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<megumin> I want to concat 2 videos with different lansdcape without reencodin when I do it the second video change the landscape
<megumin> who to save the landscape for every video
<megumin> > ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i <(echo -e "file /tmp/1r.mp4\nfile /tmp/2r.mp4") -map_metadata 0 -c copy output.mp4
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<megumin> the first video is lanscape the second one is portrait
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<ggherdov> Hello, I've concatenated 4 videos into one with "ffmpeg -f concat -i list.txt -c copy out.mp4". The codecs for the original videos are H264 and AAC.
<ggherdov> The resulting merged video has problems, if I seek back and forth when playing it with mplayer. All parts seems to be there, but audio and video get easily out of synch.
<ggherdov> Is there a better invocation of "ffmpeg -f concat" to produce a more robust output video?
<BtbN> try remuxing to mpegts before concatenating
<BtbN> also, try not using mplayer
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<wavecatcher> Hi, I am trying to remove a subtitle stream from a video but codec copying and mapping only a/v streams to the output does not work, any ideas?
<wavecatcher> Here's the command:
<BtbN> Are you sure it's a subtitle stream, and not embedded CC or even just straight up burned in?
<wavecatcher> When I do ffprobe, It shows up as athird stream under Input 0, with the format of data
<wavecatcher> I'm trying to remove it because it's pointless anyway, ffprobe flags it as erroneous
<wavecatcher> ffmpeg -i Episode\ 1.mp4 -map 0:v -map 0:a -c copy out.mp4
<wavecatcher> And here's the bad stream:
<BtbN> Try just -c copy -sn
<wavecatcher> Stream #0:2[0x3](eng): Data: bin_data (text / 0x74786574)
<wavecatcher> Metadata:
<wavecatcher> handler_name : SubtitleHandlery
<wavecatcher> BtbN: I tried -sn, it didnt remove the stream
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<BtbN> hm, strange. Could try mapping only explicit numbers
<wavecatcher> I tried -map -0:d also, but it said it couldn't find a data stream
<BtbN> i.e. 0:0 and 0:1
<wavecatcher> Ok, let me try
<wavecatcher> No,it's still there
<wavecatcher> Is it embedded into the audio stream somehow?? Idk
<BtbN> please pastebin the full ffprobe output
<BtbN> It might be embedded CC in the video, not sure how that shows these days
<wavecatcher> Ok
<wavecatcher> The issue is I think the subtitles were somehow broken when I transcoded from mkv -> h264
<BtbN> mkv is a container, and h264 a codec tho?
<wavecatcher> I don't care about the subtitles,I just need the stream gone, I think it's causing the file to show as incompatible on a smart TV
<BtbN> It's gonna be showing as incompatible cause it's 10 bit most likely
<wavecatcher> 10 bit what?
<BtbN> 10 bit color
<wavecatcher> Is that the high 10 setting for h264?
<furq> yes
<furq> that almost never works on hardware
<wavecatcher> I suspected that too, how can I transcode to just normal h264?
<furq> -c:v libx264 -vf format=yuv420p
<BtbN> set the pix_fmt to yuv420p
<furq> and probably add some x264 options
<BtbN> And pick a reasonable crf value
<furq> or maybe just acquire an 8-bit copy
<BtbN> The subtitle stream refusing to go away is still odd though
<BtbN> I'd say try with an up to date version
<wavecatcher> Unfortunately I'll have to re-encode all of these videos
<wavecatcher> Thanks for the help guys,I'll let you know if it works
<wavecatcher> BtbN: You think? I wonder if there's an open issue regarding it for my version
<furq> according to this it's a chapter stream and -map_chapters -1 will get rid of it
<wavecatcher> Maybe my fault for trusting debian's packages to be relatively problem-free :P
<BtbN> They're just bloody old, and stuff gets fixed all the time
<BtbN> and only the most critical security fixes get backported
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<wavecatcher> furq: If I can get it playing on the tv, i'll ignore the little stream error
<furq> well you might as well add that if you're transcoding it anyway
<BtbN> More than likely your TV just can't play 10 bit content
<wavecatcher> Yeah probably.
<wavecatcher> furq: That pixel setting did not work
<wavecatcher> It still shows as high 10 with ffprobe
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<ggherdov> BtbN: you suggested I remux to mpegts before concatenating (my problem: concat 4 videos, the output is out of synch). I'm trying to understand how to do it. Is it the "Using intermediate files" part from the "concatenate" wiki page?
<ggherdov> The command there converts each mp4 into a ts, then concat all the ts's together into an mp4
<BtbN> That's a different approach
<ggherdov> ah.
<BtbN> But you remux them exactly like shown there
<BtbN> but then stick to the concat format, not the protocol like they do there
<BtbN> concat protocol is literally just cat 1.ts 2.ts > full.ts
<BtbN> That only works if the streams are made for it, i.e. were cut from one file before
<ggherdov> BtbN: Ok I see. Meanwhile I found out more of what's wrong with my original concatenated output: where there should be the transition (cut) from input video #1 to input video #2, the audio from video #2 starts (good), but the video frame from video #1 stays there for a good 90 seconds (bad). So that's why I have an offset between audio and video from that point on. I'll try your suggestion, remuxing to mpeg-ts.
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<ggherdov> BtbN: remuxing to mpeg-ts, then doing "ffmpeg -f concat" with that, worked great! thanks for your help
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<jemius> half-offtopic: can someone recommend video upscaling software or algorithms [within or outside of ffmpeg]?
<furq> can't recommend any in particular but if you want to use ffmpeg then or
<wavecatcher> furq: it worked, i just had to go from mkv -> h264 with the vf setting you said
<wavecatcher> im not entirely sure how it ended up on high 10 the last time, the mkv container didnt even use 10 bit colour
<wavecatcher> av1 was the codec
<jemius> furq, hm, do you need GPU acceleration for that? It seems you do
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<BtbN> If you go to raw h264, audio sync will most likely be an issue, wavecatcher
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