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<Guest55> Is anyone there?
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<Guest55> I recently used ffmpeg 4.0 on a Linux system and encountered a problem:
<Guest55> When converting a video file such as mp4 format (about 2G) to m3u8 format, it would get stuck after executing the command and would not execute further. To be exact, the command was executed through Rutime.exec() in java.
<Guest55> This is the command: /usr/bin/ffmpeg -i /xxxx/input.mp4 -codec: copy -start_number 0 -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 -f hls -y /xxxx/output.m3u8
<Guest55> If I terminate the Java program, the command will continue to execute and the m3u8 file will be converted. The conversion can also be completed by executing it directly in the Linux shell. It can also be completed smoothly in the Windows system.
<Guest55> Has anyone encountered such a problem when calling ffmpeg in java?
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<Guest55> '=D
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<Guest55> There is no problem with videos of several hundred MB
<darkdrgn2k> how would i find the filename being written inside the int avio_close(AVIOContext *s) fucntion (avio.c)
<darkdrgn2k> so i found URLContext, but its a .tmp file, is there a better place to add code that triggers when then files are written.
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<ramiro> the instruction scheduling can be improved for in-order cores.
<ramiro> and I need to test more corner cases (such as overflow and checking if that right shift on the qmat[i] has any noticeable impact)
<ramiro> Lynne: ^^
<ramiro> wbs: ^^
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<wbs> does one have to duplicate that huge C wrapper to do an optimized asm implementation of the core function?
<ramiro> wbs: I did try cleaning up and splitting the function (for example the block permute could be easily split), but no matter what I tried I always ended up with slowdowns :/
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<ramiro> the slowdowns were small (mostly 0.5%, not more than 1%), but I remember having patches rejected by michael because of even smaller slowdowns...
<ramiro> ( sure, that was around 15 years ago, but still :P )
<wbs> well if we have the setup where we have a C wrapper, calling an external assembly function, making that external assembly function a new DSP interface should not be any slower (other than the difference between indirect vs direct call)
<wbs> yes, it might slow down the all-C case by a marginal amount, but that should be outweighed by the possibility of easily getting more asm optimized versions of it
<JEEB> (25
<JEEB> whoops
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<courmisch> sounds like the same problem as my h263 dequantize
<courmisch> unsurprisingly
<courmisch> which has been stuck in TC for most of two months now
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<Lynne> ramiro: ld1 {v0.8h}, [x1], #16 followed by stp xzr, xzr, [x1, #-16]
<Lynne> you should skip incrementing and then decrementing x1
<Lynne> unlike x86 those ops aren't free
<ramiro> Lynne: should I do ld1, stp, and then a separate add instruction?
<Lynne> I would move stp after the second ld1, as that's likely how an out-of-order CPU would execute them
<Lynne> most arm chips can do 2 loads + 1 store at the same time
<Lynne> not sure about what happens if the load and store are to the same address, but even if the store misses the 1-clock dispatch, it'll just be in the second group of 2loads+1store
<ramiro> Lynne: I wonder how far should I try to space the loads and the uses...
<Lynne> 2+1+2 is fine
<Lynne> other than that, LGTM
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<cone-237> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:efe38286d102: lavu/opt: document underlying C types for enum AVOptionType
<cone-237> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:4a5bb84515ba: lavu/opt: forward av_opt_get_video_rate() to av_opt_get_q()
<cone-237> ffmpeg Anton Khirnov master:d89930f8666c: lavu/opt: add API for retrieving array-type option values
<Lynne> ramiro: oh, you should also move ff_inv_zigzag_direct16 into mpegvideoenc_neon.S
<ramiro> Lynne: good idea
<Lynne> ramiro: also, you still have plenty of registers left, you should duplicate the code and unroll by a factor of 1
<Lynne> doing this would allow you to compress the zigzag table to 8-bits instead of 16-bits
<Lynne> which would reduce the number of loads by 1 in the main loop
<Lynne> you'd need 2 more instructions to expand it back to 16-bits, but that's better than loading
<ramiro> Lynne: should I do "ld1 {v0.8h, v1.8h}, [x1], #32" or split the loads?
<Lynne> no need to split, you should double them up like that, I believe Apple's CPUs like it
<Lynne> besides, you'd have more increments in loads, which is never good
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<ramiro> Lynne: unrolling by a factor of 1 made it quite a bit faster, especially for the in-order cores
<Lynne> told ya
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<wbs> yes, unless the algorithm itself has enough parallel tracks (or requires too many registers), you almost always want to unroll by 2. but more than that is usually counterproductive
<ramiro> overall mpeg4 encoding is now up to 15% faster
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<ramiro> I can now do nv24 hdmi input at 1080p and convert to mpeg4 at -q:v 1 at 60fps using only one A76 core (or all four A55 cores).
<ramiro> heterogeneous cores are annoying...
<Lynne> they shouldn't exist
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<jamrial> the mailing list is being really slow delivering all the emails from the last few hours
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<BtbN> happens everytime a large series is posted
<BtbN> it's just working through backlog
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<elenril> I got it all within 5 minutes or so
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<courmisch> Lynne: you can argue for desktop, but on mobile, heterogenous cores are really useful for energy saving
<courmisch> maybe checkasm should pin to a single CPU when running, unless it already does that
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<jdarnley> A mobile computer should be a case with a handle.
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<wbs> courmisch: dav1d's checkasm has an option for pinning to a specific core
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<Lynne> I think clocking down and turning cores off is a better tradeoff than having a heterogenous architecture with a smart scheduler
<Lynne> generally with the latter higher-level cache isn't shared between processors
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<darkdrgn2k> how do i pass a command line argument, then read it inside a context?
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<BBB> darkdrgn2k: register an AVClass, add it as an AVOption to that class as a private option, make sure AVClass is first member of your struct
<Daemon404> git log -> search for any commit which adds an option
<darkdrgn2k> thats really good idea....
<darkdrgn2k> i tried adding it to const OptionDef options[]
<darkdrgn2k> and ffmpeg accepts the flag but not sure how to access it
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<BBB> OptionDef options[] is for application-level arguments. I assume you're trying to add a demuxer or decoder option here?
<BBB> or muxer/encoder
<BBB> so it really depends on what you're trying to do
<darkdrgn2k> Thats fair, its an option that will affect possibly many differnt output formats. its for a post-processing step
<darkdrgn2k> so it seems for bool you declare a static variable, but how do you read deeper in side ffmpeg
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<darkdrgn2k> like right now im trying to read it inside dash_flush in dashenc
<darkdrgn2k> (static int dash_flush(AVFormatContext *s, int final, int stream))
<BBB> elenril: for mv-hevc (wow!), does the AVFrame just contain one frame? is it possible/meaningful to export all views (or multiple, like a mask) for conformance testing and/or application-level selection if the view at runtime without re-decoding?
<BBB> "does the AVFrame just contain one frame" -> I meant "does the AVFrame just contain one view"
<darkdrgn2k> so does AVFormatContext provide a way to OptionDef options[] vaules?
<BBB> darkdrgn2k: yes
<BBB> is it just for dash? or is it possibly for all muxers?
<darkdrgn2k> for now just dash, eventually it will be for many others
<BBB> if it's for many, see libavformat/options_table.h and add it to AVFormatContext in libavformat/avformat.h
<BBB> if it's for dash-only, then add it to libavformat/dashenc.c (?) as a private option, see static const AVOption options[] at the bottom of that file
<darkdrgn2k> actually im not sure if dash_flush is the right place to trigger this logic either. i was thinking avio_Close() but couldnt figure out how to get the filename of the mpd file
<BBB> to use it on the commandline, ffmpeg -i inputfile -f dash -youroptionname youroptionvalue outputfile
<BBB> and that value will automatically be set in the variable in the struct (dash specific or AVFormatContext) named in the OFFSETOF()
<darkdrgn2k> so i added {"test1", "test1", OFFSET(enable_test1)), AV_OPT_TYPE_FLAGS, {.i64 = DEFAULT }, INT_MIN, INT_MAX, D|E, .unit = "enable_test1"}, to static const AVOption avformat_options[]
<darkdrgn2k> and int enable_test1; to avformat.h
<darkdrgn2k> ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -f dash -test1 1 test yields Unrecognized option 'test1'.
<BBB> did you re-compile?
<Lynne> BBB: looks like one frame per view
<Lynne> set via the layer index side data
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<darkdrgn2k> yes i did
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<ramiro> I was kind of expecting a better improvement...
<ramiro> Lynne: ^^
<ramiro> wbs: ^^
<Lynne> that's because you're thinking with x86 context in mind, 2.4x speedup is equivalent to 16x speedup with sse2 on x86
<ramiro> I was kind of surprised that rgb24toyv12 actually subsamples by just dropping 3/4 pixels for chroma. I was expecting it would convert all and average the values...
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<Lynne> I don't see anything that can be improved with the code
<ramiro> Lynne: thanks... I'll clean it up tomorrow and try to have a fresh look at it.
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