michaelni changed the topic of #ffmpeg-devel to: Welcome to the FFmpeg development channel | Questions about using FFmpeg or developing with libav* libs should be asked in #ffmpeg | This channel is publicly logged | FFmpeg 7.0.2 has been released! | Please read ffmpeg.org/developer.html#Code-of-conduct
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<Guest74> Anyone willing to assist me offline in working on a fix for bug #11051?
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<BBB> michaelni: to be honest, the avtransport email almost feels like a strawman. Is there something else going on here?
<BBB> you're not doing anything wrong, don't misunderstand, it just feels very, very strange
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<grepfor> (Newcomer to this channel.) Looking for assistance in developing a fix for bug #11051.
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<michaelni> BBB, if we assume there where several misunderstandings then the mail indeed could feel like a strawman. I am not aware of anything else going on
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<BBB> hmk, well, it seems there was indeed a misunderstanding, so I guess that settles that. I suppose you didn't want to reveal the author (although we could've guessed), but in a way it would've been easier to clarify this with Lynne if we knew who authored the patch
<BBB> anyway... I'll let you intelligent peepz figure this out
<BBB> the reference to nut isn't helping anyone, IMHO
<BBB> Lynne: your emails are ending up in my spam, so I actually missed your emails in this thread. just in case others are having that problem also
<BBB> (I'm not sure why)
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<Marth64> how to tell how many audio frames in an AVPacket?
<Marth64> "For audio it may contain several compressed frames."
<nevcairiel> there is no metadata about this fact, really, you just give it to the decoder and let it figure it out, with the old API it would consume partial packets, with the new API it'll just output multiple audio frames
<Marth64> thank you
<Lynne> BBB: don't just write it off as a misunderstanding
<Lynne> michaelni did not ask me anything
<Lynne> to me, that fucking says it all
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<Marth64> finally figured cause of my chapter issue. now fixing it is another story. *grumble*
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<grepfor> Greetings ffmpegoids... I'm seeking assistance in coming up with a fix for bug 11051. Anyone interested? Or suggestions on how to better solicit assistance?
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<Marth64> you may just have to study independently and ask technical questions as they come up
<Marth64> it takes time
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<compn> grepfor, start poking the code and start asking questions where you dont understand ?
<compn> lol thats a hilarious bug
<compn> why using ffplay and f anyway
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<Traneptora> Lynne: BBB: emails ended up in my spam too. Thunderbird says you're requesting a ping that tells me I've read the email. I wonder if that request is what's causing it to end up in spam
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