dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.10.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<dnkl> Isn't hunter a file browser? It does sixel, I think?
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<novakane> oh you already added the build flag for theme, nice, thank you!
<dnkl> novakane: yeah, managed to find a couple of spare minutes last night :D
<novakane> cool :D
<novakane> dnkl: btw did you saw my messsage last night about xdg-open, I still can't figure out why it open everything in firefox
<dnkl> And for all the Arch users: the foot package has now been split into foot + foot-themes
<dnkl> Xdg-open isn't "source" aware
<dnkl> I.e y doesn't care who called it
<dnkl> It just maps URI type to application
<dnkl> I think...
<dnkl> I.e it doesn't know, it care, that you're running it in a terminal context
<novakane> hmm so does open an url in url mode does something else than calling xgd-open $url?
<dnkl> The default just does xdg-open url
<novakane> because I can't understand why mimetype works everywhere but with foot url mode
<dnkl> Do you mean for example osc8 links?
<dnkl> With "ls"
<dnkl> ?
<novakane> yeah
<dnkl> They are file:///foo.txt URIs
<dnkl> Xdg-open probably handles that differently compared to plain foo.txt
<novakane> oh
<dnkl> you could write a small wrapper script for xdg-open, that recognizes file:/// URIs, and strips of the file:/// prefix before calling xdg-open
<dnkl> and use that as url.launch in foot
<novakane> hmm it could be that, makes sense, I'm going to try to make something, thanks
<novakane> so in copy mode foot already strips the prefix?
<dnkl> novakane: yeah, for file:// URIs pointing to localhost
<dnkl> (that includes file:/// URIs, where the hostname is "empty")
<dnkl> it's similar to how the file://-prefix is stripped when pasting URI-lists (a clipboard mime type) from other applications
<novakane> alright, that's why I didn't thought about this being a problem
<dnkl> for example, when dragging files from a graphical file manager
<rumpelsepp> IIRC `gio open` handles it correctly
<rumpelsepp> gio is the gnome io tool. I use it on sway instead of xdg-open.
<dnkl> heh, "gio open PKGBUILD" started an emacsclient instance side-by-side with my shell... aka *not* good :D
<rumpelsepp> haha lol. 😀
<dnkl> but, using it as url.launch seems to work - the file pops up in my already open emacsclient instance
<novakane> hmm I made a quick bash script to strip file:// which look like works as intended in a term but not with url.laucnh
<dnkl> novakane: what is (not) happening?
<novakane> dnkl: https://paste.sr.ht/~novakane/e5304c98875ce3aa42262b968d710e3c7ed4011a with `url.launch=open-wrapper ${url}` still open in firefox
<dnkl> novakane: does the script still work from the terminal if you run it through "nohup"?
<novakane> oh, no
<dnkl> novakane: so xdg-open somehow depends on whether there's a tty...
<dnkl> what if you unset both DISPLAY and WAYLAND_DISPLAY before calling xdg-open?
<dnkl> btw, xdg-open is just a shell script. It has *lots* of custom handling of different DEs etc
<dnkl> might be worth going through to try to see which path it uses (and thus which helper applications is cals)
<dnkl> from a quick look, it appears opening in the browser is always the last fallback
<novakane> unsetting DISPLAY and WAYLAND_DISPLAY doesn't change anything
<novakane> you have a line for xdg-open code please?
<novakane> s/line/link/
<dnkl> novakane: file:///usr/bin/xdg-open ;)
<dnkl> it's a shell script
<novakane> oh duh, thanks
<beerman> did any of you try handlr yet? I use that for a while but i am currently unable to test what you are trying to do
<beerman> https://github.com/chmln/handlr the handlr binary basically acts like a drop in replacement for xdg-open
<novakane> hmm looks like xdg-open already strip 'file://' with `file_url_to_path()`
<novakane> beerman: nope I didn't know handlr, I'll look into it, but I'd like to fix xdg-open just because it bother me to not understand lol
<beerman> ok, no worries :) i just wanted to drop it in case it might help
<dnkl> beerman: thanks, looks interresting!
<dnkl> gave it a quick spin, Seems to work. I'll run this conf for a while to see if it keeps behaving :)
<novakane> yeah so xdg-open already strip the prefix so there just someething weird happening with tty
<novakane> guess I'll try handlr too then
<beerman> https://github.com/chmln/handlr/issues/36 <- this one is what i hope can be changed properly upstream, but i didn't look too closely yet
<dnkl> beerman: if it depends on a 10 year old GNOME issue - good luck 🙄
<beerman> lol.. i had the same feeling months ago :D
<novakane> so with handlr you use `url.launch=handlr open ${url}` in foot.ini?
<beerman> i am not able to see for myself, but i actually made a symlink from handlr to xdg-open in /usr/local/bin that prepends my path
<beerman> so i am pretty certain i still use xdg-open as given in the default config
<dnkl> novakane: yeah, that's what I'm doing at least
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<novakane> well it doesnt open anything for me, guess I messed something
<beerman> you have to associate filetypes with applications in handlr, you can see current associations with `handlr list`
<dnkl> novakane: depends on which application it tried to use. I ended up with several emacsclient processes in the background (no visible windows) when I tried to open files without having an already open emacsclient instance
<novakane> oh I see I have `server: /run/user/1000/foot-wayland-1.sock is already accepting connections; is 'foot --server' already running` when I use url mode
<dnkl> :D
<novakane> beerman: yeah thats good handlr open everything when using it in terminal
<novakane> hmm why would it try to use a new foot --server
<novakane> everything is so confusing today lol
<dnkl> you have TERMINAL set to that, or something similar?
<dnkl> or maybe it copies the command line from the process that started handlr...
<dnkl> 🤷
<beerman> https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xdg/xdg-specs/-/issues/54 everytime i read into tickets for the gnome project i get a headache... how come they are still alive i wonder...
<novakane> nope foot --server only start once with a runit service at my pc boot and after I use footclient
<novakane> I'm just gonna give up lol
<novakane> ah I see handlr set x-scheme-handler/terminal to foot-server.desktop
<dnkl> Ah. was going to say that it (also?) goes through your .desktop files
<emersion> yeah that dbus API is nuts
<novakane> allright I change it to foot.desktop and it works, I need to make a footclient.desktop though
<dnkl> novakane: we should add footclient.desktop to foot upstream I think, seeing we already have foot-server
<dnkl> beerman: emersion: I started reading the issue and was "what dbus API?". Then I scrolled to the bottom...
<dnkl> why does all things gnome end in dbus?
<beerman> dnkl: madness :)
<emersion> ;_;
<novakane> dnkl: it would makes sense yeah
<novakane> I'll open a PR with what I did if you want
<dnkl> novakane: already did: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/pulls/794
<dnkl> good?
<novakane> dnkl: yep that what I have
<dnkl> novakane: merged
<novakane> nice thanks!
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<novakane> works fine
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<andrew_> hello, is there a way to make foot render right to left text (like arabic) correctly? "bidi"
<dnkl> andrew_: unfortunately not: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/issues/756
<andrew_> I see, thank you
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<dnkl> patch release in a couple of days, I guess... https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/issues/795
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