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<vlt> Hello everyone :) From -filter:v drawtext=text=foo:box=1:boxw=200 I get "Error loading value for option 'oxw' from file '300'". This is "ffmpeg version 6.0-static". Any idea what might be going on here?
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<vlt> (correction: I get the same number in the error mesage as the specified boxw parameter.)
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<manwithluck> I brought cheap $130 moto g22 a while back, and it has moderate samsung camera sensor from samsung a23
<manwithluck> so the sensor is good, and opencamera records at default around 16-18mbit h264
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<manwithluck> but the video is really very bad by any standard, basically it all looks like passed via smooth edge filter, which are both anyway disabled in camera 2 api in opencamera
<manwithluck> so I saw on facebook many people record videos like this, with just huge shining smoothed white edges on grass, for example
<manwithluck> while photos are excellent, especially during day, outdoors, they are very good
<manwithluck> very high res, and as for modern sensor it's ok
<manwithluck> so I wanted to say, that mobiles have this cheap encoder but they have enough power to encode in software
<manwithluck> like 8 cores should be enough I guess for average encoded and it should be better then this very crappy hardware encoder
<manwithluck> you know any x264 android recorder, just like players who use ffmpeg instead of soc api
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<manwithluck> like i know it's not much power in this mediatek
<manwithluck> but this hardware one is poorer than x264 cpu power of this phone
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<manwithluck> I am reading this camera support it somewhat says maybe it can capture raw frames
<manwithluck> but I guess android not really supporting it, such a shame, they dont want to show their codec is $0.5
<manwithluck> actually it was $10 up for this camera
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<Trel> Are you just trying to convert video on Android or are you trying to get the camera to encode differently, because if it's the former, I have an answer for you.
<Trel> (The answer being F-Droid to install Termux, then install ffmpeg in Termux)
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<vlt> vlt: The boxw option from the documentation was just recently (2023-05) added to vf_drawtext.c, your 6.0 release is from 2023-02.
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<ishan> hi
<ishan> I had asked this earlier but it got lost. Is there any thing I can do with ffmpeg here to correct video duration? this is important video data for me and the nvr some how made a mess. :/
<ishan> At the top, it says video length is 50 minutes when it's actually ~5 minutes
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<BtbN> What output is that? A lot of stuff just guesses duration based on average bitrate and file size
<BtbN> which can fail spectacularily
<ishan> BtbN: This is output from mediainfo. VLC and all the other players I have used report this as a 50 minute video
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<ishan> but the image quality after converting to jpg and back is not slightly worse
<BtbN> And how did this file come to be?
<BtbN> pointlessly transcoding the video, twice, will trash the quality, yes
<ishan> BtbN: I am still not sure. I use shinobi as NVR. It's using ffmpeg version 4.4.2-0ubuntu0.22.04.1 and it runs ffmpeg like this
<ishan> it has been outputting videos like this for last few weeks
<BtbN> that's an m3u8 playlist
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<ishan> yes, sorry. I don't fully understand how shinobi works. I just see this in the process tree
<BtbN> So you picked a random .ts file out of its set of segments?
<ishan> sorry, didn't get that. what do you mean ?
<BtbN> Where does that video file with the weird duration come from?
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<ishan> It was generated by shinobi. Shinobi captures video from the cameras and it's supposed to write them to disk in 5 minute chunks
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<BtbN> That command you posted produced an m3u8 playlist with multiple segments though, not a simple video file
<furq> it's using fmp4
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<furq> so i guess this is a single mp4 segment
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<ishan> BtbN: Yes, so shinobi is probably doing some thing else.. I don't understand that
<furq> you can probably just remux the file if you didn't try that already
<furq> -i foo.mp4 -map 0 -c copy bar.mp4
<furq> or bar.mkv
<ishan> I was trying to figure out how they call ffmpeg and I just looked at the process tree
<BtbN> that'd be unplayable without the init segment though
<ishan> furq: trying now
<ishan> furq: Tried output.mp4 and output.mkv and duration is still the same
<ishan> ffmpeg -i 2023-10-03T08-15-01.mp4 -map 0 -c copy output.mp4
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<ishan> Is there any way to do this without converting it into images and back
<BtbN> That very copy command pretty much
<BtbN> it's probably just starting at 45 minutes, and runs until 50, since it's a random segment out of a playlist
<ishan> Okay
<ishan> then I'll do it the other way. that way at least I have a working video
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<BtbN> remuxing it to a new container like that will fix the timestamps though?
<BtbN> Are you sure you looked at the right file?
<ishan> BtbN: yess i am looking at the right file. here is ffmpeg output it does not change timestamp
<BtbN> Google says to add -fps_mode drop as output option (after the -i) if that happens. Though it worked without for me many times before.
<ishan> Tried adding '-fps_mode drop' and still the same
<BtbN> Then I'd guess your input file is somehow damaged
<BtbN> If there is no audio in there that has to stay in sync, you can extract the raw h264 stream, and then mux it again. Just need to manually take note of the framerate.
<ishan> there is audio and it's okay even if it's a out of sync by a second
<BtbN> well, it'll be gone after that :D
<ishan> .\ffmpeg.exe -i .\output_noaudio.mkv -i .\audio.mp3 -c copy -map 0:v:0 -map 1:a:0 output.mkv
<BtbN> that guide instructs you to re-encode the video _twice_, which is just bad and bad advice
<ishan> oh okay
<ishan> BtbN: Can you share the commands please ? I have no idea what you meant exactly
<BtbN> I don't have any ready made commands
<ishan> Okay i'll look it up
<BtbN> Does -reset_timestamps 1 as output option work?
<ishan> ran `ffmpeg -i 2023-10-03T08-15-01.mp4 -fps_mode drop -reset_timestamps 1 -map 0 -c copy output.mp4` and it does not
<BtbN> Hm, you need to pass it to the ffmpeg process creating the m3u8 it seems
<BtbN> so that each segment has valid timestamps on its own
<BtbN> You can probably craft something with the setts bitstream filter as well. Like, substract the first timestamp from all timestamps.
<ishan> thank you but for now I am trying to fix the ~18 hours of videos I really want. I am not forking/messing with shinobi for this, not right now any way. if shinobi continues to give too much trouble then i'll probably switch to some thing else
<BtbN> So setts=ts=TS-STARTPTS
<BtbN> for both audio and video
<ishan> extracting h264 data, putting it back into mp4 and then adding audio completely wrecks audio synchronisation. I thought it would be a second or two off but nope, it's 5-8 seconds off. Original video was 4m59s this video is 5m
<ishan> But the video quality looks okay so this is much more preferably
<ishan> preferable
<ishan> Thank you BtbN!
<BtbN> you want to always have -c copy, in every command
<BtbN> not specifying it will re-encode and degrade the quality, potentially a lot
<ishan> Okay, got it. here are all the commands I am running and mediainfo on original video and final video
<furq> i was going to suggest -i foo.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a aac bar.mp4 since mediainfo is showing the audio stream as having the wrong duration
<furq> which isn't ideal but if you're going to reencode the audio anyway
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<ishan> furq: audio stream has the right timestamp of 4m59s. I ran ffmpeg -i 2023-10-03T08-15-01.mp4 -c:v copy -c:a aac new.mp4 and new.mp4 video duration is still 50 minutes
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<furq> fun
<ishan> audio from these cameras is not super great any way because of wind but I still want to retain it if I can so reencoded or out of sync, it's okay. video was most important
<BtbN> Maybe try this whole thing with not-4.4?
<BtbN> Maybe it just works if you use an up to date version
<ishan> BtbN: Oh right sorry. ffmpeg 4.4 is on the shinobi machine. I am running all these commands with ffmpeg version n6.0 Copyright (c) 2000-2023 the FFmpeg developers
<BtbN> that's still over half a year old at this point
<ishan> Okay then i'll update and try again
<ishan> arch has ffmpeg-2:6.0-13. i'll update to it and retry
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<BtbN> that still looke liks 6.0 to me. Not sure what 13 means
<BtbN> you'll want latest master
<BtbN> Chances aren't too great that it works on master though, vs. 6.0
<BtbN> I'm not aware of any major changes with timestamp handling
<ishan> -13 comes from some arch linux versioning scheme
<ishan> Okay then I'd rather not try right now.. I have too many tabs open. there is a new nvidia driver update, linux kernel update and It'll probably force me to reboot machine :/
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<ishan> Shinobi devs suggested, in the recorder settings I set audio to aac from copy and now it's outputting videos with correct duration of 5 minutes
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<BtbN> The aac encoder in 4.4 is pretty bad though, so make sure to throw enough bitrate at it
<furq> did it get improved much since 4.4
<BtbN> Yeah
<ishan> i'll upgrade ffmpeg on that machine
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