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libx264-dev is installed, --pkg-config-flags="--static" --enable-pthreads --extra-libs="-lpthread" are passed to ./configure and yet: "ERROR: x264 not found using pkg-config"
and /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/x264.pc is in place
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i had tried 5.1.6, 7.0.2 and 7.1; all of them gives this error message
any ideas?
pkg-config is there?
the x264.pc?
it is at /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig/x264.pc
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I mean the executable
it is there
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without --enable-x264, it compiles all ok
hmm.. maybe some version mismatch?
even --enable-x265 worked
for all ffmpeg versions?
5.1.6 should work with x264 160 what i have
the resulting binary have some problems
ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
if the required libavdevice is not available, then how did it compile?
if it is, then why can not it find it?
no idea, sorry
TCH: might be a bit overkill but when that happens, i usually get onto a gentoo system and compile it there and compare how it does it to how i am doing it
i do not have a gentoo system
hence why overkill since installing a whole distro in a vm :p
but it has saved my ass when having compilation issues
i believe it, but i have neither the time, nor the space to set up a gentoo and assemble the entire environment in it
ffmpeg 5.1.6 built without x264 and seems to be working
7.1 does not work
despite succesfully building, it does not find libavdevice
well, whatever, with the new options, 5.1.6 supports vorbis now
so vorbis was a bad example, because that did not worked until now with the old non-default config either, but i don't remember what did not worked with the default config, it was too long ago
i hope disabling x264 will not cause a lot of videos to not work...
thanks, the help
bye all
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everybody ffmpeg is refusing to fix this huge bug
what bug?
* galad
inserts the "oh shit, here we go again" meme
aaabbb ffprobe.exe latest version is showing 30fps as 60fps
old version did NOT do this
where's the bug report
furq what do you think about this major bug
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Hello! I am trying to convert a bunch of images to a video using "ffmpeg -framerate 24 -i image-%04d.jpg video.mp4", however ffmpeg only shows that every third image is being processed (1, 4, 7, 10, ...). Do I have to worry about that?
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furq what do you think about this major bug
jeeb that's not same as testing yourself though with multiple players that you have on your computer
fairway: I don't that's silly. Do you have actual reason to believe that what it reports is wrong?
I didn't ask about what VLC said. I asked what Windows says. Its the reference stack for this format
another| because it's 30 fps file
basically if you don't understand why I'm telling this, it's because then we see what the values are that are part of what might get utilized for whatever calculation
fps != timebase
marth64, i don't know how to check fps in Windowsmediaplayyer
technically avformat probably utilizes the packets, but might as well do the full monty
If you cannot understand or accept that, then this discussion is moot.
another| then why is version 5.x or lower showing as 30 tbr
you cannot answer that
in other words I'm not interested in saying what is wrong and what is correct, I'm recommending checking what the underlying data is. if you don't trust FFmpeg with that, then have fun finding a nice analyzer for the ASF format (like boxdumper or atomicparsley for MP4, or DVBInspector for MPEG-TS)
fairway: I already did. Probably a bug.
another| already did what
I already answered that.
<another|> If 5.0 reported something different, then I assume it was a bug that was fixed.
fps and tbr are calculated in 2 completely different ways...
Stream #0:1: Video: wmv3 (Main) (WMV3 / 0x33564D57), yuv420p, 480x320, 500 kb/s, 15 tbr, 1k tbn , why is it showing 15 TBR for this file this file is 15 fps
you saying fps and tbr is not same yet it acts like it's same for 15 fps wmv file
fairway: you've repeatedly been told that fps and tbr are NOT the same thing
because whatever it bases the logic on happens to set that value is the answer to the question
then explain why it's showing correctly for this file
if you look at the last packets
also the show_frames that was posted
fairway: what is shown correctly?
there are shorter frames there at the end :P
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fairway: showing WHAT correctly? tbr is NOT fps, tbr is tbr, just because something they have the same value doesn't mean they are the same thing
that is your answer, whatever encoded that did variable frame rate indeed
mediainfo says the file is "origianl frame rate 15"
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both 30 and 60 fit 60
JEEB: hah. nice find
I strongly assumed it was VFR that proves it
alternatively the writer of this file messed up and set a funky duration flag for some packets
there are 15527 lines that txt log, just tell me the line #
very last entry
scroll to bottom of file
we are not a concierge service. you can search and see
it starts not too far into the file tbh
there are 551 matches and each of them means that the file contained info that the duration of that frame should be 16ms
or well, probably that packet (which contains a frame)
and yea, looking at the packets, there are essentially gaps in the time line. since those packets have +33ms timestamps, but then mark duration of themselves as 16ms
can I ask what software or hardware is encoding and muxing this file?
and since r_frame_rate is calculated over N amount of packets for a stream, you are getting the common denominator between the durations
Marth64: some random "free video editor" looking at the metadata
i've seen this issue with other 1080p wmv files too (not just from clipchamp)
maybe they share an underlying encoder in common
and don't do 1080p right for this format
martha64 maybe
i would look at the encoder perspective too
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and the difference between versions most likely is that nowadays FFmpeg takes the packet's recorded duration into account more
since when you do not have a packet duration written in the input, of course the duration is the dts difference in packets
but if you explicitly have in a packet a duration mentioned
funny thought... is ffmpeg the encoder?
might try later
Marth64: ffmpeg does not have a vc1 encoder
it says mediafoundation in the metadata so the Windows encoder was utilized
got it
or at least it highly hints at that
ok ill check it with windows media player in a vm later if it says anything useful
ASF and packet durations seem like a fun thing looking at libavformat/asfdec_f, so if someone really cares they could attempt to check why that duration suddenly appears after... quite a few packets/frames.
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another| does ffmpeg have wma encoder then
for wmav1 and wmav2, yes... one does not want to utilize those formats
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ffmpeg -i sample.wmv sample.mp4 creates a 60 fps .mp4 file so it's not even just ffprobe bug, it's ffmpeg bug tooo
ffprobe itself has very little logic, it generally just exposes what avformat/avcodec expose :P
and unsurprising that if you have packets marked as 60fps duration-wise that the command line application will take it into account.
actually wait, it doesn't, nevermind what i said
because the input had packets which are flagged 60fps, and then it depends on how far it reads for the average
the ffprobe packet/frame output shows you how the libraries read the data from the input, and then in ffmpeg the tool the components just get plugged together. so if you have something in the input, then most likely that gets passed to the output
then shouldn't ffprobe sample.wmv also show as 30.02 fps
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since exact logic of trying to get those values depends on the amount of reading and checking the input format requires
so whiel container X might require you to read some amount of packets, container Y might not due to information being somewhere easily readable in the structure or so
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so it's all due to how nowadays duration is exposed for some packets out of the input ASF file. and any effects you see further down the line is due to that.
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