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So I did another test of lossless encoding. This time with rgb input. This time x264rgb beat out libaom-av1
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I've been upscaling episodes of Ranma 1/2, and the software I'm using to upscale wants rgb8 pixels
I'm uspcaling them to 960x720 from 480x360
what are you targetting?
generic question: is the point of upscaling to increase the native resolution in a way that uses more processing time than is reasonable during playback but provides better results (in addition to doing that computation once instead of "every playback")
Lynne: What do you mean?
Thurmond: Upscaling so I can watch it full screen. It's done beforehand. It uses ai
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no, with lossless encoding
Running the ai locally though, so it takes about 6 and a half hours per episode
As for lossless encoding, trying to get the smallest file, but still lossless. I know I can do visually lossless with a much smaller filesize though
I mean, when you uspcale, the result is technically lossless, so why not?
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sonicrules1234: why upscale and not let the renderer do it? IMO upscale encoding is useless. You can't magically create out of nowhere detail, AI or not
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The ai literally create the details out of nowhere. Well, it does it based on it's model
I doubt that
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You can try it if you want
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you're basically upscaling twice. 1. during encoding and 2. when watching on TV which pulls it up to native resolution
I'm watching on my steam deck, which is 800p
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still worhtless, AI or not
but it's your content, so go ahead
Well, I'm just doing it for fun, 1080p ranma already exists
I got an AI upscaler on my high-end TCL TV. Trust me, it's not that smart :)
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AI can do a lot of cool things, and has come a long way from when it first started
you absolutely can magically create detail from nowhere
whether it's accurate or horrible artifacts is another question
Yeah, the detail from nowhere is just it's best guess
But it can be pretty good at guessing
i've seen some really impressive results and some really awful results
which is par for the course for this sort of thing
but the state of the art is definitely better than what a tv can offer
Yeah, plus a tv has to do it in realtime
well even for realtime upscaling
but that also makes a huge difference
not just realtime but without the tv going on fire
My gpu has been heating up my room during the upscaling
<sonicrules1234> I mean, when you uspcale, the result is technically lossless, so why not? <-- this is an assumption
it is a bit of a shame all this stuff gets lumped in under "ai" now
the machine learning guys must be furious that everyone thinks their job is chatgpt
Well, since it's going from bitmap to bitmap in my case, it is indeed lossless
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The loss would be any colorspace converting
whether it uses ai or machine learning only goes to the quality of the results. i guess what i'm asking is: is the point to reduce the load on the renderer and/or provide better results than the renderer can provide *in real time* ?
are those things not true, or just don't apply to you?
because i'm not asking about you in particular
that is broadly what it's for yes
the very intensive upscalers will use more resources than encoding the video
i have noticed, for example, that VLC sometimes consumes much more battery power when expanding certain streams, but not when they just play at their native resolution, which means that at least in some cases, the real-time processing load is non-trivial
i have no way of knowing how generally true that is. it just made logical sense to me in THIS case.
that sounds unusual
i guess it depends what upscaler vlc is using
and it's more noticable on this old machine, which means that the effect is sort of magnified (using the term loosely), which doesn't make it not true, but may be exaggerating the scale (har har) of the cost.
i hope that makes sense. i'm not being super precise
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I submitted a ticket #11330 some time ago, about that audio being cut, is it a bug or expected behavior?
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is it possible I can take 1 input file, run filter to denoise, then encode one output in original resolution, and also scale down the denoised to 720p, and then encode another output of that ?
you can do this with -filter_complex
use output labels for the filters respectively and map them for the outputs the way you want
nice, thanks. do you happen to have a link to some examples or something similar?
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hi, i'm trying to list decklink devices (ffmpeg -f decklink -list_devices 1 -i dummy) however it returns "unknown input format 'decklink'", I understand I need to compile it with decklink support, i'm not sure I know how to do that, is there a precompiled version I could somehow download?
you need to download the decklink sdk and pass the relevant configure parameters
there are no prebuilts with ffmpeg enabled
*with decklink enabled
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oh shoot... copy that, not sure I'll be able to compile it on my own, will look into it, thank you!
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tomb^ , which OS are you on?
I'd rather not say... windows
oh yeah thats a bit… non-trivial then
yeah it kind of sucks on windows
imagine that
msys2 is probably the easiest way
not so much for building ffmpeg even, thats doable, but decklink SDK is not provided as headers for windows but need to be generated from idl files
my goal is to extract the audio stream from a decklink card and stream it to google for speech to text, thought ffmpeg could help with that..
<tomb^> I'm trying compiling through wsl, I've installed ubuntu 18.04 but when trying to cross compile i'm getting "your meson version is too old 0.45.1 wanted 0.49.2", is there a different ubuntu version you guys recommend trying?
ideally one that's not six years old
not sure what depends on meson though unless you're using one of those build helper scripts
I'm using the "/ –disable-nonfree=n"