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<aaabbb> why do the channel names in the showvolume filter flicker, and how can i prevent them from doing that?
<aaabbb> i've removed all unrelated variables and can reproduce it with this: ffplay -f lavfi "anullsrc,showvolume=r=5"
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<aaabbb> i've tested 4.3.6 and 4.4.2 and i'm going to check the source code now
<durandal_1707> it reads previous pixels where font is going to be put
<aaabbb> durandal_1707: why can't it do that before sending the frame?
<aaabbb> is there any way to prevent it from flickering (and strangly getting gradually lighter gray)? it's breaking mpdecimate
<durandal_1707> why you use that with mpdecimate?
<aaabbb> i'm generating analyses of audio, and there are often long periods of silence. i'm using mpdecimate later in the filterchain to save on space
<durandal_1707> ah, the idea for that is to give contrast between channel bar and channel font text
<durandal_1707> but it obviously does not work 100% correctly - as there are flickering
<durandal_1707> needs to change order of it probably, may fix it later tommorrow
<aaabbb> if i only expected one channel, i could disable the channel labels and use drawtext, but i can't assume it will always be the same channel layout
<durandal_1707> if i do not forget
<aaabbb> durandal_1707: another strange thing that i've noticed is that using ffplay causes the font to be white when the volume bar is behind the text, but if using ffmpeg to encode to h264 (or anything else), it's colored pink
<durandal_1707> alpha plane
<aaabbb> that is why 'ffmpeg -filter_complex "sine=frequency=1000,showvolume=r=5" -f h264 - | ffplay -' and 'ffplay -f lavfi "sine=frequency=1000,showvolume=r=5"' appear different?
<aaabbb> i suppose i can figure out how to get around that on my own, thanks
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<aaabbb> durandal_1707: is there any way i can get rid of the flickering in a filtergraph without patching and recompiling? setting p=1 works but that causes the channel labels to be hidden when the volume bars are not over them
<durandal_1707> nope
<durandal_1707> it reused video buffer all the time
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<aaabbb> why doesn't the volume intensity flicker?
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<aaabbb> i guess i'll have to set t=0 and then think of some way to drawtext dependent on the number of channels
<durandal_1707> aaabbb: try set fade to 0
<aaabbb> yeah that works. i like the fade, but it's not necessary. thanks :)
<durandal_1707> thing is if fade > 0.0 it will fade also text, the text stuff should be drawn last, and such pixels should not be cached/reused in next output frame....
<aaabbb> perhaps if i mix in some audio so the minimum sound is always enough that the bar stays over the text...
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<durandal_1707> yea...
<aaabbb> or perhaps there's a filter which i can use to take the first frame of the leftmost 20 pixels, freeze it, then overlay it. idk, at this point it's an exercise in curiosity
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<Hopeful5155> Anyone can help me?
<CounterPillow> no
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<Hopeful5155> Can someone tell me how to get the subtitle segments to match their correspondent `.ts` output here? `ffmpeg.exe -y -hide_banner -ss 00:15:00.000 -i http://file.mkv -copyts -t 60 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:s:0 -codec:v:0 copy -codec:a:0 copy -codec:s:0 webvtt -f hls -hls_time 2.0 -force_key_frames expr:gte(t,n_forced*2) -hls_playlist_type vod
<Hopeful5155> -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename out_%01d.ts out_.m3u8`
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<Hopeful5155> Can you see my question? Am I banned?
<aaabbb> we can see your question, but answers can take a while to come in
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<Hopeful5155> alright, i'll wait
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<BtbN> With subtitles, very often it's simply not implemented.
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<aindilis> hi, I am trying to extract an mp3 clip given an mplayer seek position (-sb 95380000), and I can't seem to find a way to do that with ffmpeg. I also don't know how to compute the time that would be useful for an -ss value
<aindilis> *seek byte
<JEEB> there's a byte-specific value in ffmpeg cli as well
<aindilis> TY!
<JEEB> s/value/option/
<aindilis> ha! TY! I am silly. :)
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<aindilis> wait, I tried -sb and it started at the beginning nevertheless, do you know what the CLI flag is?
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<JEEB> I don't recall right now, you may want to check out
<aindilis> TY again!
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<Kissaki> Good day. My email provider rejects insecure email delivery (as per my preference). I received a log msg that an email from `` has been rejected. Is it correct and known that the trac instance sends email out in a non-secured manner? Are there plans on upgrading to secure mail transport/delivery?
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<BtbN> define "non secure manner".
<BtbN> It does not gpg encrypt its mails or anything
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<DeHackEd> I assume he means the mail server runs SSL/TLS over port 25 for delivery
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<Tirili> Hi
<Tirili> Is there a way to specify milliseconds for the start time in a command like
<Tirili> ffmpeg -i source.mp4 -ss 00:02:07 -to 00:04:27 -c copy cut_video.mp4
<Tirili> ?
<Tirili> For example, I'd like to start at 00:02:07.456 - Is there a way to accomplish this?
<brianp> Hey! In the docs for drawtext ( it says: "It accepts the following parameters" and lists a bunch of things but anytime I try and use a parameter that has an underscore it errors with something like: "Error applying option 'text_align' to filter 'drawtext': Option not found". Are these parameters
<brianp> applied differently or is there something unique about them?
<BtbN> you're probably using some outdated version which doesn't have them
<brianp> this was my guess, so I just checked versions and it says I'm on v6.0
<brianp> which made me wonder if these were unstabalized params or something like that
<BtbN> unstabilized?
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<durandal_1707> docs on documents only git version of FFmpeg
<durandal_1707> not 6.0
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<BtbN> so 6.0 is too old
<brianp> That'll do it!
<brianp> Do the docs say anywhere that they don't reflect the downloadable version?
<Tirili> Nvm, what I posted above was actually the solution :D Didn't realize that it had already worked. Sorry
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<BtbN> latest master is downloadable just fine
<durandal_1707> brianp: for docs of your version 6.0 consult your installation
<brianp> Could just be confusing phrasing. The docs site says docs are updated nightly and corresponds to the newest revision. Which it then lists at 6.0.
<BtbN> releases pretty much only cater to distros. Latest version is whatever is in master
<brianp> In any case I appreciate you sorting me out! i'll see what I can do about getting a version bump!
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<ksmr> hello, when writing the output of the apng demuxer to a pipe, it doesn't set num_frames in the acTL chunk correctly, however it does when writing to a file, is there any way to fix this?
<durandal_1707> not possible
<durandal_1707> you can not seek within pipe
<durandal_1707> and num_frames is set at start of file
<durandal_1707> self explanatory
<ksmr> ah okay
<ksmr> can i force ffmpeg to write a specific num_frames then?
<durandal_1707> no
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