dnkl changed the topic of #foot to: Foot - fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator || 1.10.0 || https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot || channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/foot
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<cbb> Nulo: what about a core dump?
<cbb> coredumpctl | tail
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<Arnavion> If anyone involved with the alpine package of foot is here, FYI: https://gitlab.alpinelinux.org/alpine/aports/-/merge_requests/27547
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<Arnavion> Ah
<Arnavion> Though that one overrides the ncurses definitions rather than coinstalling them as -extra
<Arnavion> I think Alpine does technically allow packages to replace files of other packages, because that was being done (is still being done?) for the polkit packages. (Alpine carries two sets of polkit packages, one compiled with elogind support and the other without)
<Arnavion> ... which led to a whole kerfuffle a few months ago. So IMHO it'd be better to not propagate it and just keep them as -extra
<dnkl> Arnavion: yeah, they are different. Just thought I'd point out its existence. I personally don't prefer one solution over the other
<Arnavion> Yeah, thanks. I had searched for existing issues and I'm not sure how I missed this
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<Nulo> cbb, I'm on Alpine, I don't have coredumpctl
<Nulo> And I didn't get a core dump
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<ajshell1> Does foot support ibus's ctrl+shift+u unicode input method? I can't seem to get that to work on Alacritty, so I was wondering if that could work on foot.
<ajshell1> Thanks. That seems to be my issue in a nutshell, since I'm on sway.
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<Nulo> That's a lot of K-Lines?
<ajshell1> This seems to have also happened to the sway channel. I wonder what's going on
<emersion> eh
<emersion> seems like chat.sr.ht got k-lined?
* emersion pings libera staff
<emersion> ah no
<cbb> it's Andrew Lee
<cbb> ;)
<emersion> it's just matrix
<emersion> got confused by the IP addresses
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