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<elenril> BBB: don't really understand the question
<llyyr> Lynne: it might be a good idea to remove the av_log call since there's only one that causes the problem
<Lynne> llyyr: which one
<llyyr> since it seems like setting AVClass might be more involved
<llyyr> the one in ff_vk_get_pooled_buffer
<Lynne> I'm still waiting for elenril to take a look at it, but he seems busy
<llyyr> https://0x0.st/Xtw5.txt this is the only one that causes the warning
<elenril> Lynne: I should have time now that the big patchset is off my shoulders
<llyyr> or well, the only one that causes the warning for me at least. Maybe there's others but I'm not hitting those code paths
<rajivharlalka> Hi, I was trying to implement the eotf/ootf for hlg HDR for one of my filters and feel something's off, but unable to resolve the issue. Can find the referenced code here: https://github.com/rajivharlalka/FFmpeg/blob/7b3996d87b5fe3781b3d3b67e464ad716cc12199/libavfilter/vf_pu21.c#L90-L115
<rajivharlalka> can someone help me with what might be wrong while the conversion is being done.
<rajivharlalka> could verify that the rgb2yuv and yuv2rgb works fine and it is the hlg2lin that causes the issue.
<Lynne> elenril: thanks, https://0x0.st/Xtwh.diff is what I'd like to get working
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<haasn> rajivharlalka: hi, not an indepth review but I noticed e.g. this line is wrong: r_in = r_in / (1 << depth)
<haasn> it should be ((1 << depth> - 1)
<haasn> for the HLG formula, did you compare with other implementations?
<haasn> Oh yeah you want to adjust the gamma to the actual peak
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<haasn> There's also some extra x_in * (1 - b) + b going on in my code
<haasn> don't remember why
<haasn> where b is some coefficient that depends on the contrast
<haasn> I think that might be done in your code too though, just at a later stage
<haasn> wheres my code prebakes the constant and does it at the beginning :shrug:
<rajivharlalka> For the gamma, I took it as 1.2 as an approximate value for now, and would finetune to exact when I get similar results as I believe the extra terms would change the value from second decimal
<rajivharlalka> I cross verified the formula from the ITU-BT Rec 2100 standard , didn’t find anything explicit different.
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<cone-785> ffmpeg J. Dekker master:03f26549cd8e: checkasm: print only results to stdout
<cone-785> ffmpeg J. Dekker master:42528ff83535: checkasm: add csv/tsv bench output
<cone-785> ffmpeg J. Dekker master:d0986709a8b3: checkasm: improve print format
<cone-785> ffmpeg J. Dekker master:e758b24396a4: checkasm: add wildcompares for test & functions
<elenril> Lynne: I see FFVulkanContext does have an AVClass at the beginning
<elenril> is it not set?
<elenril> ...apparently not in most cases
<elenril> if the idea is that some external user of that context sets it to some random value, then that's broken
<elenril> I think you should make it dynamically allocated, and set its class in the constructor
<elenril> then the caller can pass a parent logging context, that would be used via parent_log_context_offset
<elenril> IMO that is The Right Thing To Do(tm)
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<ramiro> wbs: thanks for the review. it's much better now: https://github.com/ramiropolla/ffmpeg/commit/626c5e1932a2173b9a746d5c366dc90d2f74eebe
<elenril> we really need some moderation on trac
<wbs> ramiro: nice, I think this looks fine now. (many of the things I suggested are things that stand out to myself when I read it, thinking "oh, that looks odd", but then I remember the purpose of it ;-)
<BBB> elenril: IIUC with mv, a "frame" (in the h264 sense) can contain multiple views? and your implementation means we select one and output that one (only), I think?
<BBB> elenril: so I asked whether it was meaningful/possible to output multiple views of the same frame together in one AVFrame
<wbs> ramiro: so if some of the suggestions, like using two separate pointers for launching two ld3 at the same time, don't really give a benefit, you can just scrap it too. e.g. for the second line, it could be possible to just do regular ld3, [xN], #24, but interleaved with other things, avoiding the need for the separate registers
<elenril> BBB: the HEVC spec never treats different views bundled together as "one frame"
<elenril> not sure about h264
<elenril> in my implementation, AVFrame = one view
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<BBB> elenril: ok, I understand. so is it possible to "retrieve" more than one view at the same time? or do we have to choose a single view and the decoder discards the others?
<BBB> elenril: (tnx for explaining)
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<jamrial> Lynne: can you look at ticket #11145?
<elenril> BBB: of course, that's the whole point
<elenril> you get all the views you want
<elenril> (as long as it's not more than 2)
<elenril> you just get them in separate frames
<BBB> ok, then I misunderstood the patch, that's the best-case scenario
<BBB> awesome
<BBB> \o/
<BBB> nice work
<elenril> what did you misundertand?
<BBB> I thought you had to select one view using the api
<BBB> you=the user/application
<elenril> you select a set of views you want
<elenril> (hence the patches for array option handling)
<BBB> ok, sounds cool. sorry for the noise
<darkdrgn2k> @BBB thanks for the help yesterday, turned out i was using the wrong binary after all, your suggestion worked great. Thanks!
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<jamrial> <@elenril> (as long as it's not more than 2) <-- something something black cars
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<elenril> black = best color
<elenril> also, the 2 view limitation is only in the implementation, not the API
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<ramiro> wbs: btw there are a few places where we can reorder smlal (and uadalp) for better performance. I still have to benchmark all of it, but in swscale I got a 1.3x speedup.
<Daemon404> elenril, lies.
<Daemon404> it is green.
<BBB> darkdrgn2k: cool, no prob
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<Lynne> elenril: I thought users weren't allowed to allocate one themselves?
<elenril> one what?
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<Lynne> avclass
<elenril> I don't mean allocating an AVClass
<elenril> just the context
<Lynne> how do I set its class in the constructor?
<elenril> define an AVClass for FFVulkanContext in lavu/vulkan.c, then have the constructor set FFVulkanContext.class = &vulkan_context_class
<Marth64[m]> good day
<elenril> then add a void *parent_log to FFVulkanContext, and set vulkan_context_class.parent_log_context_offset to offsetof(FFVulkanContext, parent_log)
<elenril> and pass a parent logging context to this new constructor, which would assign it to parent_log
<elenril> that way logging gets propagated from a FFVulkanContext to its parent
<elenril> or maybe FFVulkanContext does not actually need to be dynamically allocated, if the functions that work on it are not cross-library
<elenril> but the rest of what I said stands
<Lynne> its the constructor part that I don't get
<elenril> what about it?
<elenril> something along the lines of https://up.khirnov.net/hm
<elenril> err forgot to actually assign the class https://up.khirnov.net/e2
<Lynne> weren't static avclasses not good?
<elenril> static avclasses are the way it's supposed to be done
<Lynne> okay, that looks good, I'll try that
<elenril> an AVClass instance should be thought of as a class declaration
<Lynne> jamrial: its a known issue in libplacebo, so I've closed the bug
<haasn> what is?
<jamrial> haasn: ticket #11145
<haasn> I assume that helps?
<haasn> VK_HEADER_VERSION >= 175 is this enough to make the import succeed?
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<cone-935> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:01910ca60373: avcodec/vc1_block: propagate error codes
<cone-935> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:b08776e3ae9a: avcodec/magicyuvenc: better slice height
<cone-935> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:796ff2d59944: avformat/apetag: Check APETAGEX
<cone-935> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:b9c7f50c7de9: avcodec/notchlc: Check bytes left before reading
<cone-935> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:46e3bc2ebd21: tools/target_swr_fuzzer: Check av_samples_fill_arrays() for failure
<cone-935> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:815d00868101: avformat/argo_brp: Check that ASF chunk header is completely read
<cone-935> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:337e7949dad9: MAINTAINERS: Add a maintaince level field
<cone-935> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:53066e8cc2c1: MAINTAINERS: some random updating
<cone-935> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:533870793016: avcodec/wmavoice: Do not use uninitialized pitch[0]
<cone-935> ffmpeg Michael Niedermayer master:4e39795c75e6: avformat/mvdec: Check if name was fully read
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<Lynne> haasn: shouldn't it be VK_API_VERSION_1_3?
<Lynne> ah, that's the package/header version, not the other version
<Lynne> sure, that looks like it would work
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<Sean_McG> hey, does anyone here use --enable-cross-compile? it looks like the compiler test at the start of 'configure' still runs the host linker
<JEEB> I think I do
<Sean_McG> hmmm, possibly nevermind. It seems I am half asleep and forgot to supply --ld=<gnu-triplet>-ld
<jamrial> Sean_McG: you don't use --cross-prefix=foo?
<Sean_McG> I did set that, yes
<Sean_McG> re-running configure now and it is taking longer so I think it is working
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<wbs> ramiro: hmm, what happened to the A55 speedup - wasn't it >3.7x before? did the averaging for chroma affect the speedup factor that much?
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<ramiro> wbs: averaging for chroma had a huge impact on the A55 :/
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