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<jeroen_> Hello
<jeroen_> I maintain the R bindings. As of ffmpeg-7 we get an error, only on arm64 (not x86_64) in avcodec_receive_frame() that says: "Internal bug, should not have happened".
<jeroen_> The only reproducer I have is with R code :/ Is this something I should report?
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<elenril> well, internal bugs should not hapen
<elenril> but then it being arch-specific is suspicious
<elenril> does it happen with a specific input?
<jeroen_> Actually I also reproduced it on macos-intel now
<jeroen_> So it's MacOS specific, not arch specific.
<JEEB> fun
<jeroen_> I did confirm that the bug does not appear with ffmpeg@6 in macos, and also that it does not appear with ffmpeg-7 in Debian.
<jeroen_> The fail happens when encoding pcm audio data with more than one channel
<jeroen_> For any audio input
<jeroen_> Ah some more output: An invalid frame was output by a decoder. This is a bug, please report it.
<elenril> so did you mean _decoding_ pcm?
<elenril> possibly there's a bug in your channel layout handling?
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<jeroen_> Yes the example converts 2 channel s32le pcm into mp3
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<jeroen_> Possibly a bug on my side, though it has worked for many years and still does on Linux.
<elenril> the big change in 7.0 was new channel layout API
<elenril> and this failure could be caused by incorrect channel layout setup
<elenril> can you link to the code that handles this?
<elenril> setting channels after opening the decoder is very naughty
<elenril> and if I'm reading it right, it happens specifically for pcm
<jeroen_> Yes I think what happens here is that we have to specify the number of channels that exist in the s32le input data?
<elenril> if you want to override the channel count/layout, you need to do it before avcodec_open2()
<jeroen_> What do you mean override? I thought there was no way to know the channel count/layout from a s32le blob?
<JEEB> in the sense that you set it as opposed to expect it got read from the input data format
<elenril> I mean the code from line 181 to 191
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<JEEB> funny how this fails only on macOS tho
<elenril> it sets decoder properties based on some information you got somewhere
<elenril> which you're not allowed to do after the decoder is open
<jeroen_> Yes indeed, I was under the impression that one always needs to supply the PCM input channels because there is no metadata in the s32le blob to infer the number of channels from the input.
<elenril> right, but that's not the issue
<elenril> the issue is you're doing it in the wrong place
<JEEB> yea, I tried to explain that the word override does not mean it's bad. it's just that you were doing it after X already happened
<jeroen_> If I invert the order and set those channels first, then `avcodec_open2()` fails with "Invalid channel layout"
<elenril> then my guess is, there's some nontrivial channel layout already in there
<elenril> and by ovewriting the channel count you're making it inconsistent
<jeroen_> You mean inconsistent with the pcm? The input is just 2 channel s32le. I tried a few example files and they all had the same issue.
<elenril> I mean inconsistent with itself
<elenril> hence av_channel_layout_check() returns failure
<elenril> see what av_channel_layout_describe() says before you set the channel count
<jeroen_> `av_channel_layout_describe() ` says `mono` before setting the count
<elenril> which means that the order is native, and the mask is 1
<elenril> then you override the channel count to whatever, leaving the order and the mask as they were, and now inconsistent with the channel count you set
<elenril> what you should do is 1. uninit the existing channel layout 2. set the channel layout fully, i.e. order, channel count, possibly mask when the order is native
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<jeroen_> Okay. OK so I understand now what has caused the change in ffmpeg-7 which gives me at least a quick fix to start. This line no longer runs for my PCM decoder: https://github.com/ropensci/av/blob/master/src/video.c#L184-L185. So this means that in ffmpeg-7 the default `ch_layout.order` is no longer `AV_CHANNEL_ORDER_UNSPEC` at least on macos (perhaps it is just uninitiated I dont know)
<elenril> it should never be uninitialized
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<elenril> seems the default in the lavf pcm demuxer is "mono"
<jeroen_> So this fixes at least my unit test: https://github.com/ropensci/av/pull/53
<jeroen_> Now the other issue that you mentioned, about the order in which to run things
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<jeroen_> So calling `avcodec_open2()` *after* setting `av_channel_layout_default()` works on ffmpeg-7 but does not work on ffmpeg 6 and earlier.
<elenril> mkver: ping yuvj
<mkver> elenril: ?
<elenril> did you send your review?
<elenril> I didn't notice at least
<mkver> What do you mean by yuvj? I thought you meant avcodec_get_supported_config?
<mkver> Or what am I supposed to review?
<elenril> yes, that
<elenril> I'm saying yuvj, because it's needed to remove yuvj and is easier to type
<elenril> you promised a review "in the next three days" 15 days ago
<mkver> And I already sent my review.
<elenril> sorry, didn't see it then
<elenril> seems I didn't have the thread inboxed for some reason :/
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<ePirat> how to disable vulkan video decode?
<ePirat> is it even possible without fully disabling all of the vulkan stuff?
<elenril> as in "not compiler" or "not use"
<ePirat> not compile
<elenril> --disable-hwaccel=foo_vulkan for every codec?
<ePirat> (it seems vulkan decode fails to build)
<elenril> there should proably be separate configure objects for the lavc parts of it
<ePirat> Lynne ^
<Lynne> update your ffmpeg
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<ePirat> Lynne, thanks
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<ramiro> I'm trying to optimize pix_sum_c in neon, but what I currently have is not that much faster than the c code: https://gist.github.com/ramiropolla/043d5437814148fcc1846cb5aae14d40
<ramiro> does anybody have any idea if/how this can be improved?
<Lynne> welcome to arm64 SIMD, enjoy your <barely faster than C (2x < )> gains
<Lynne> first off, arm64 allows you to load multiple registers at a time
<Lynne> so ld1 { v0.8h, v1.8h, 2, 3 }, [x0], x1
<Lynne> that should reduce the amount of adds down by a factor of 4
<Lynne> ah, nevermind, its not contiguous, x1 is the stride
<Lynne> you should group load 3 registers at a time, add them, and load 3 more registers
<Lynne> most arm CPUs have at most 3 memory units which can either load+load+store or load+load+load
<Lynne> you should use, say, 4 registers into which to add, and add them at the very end to eliminate add latency
<ramiro> Lynne: is there any downside in unrolling it instead using a loop?
<Lynne> on arm64, literally none
<Lynne> unroll central, unused registers are wasted registers
<Lynne> since decoding's cheaper than on x86 there's no need to consider binary bloat as much as on x86
<ramiro> it's still pretty much the same speed :/
<ramiro> I'm testing on an rpi5 btw
<Lynne> what I mentioned matters most on in-order systems (rpi 3, e.g. the last rpi that mere mortals could buy)
<Lynne> you should use 4 scalar regs for the memory addresses too, and avoid using ld1 ..., x1, those adds aren't free and between each load and the next one using the same offset reg there's latency
<ramiro> Lynne: line_size comes in w1, but I'm currently using x1 to post increment, which checkasm doesn't like (garbage at higher 32 bits). I'm searching a bit but haven't found something similar to what we do for x86_64 to convert the register from 32 to 64 bit.
<ramiro> uxtw it seems...
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<ramiro> the first version (unrolled, one at a time, always using v0/v1 for uadalp) still seem to be the fastest.
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<Lynne> ramiro: you should test on something else, ideally something in-order
<Lynne> this is all splitting hairs though
<Lynne> what the function does is a prefix sum, which can be parallelized using some more efficient algorithms, though not sure it would be worth it on arm64
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<courmisch> ramiro: can't you sum columns in parallel in an accumulator vector and calculate the sum only at the end?
<courmisch> ah nvmd that's already what you do
<courmisch> ramiro: I would guess write-back is the problem
<courmisch> ramiro: do I presume that you have mpegenvdsp checkasm code somewhere?
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<llyyr> nevcairiel: sorry for taking so long to look at this again, I replied to https://ffmpeg.org//pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2024-June/329093.html with a sample and reproduction steps
<llyyr> Also the patch you sent last time we talked about this doesn't work
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<Lynne> oof, they found bugs in a C910
<Lynne> pretty bad one too
<Lynne> bad enough to not have to worry about its quirks from now on IMO
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<jamrial> Lynne: your patches showed up as from ffmpeg-devel
<Lynne> some patches from the ML also look like that to me
<Lynne> no idea what is going on
<Lynne> they look fine on the archive though?
<jamrial> i see "From: Lynne via ffmpeg-devel <ffmpeg-devel..." in the headers
<Lynne> yup, that's also what I see for some emails
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