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<rajivharlalka> is there a filter where EOTF/OOTF conversion has been implemented? wanted to have one as a reference but grep doesnt provide a result
<JEEB> zscale filter utilizes zimg library, and then libplacebo filter utilizes libplacebo library. both handle transfer functions
<JEEB> zscale being CPU based, libplacebo being GPU (vulkan) based
<rajivharlalka> had seen zscale but I wish that the input to my filter is linearized if it isn't already without the need to pass another filter( zscale in my case) as a predecessor
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<cone-825> ffmpeg James Almer master:a754ee084409: avcodec/h2645_parse: replace three bool arguments in ff_h2645_packet_split with a single flags one
<cone-825> ffmpeg James Almer master:80606442377a: avcodec/shorten: Fix discard of ‘const’ qualifier
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<ramiro> courmisch: will the rvv assembly need to be updated if we change the strides in mpegvideoencdsp to ptrdiff_t?
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<courmisch> ramiro__: RV ABI sign extends, so no
<courmisch> ramiro__: but you need to patch the init.c ofc
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<ramiro> would it make sense to have clear_block_c() use AV_ZERO128() instead of memset()?
<ramiro> if AV_ZERO128 has been optimized for an architecture, it assumes the pointer is aligned and issues better code for clear_block_c()
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<jamrial> ramiro: the c version is boilerplate. no point trying to optimize it
<jamrial> and a good compiler will probably make that memset into something similar to AV_ZERO128
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<JEEB> Lynne: just to verify, AVVulkanDeviceQueueFamily is something that external API clients are meant to utilize? or is it only meant to be utilized between avcodec vulkan video and the avutil hwcontext?
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<cone-291> ffmpeg James Almer master:9d15fe77e33b: avcodec/container_fifo: add missing stddef.h include
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<Lynne> JEEB: they're meant to utilize, since it also indicates which queues are supported and initialized
<Lynne> if you let lavu init the hwcontext, its the only way you'll know what you are able to use
<JEEB> alright. thanks.
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<JEEB> just trying to figure out how and what/where to adjust so that libraries which do not themselves utilize hwcontext_vulkan, but then provide helper headers that include hwcontext_vulkan could better check whether vulkan is new enough. I guess a configure check which attempts to include libavutil/hwcontext_vulkan.h is the only way to make sure.
<JEEB> because 3rd parties adding AVUTIL version checks each time hwcontext_vulkan.h changes its minimal required version for utilized types doesn't sound too feasible
<Lynne> I didn't bump configure version though, old pre-encoding vulkan headers should work
<Lynne> they do require decoding, but that was merged in 2022 december, surely that's old enough to universally support?
<JEEB> VkVideoCodecOperationFlagBitsKHR is what is now causing failures a few things downstream
<JEEB> so just trying to wonder how to make it so that projects can figure this out at configure time. and it seems like the only way is to handle it so that if you have something like config.h in a project, you make sure you don't include hwcontext_vulkan if it cannot be included
<JEEB> and for the record, this is for builds where FFmpeg and the end-of-the-line project have vulkan stuff disabled. another library just has a helper header which then as long as avutil is new enough and the library's own vulkan usage flags are enabled includes hwcontext_vulkan
<JEEB> so I guess instead of having that avutil version check it's just better to check whether hwcontext_vulkan could be included at build time (as it is IIRC always installed into include/), and block its inclusion from helper headers used by downstream if it was not possible (unless overridden by defines or so)
<JEEB> and just to put names onto things, libplacebo currently enables vulkan stuff in its FFmpeg helper header if libplacebo's own vulkan requirements are met, and the avutil version is new enough. which breaks down if hwcontext_vulkan as a header requires newer vulkan than libplacebo :)
<JEEB> and since with just the lib build the library itself doesn't utilize that helper header, that breakage unfortunately only is noticed then in downstream projects during build time :D (even if in that downstream project vulkan is disabled)
<JEEB> so yea, tl;dr it seems like as hwcontext_vulkan can change its requirements it's better to just check whether it can be included with the current build env vulkan headers
<JEEB> (as the current method only works if libplacebo's vulkan functionality requirements are >= hwcontext_vulkan's requirements for vulkan)
<JEEB> thanks, I think I've rubber duckie'd this somewhat :)
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<haasn> I will once again request that ffmpeg vulkan not unconditionally pull in bleeding edge vulkan header features
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<JEEB> on FFmpeg's side it could be improved - for headers which are installed whether or not vulkan is actually enabled in FFmpeg - by adding the stuff that has bumped the requirement into its own header, thus those API users which require that stuff would not suddenly have the requirements of that existing public header get bumped.
<Lynne> bleeding edge? the video queue stuff was merged 2 years ago
<Lynne> 2022-09-29
<JEEB> 13489c8a2154a2e0e8fd3c3c45f7856b4c3110b0
<JEEB> AVVulkanDeviceQueueFamily utilizing VkVideoCodecOperationFlagBitsKHR bumped the requirement for that public header
<JEEB> which is installed irrespective of whether vulkan is enabled in FFmpeg IIRC
<Lynne> yes, that enum was merged into the vulkan spec in 2022
<JEEB> ah
<wbs> JEEB: btw, do you want to try to pick up and finish the videotoolbox AV1 patch that was posted a couple months ago?
<JEEB> wbs: yea, currently I'm stuck trying to build an iOS app to test it since that's the only thing which I have that supports AV1 :D
<JEEB> since apple in their great wisdom did not add swdec
<wbs> JEEB: ah - I have an M3 where I can test it, but haven't had time to pick up the patch and push it across the line
<JEEB> going to verkkokauppa.com just to curl a binary and hope not to look too suspicious at it
<JEEB> is a bit tiring >_>
<JEEB> (yes, I did that once)
<wbs> lol
<JEEB> ("all I got was this segfault")
<JEEB> apparently the guy's additions made it not segfault for him
<wbs> yep, that form of the patches seems to run fine for me
<wbs> the main thing iirc was to prepend sequence headers to the frame data, or something like that
<JEEB> but yea, access to an M3 would make things simpler since my current iOS test app is just able to call avutil version string function
<JEEB> oooh, something as simple as that
<JEEB> Lynne: anyways the build failures are mostly because API users got used to "oh if I find vulkan well enough for my project and avutil is new enough to contain the vulkan hwcontext I can just include its header". so FFmpeg itself probably had vulkan as a feature disabled, and the public header is always installed. and an old assumption was found to no longer hold true.
<JEEB> and the only reason I think this is noticed with vulkan is because most of the other hwcontexts' exposed external API types etc haven't changed in quite a while
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