Marth64 changed the topic of #ffmpeg to: Welcome to the FFmpeg USER support channel | Development channel: #ffmpeg-devel | Bug reports: | Wiki: | This channel is publically logged | FFmpeg 7.1 is released
<furq> not very easy to grep for though
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<CounterPillow> yeah one time they or someone like them complained about VLC
<CounterPillow> in like, every channel
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<BtbN> We have someone at work where _everything_ is a critical bug. And I mean _everything_ related to a computer.
<BtbN> So you get E-Mails like "My PC has a bug, please fix it, this is urgent."
<BtbN> And it can be anything from spilled coffee, failed windows update, wrong desktop background, ...
<BtbN> Never been an actual bug so far iirc
<CounterPillow> Good that there's no cockroaches in your office then :^)
<BtbN> We don't even develop software, which makes reporting a bug all the more odd
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