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<petaflot> tm512: cool
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<zsolt> is there a way to set the pixel format of decoded frames when using `AV_CODEC_HW_CONFIG_METHOD_HW_DEVICE_CTX`? something like `AVHWFramesContext::sw_format`. the hw_decode.c example doesn't really touch on this
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<jkqxz> zsolt: The direct pixel format is set by your get_format callback. Generally the hw frames only have one valid sw format, and it will use that.
<jkqxz> zsolt: If you need finer control of the allocation (e.g. to make frames which be used directly with some other operation without a copy) then you want to use AV_CODEC_HW_CONFIG_METHOD_HW_FRAMES_CTX instead.
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<zsolt> jkqxz: does that mean i have to convert the frames using swscale from e. g. AV_PIX_FMT_VAAPI to AV_PIX_FMT_YUV420P if i want to display it using SDL?
<zsolt> currently i'm looping through an `AVHWFrameConstraints`'s `valid_sw_formats` and only using hardware acceleration if one of the formats matches the AVStream's pixel format
<zsolt> s/AVHWFrameConstraints/AVHWFramesConstraints/
<jkqxz> To do it simply with SDL you want to download the frames to CPU memory and then let SDL deal with them from there. See av_hwframe_transfer_data().
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<zsolt> SDL_UpdateYUVTexture expects yuv data though. right now i don't know how to make sure the data it receives is actually yuv
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<vuipuh> Hello! Can I automatically find potential glitches in a stream with ffprobe or ffmpeg?
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<Atsuko> i have a bluray from 2012 that i have dumped, after encoding it with ffmpeg, it starts gliching out halfway through to the end
<Atsuko> i check the source and there are around 5 or so green frames at that point but then the rest of the content is fine
<Atsuko> is there anything i can do so the encode doesn't continue to glitch out after those green frames?
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<Atsuko> this is example of source frame and ffmpeg output
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<vuipuh> I would use video cutting software if the result is too bad. Cut out the bad frames
<vuipuh> ouh that looks bad
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