standard' capabilities as defined by them.
<rcf> foot-extra is used to add all the extra features for those who care about more than ncurses, without clashing with the ncurses package people are already going to have installed.
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<cbb> rcf: that's the case for most of the excluded caps, but I think "tsl" was a different case
<cbb> "tsl" was dropped because when Thomas Dickey tested the original terminfo entry, "tsl" didn't seem to work
<cbb> but that's because he was using client-side decorations, where showing the window title wasn't implemented yet
<rcf> Ah
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<cbb> that capability in particular can be probably be added upstream
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<cbb> cherti: which program(s) are affected?
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<cherti> rcf, cbb: it crashes ranger
<cherti> there is a PR open to fix that, I have patched mine locally, but official ranger releases will crash on foot with the ncurses-terminfo
<cherti> and even after the fix (which is basically "oh, not supported? ok, we'll ditch this functionality") some features do not work, specifically setting the terminal title to the current directory
<cherti> (that being said, it only crashes ranger if you have enabled that feature, can't recall what's the exact option name was, but then it does so absolutely reliably)
<cherti> but sounds that bug has to be opened against curses then
<dnkl> That's where i brought this up with ncurses
<dnkl> At that time, foot did not support rendering the title in CSDs
<cherti> ah, so the ncurses-terminfo is simply old*?
<cherti> s/*//
<dnkl> I explained that it *only* affected GNOME, and that future versions of foot would fix this
<dnkl> But i only got a "didn't work for me" response
<dnkl> I.e terminfo in ncurses is still missing the tsl caps
<cherti> ok… do they have a bugtracker? like at all?
<cherti> the website doesn't look like it
<dnkl> The mailing list is the bug tracker
<cherti> I was afraid you'd say that…
<cherti> can they just clone your foot-terminfo, i.e. is the "fix" done in half an hour or do they need to make it themselves?
<dnkl> cherti: who is "they"? Ncurses maintainers?
<cherti> yes
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<dnkl> They did clone our terminfo to begin with
<cherti> ah well, in that case it seems simple enough
<dnkl> Then stripped everything that they considered wrong, or non-standard
<cherti> I'll see if I can ask on the ml later
<dnkl> 👍
<dnkl> I believe vim also depends on the status line caps to set the window title
<cherti> that didn't break *yet* on me
<cherti> (then again, vim == nvim in this case?)
<dnkl> Plain old vim is what I was thinking about. But not sure, I only use vim casually.
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<cherti> didn't notice anything so far, but might be that it's different int nvim or I'm not using the features that trigger the problem
<dnkl> cbb: I'm considering adding support for modifyOtherKeys=2
<dnkl> I think it can be done with a fairly small patch
<dnkl> Triggered by this
<dnkl> (run-time switching only, no conf option. Foot would still default to our current mode)
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<cbb> dnkl: seems reasonable
<cbb> modifyOtherKeys=2 is kind of quirky
<cbb> if I recall correctly it sends an uppercase codepoint *and* a shift modifier for Shift+letters
<cbb> which can make things difficult for clients
<cbb> it's not very well designed at all imo....it's just a thrown together hack like many other things in xterm
<cbb> but if vim is using it and adding support for it improves things it's probably still worth doing
<dnkl> I agree with that... I wouldn't even consider it if it would have required completely new keymap tables, or encoding logic. But it doesn't - the patch is fairly small
<cbb> dnkl: yeah, if the patch is small it seems like a very reasonable thing to add
<cbb> especially since it's been around much longer than any alternative
<cbb> I wonder if vim plan to use the kitty protocol (or are already)?
<cbb> I've also been wondering whether it'd be worthwhile to have an option in foot to control if the modifyOtherKeys=1 sequences are sent by default
<dnkl> Yeah, with the changes introduced with this PR, making mode 1 optional as well should be fairly simple
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