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the first video is lanscape the second one is portrait
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Hello, I've concatenated 4 videos into one with "ffmpeg -f concat -i list.txt -c copy out.mp4". The codecs for the original videos are H264 and AAC.
The resulting merged video has problems, if I seek back and forth when playing it with mplayer. All parts seems to be there, but audio and video get easily out of synch.
Is there a better invocation of "ffmpeg -f concat" to produce a more robust output video?
try remuxing to mpegts before concatenating
also, try not using mplayer
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Hi, I am trying to remove a subtitle stream from a video but codec copying and mapping only a/v streams to the output does not work, any ideas?
Here's the command:
Are you sure it's a subtitle stream, and not embedded CC or even just straight up burned in?
When I do ffprobe, It shows up as athird stream under Input 0, with the format of data
I'm trying to remove it because it's pointless anyway, ffprobe flags it as erroneous
according to this it's a chapter stream and -map_chapters -1 will get rid of it
Maybe my fault for trusting debian's packages to be relatively problem-free :P
They're just bloody old, and stuff gets fixed all the time
and only the most critical security fixes get backported
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furq: If I can get it playing on the tv, i'll ignore the little stream error
well you might as well add that if you're transcoding it anyway
More than likely your TV just can't play 10 bit content
Yeah probably.
furq: That pixel setting did not work
It still shows as high 10 with ffprobe
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BtbN: you suggested I remux to mpegts before concatenating (my problem: concat 4 videos, the output is out of synch). I'm trying to understand how to do it. Is it the "Using intermediate files" part from the "concatenate" wiki page?
The command there converts each mp4 into a ts, then concat all the ts's together into an mp4
That's a different approach
But you remux them exactly like shown there
but then stick to the concat format, not the protocol like they do there
concat protocol is literally just cat 1.ts 2.ts > full.ts
That only works if the streams are made for it, i.e. were cut from one file before
BtbN: Ok I see. Meanwhile I found out more of what's wrong with my original concatenated output: where there should be the transition (cut) from input video #1 to input video #2, the audio from video #2 starts (good), but the video frame from video #1 stays there for a good 90 seconds (bad). So that's why I have an offset between audio and video from that point on. I'll try your suggestion, remuxing to mpeg-ts.
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BtbN: remuxing to mpeg-ts, then doing "ffmpeg -f concat" with that, worked great! thanks for your help
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half-offtopic: can someone recommend video upscaling software or algorithms [within or outside of ffmpeg]?