michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.0.2 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<fred> pls give ffmpeg some love regarding 'iso-support'
<fred> was whining in #jellyfin because their non-existant support for (old-dvd)-iso files - and they blame ffmpeg
<Lynne> what's lacking?
<fred> 'the ability to read directly from your old dvd iso'
<Lynne> oh, ISO, as in .iso, I thought you were complaining about iso string suppport in metadata or something
<Lynne> we already have that, thanks to Marth64[m]
<fred> noo
<fred> .ISO
<fred> dvd.ISO
<Lynne> I meant that ISO
<Lynne> -f dvdvideo -i <iso>
<fred> this one
<fred> yes
<fred> (kinda)
<fred> hmpf
<Lynne> I've been using dvdvideo for a while, it works really well
<fred> thx
<Marth64[m]> yes..working on patchset improvements tonight (had some IRL stuff come up for past few weeks)
<Marth64[m]> thx for using
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<courmisch> AFAIK, VLC added it to dvdnav, and then FFmpeg picked it up from there already
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<Marth64[m]> dvdvideo demuxer uses libdvdnav and libdvdread yes
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<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:703288cec652: avcodec/internal: add FFCodec.color_ranges
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:3305767560a6: avcodec: add avcodec_get_supported_config()
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:13cec7bb5fba: avcodec/encode: switch to avcodec_get_supported_config()
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:088108fc7a24: avcodec/allcodecs: add backcompat for new config API
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:de421cac8b63: avcodec/libx265: switch to get_supported_config()
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:0977d968e46d: avcodec/libvpxenc: switch to get_supported_config()
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:a577172c99e4: avcodec/libaomenc: switch to get_supported_config()
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:2c2dfd914902: avcodec/mjpegenc: switch to get_supported_config()
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:4524d527bf72: avcodec/codec_internal: nuke init_static_data()
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:69b840548265: fftools/opt_common: switch to avcodec_get_supported_config()
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:377652da19bd: fftools: drop unused/hacky macros
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:7b0eca1e5132: fftools/ffmpeg_mux_init: switch to avcodec_get_supported_config()
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:7d6cd13ccbdf: fftools/ffmpeg_filter: simplify choose_pix_fmts
<cone-461> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:f3e265c6905a: fftools/ffmpeg_mux_init: factor out binding filters to output streams
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:33d5a4ec4eaf: fftools/ffmpeg_filter: switch to avcodec_get_supported_config()
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:a850f80e2c1f: fftools/ffmpeg_filter: propagate codec yuv metadata to filters
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:8517ff2082af: fftools/ffmpeg_filter: remove YUVJ hack
<JEEB> noice
<llyyr> yuvj is gone?
<haasn> not yet
<haasn> but now I can finally submit the patch to delete it
<haasn> init_static_data() is gone though
<haasn> for those of you keeping count
<JEEB> was YUVJ already deprecated API-wise? I know it warned in swscale or so, but not sure if the pix_fmts were actually deprecated already
<haasn> How does removing a pixfmt work anyway? I imagine we need to wait until ABI bump?
<jamrial> yeah
<haasn> when is that?
<jamrial> ideally once a year, but it varies
<jamrial> after 7.1 i'd expect one, so maybe early next year
<j-b> haasn: kill it!
<j-b> haasn: it's deprecated in 7.1 ?
<haasn> hasn't it always been?
<j-b> I think so. I just want confirmation :D
<haasn> or are you suggesting we put a deprecation tag on the actual enum member
<haasn> (not sure we can do that on standard C99)
<jamrial> afaik only gcc supports deprecating enum values
<jamrial> and we're c11 now
<haasn> j-b: they are indeed marked as deprecated
<haasn> so we're fine removing them on the next ABI bump
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<JEEB> haasn: excellent @ already deprecated :3
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:e6983ed525b5: Changelog: mention YUV range negotiation
<haasn> might as well mention it here
<j-b> haasn: cool :)
<j-b> haasn: merge what you can :D
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<compnn> jb is alive
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<j-b> compnn is alive
<compnn> j-b, i didnt get reply from vdd registering, is this normal? if so ignore me
<j-b> no, it's not normal at all
<compnn> oh no
<compnn> OH lol i just got your mail 5 hours ago
<compnn> ignore me
<compnn> i better fix that so i can read my mails ...
<compnn> j-b, i got book your flights now email. my bad. pebkac
<j-b> compnn: you got mail today at 11:15 paris time.
<compnn> yea i see it :D
<compnn> $50 cheaper for me to fly to paris than korea
<j-b> Then go to paris
<compnn> $300 cheaper to go to japan
<compnn> weird
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<compnn> hmm gmail search wont give results for vdd24 when searching for vdd
<compnn> this is annoying.
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<jamrial> haasn: you wrote the wrong date and version number in changelog
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<haasn> jamrial: in APIchanges?
<jamrial> yes, sorry
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<michaelni> jamrial, Lynne , if you have things you intend to merge before release branching, please open trac issues with Blocking set to 7.1
<michaelni> and close these once they are done, it makes it much easier for me to know when i can branch
<jamrial> ok
<michaelni> thx
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<cone-461> ffmpeg Christian Helmrich master:865cd3c0560a: avfilter: add XPSNR filter
<cone-461> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:006ee12a9aaa: MAINTAINERS: Mark parts from Robert as unmaintained
<cone-461> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:5d02b0f72ed2: MAINTAINERS: Update fate admin
<cone-461> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:c7083738bd6b: MAINTAINERS: Mark parts from Ludmila as unmaintained
<cone-461> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:49226216b133: MAINTAINERS: Rangecoder looks quite familiar, ill maintain it
<cone-461> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:ec8b5187f991: MAINTAINERS: Add status to icecast
<cone-461> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:85aee1dc31d0: MAINTAINER: iamf is maintained by James
<cone-461> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:4bc2f90cffae: MAINTAINERS: remove Aurelien and David from matroska*
<Marth64[m]> vdd moving to paris?
<Marth64[m]> or im misreading above
<haasn> jamrial: https://0x1.st/nHSy.txt better?
<jamrial> yes
<cone-461> ffmpeg Niklas Haas master:b4e918221c21: doc/APIchanges: mention correct version number
<Lynne> michaelni: done
<j-b> Marth64[m]: you are misreading.
<Lynne> I'll push the 15 commits I sent to the ML last week tonight, which leaves just 2 patches, one for vulkan_encode.c and one for vulkan_encode_h264.c
<Lynne> plan is to send those 2 for review by tomorrow morning or noon
<Lynne> wish me luck
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<Marth64[m]> good luck Lynne
<Lynne> its not that hopeless
<Marth64[m]> :)
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<Marth64> elenril: I will divide my patchset to smaller pieces. Seeking can be done in one patch even in current state. It might have a hope for 7.1.
<Marth64> the rest is bugfix or irrelevant cleanup
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<Sean_McG> src/libavcodec/avcodec.c:758:9: error: initializer element is not constant WRAP_CONFIG(AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO, codec->supported_framerates, (AVRational){0});
<Daemon404> all 3 of those look like constants to me
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<jamrial> is __typeof__ c11?
<jamrial> Sean_McG: does this help? https://pastebin.com/raw/LZXu4MBw
<Sean_McG> VM I have to build that on is very slow -- I'll have to get back to you later. Worth noting that a quick web search shows __typeof__ to be basically non-standard C
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<another|> haasn: re: yuvj removal: it was deprecated and printed a warning, but from my POV it was not really clear to the general public what to do instead. So there might be a bit of chaos
<Lynne> might take some users a while like it did with the new channel layout api, but I think they'll be fine
<jamrial> haasn: also, i see deprecation warnings in pcm.c and wmadec.c
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<haasn> another|: it was written quite clearly to see the color range instead
<haasn> Imo
<haasn> Set*
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<cone-283> ffmpeg James Almer master:fdf8025eb64c: avcodec/avcodec: remove usage of __typeof__()
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<Lynne> "interesting", vulkan's validation layer internals are tied to libvulkan's ABI somehow
<Lynne> they do no version checking, and malfunction in ways that make you wonder just where things go wrong