jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<jaeger> you can fix a lot of problems with the boot media :)
<jaeger> boot/install
<braewoods> ahmadraniri[m]: when they said to nuke it from orbit, they were kidding. :P
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<elderK> Hey guys, are there any gotchas regarding Crux 3.7 if I want to upgrade?
<elderK> Say, from 3.6?
<SiFuh> 3.7 frieds your hard drive
<SiFuh> Fries*
<elderK> Good to know. Does it go well with salt? :P
<elderK> The main thing I was curious about is like, you know, how it will deal with packages I already have installed and what not.
<SiFuh> Hahaha I think you 'gotcha'd me
<elderK> I was thinking of doing a full reinstall anyway. It's been a pretty long time since I reinstalled this system and it's probably getting cruft, even though I work hard to keep it clean :)
<SiFuh> I have installed it yet. So I can't really comment. I will soon, I just have to finish work first. So probably end of the week. I heard mostly good and easy things.
<SiFuh> The guys did work pretty hard on it
<elderK> Excellent. I guess I'll try it out, too. If it doesn't go so well, well, I was going to reinstall anyway.
<SiFuh> I did hear upgrading but not sure.
<SiFuh> I will only do a reinstall myself
<elderK> I really need to find a nicer way to keep my system totally clean.
<elderK> Soon I will start working to learn Docker so I can do my packaging work there :)
<elderK> I figure it's really just a cool way to run a chroot inside of a container.
<elderK> That'll be useful.
<elderK> I wonder what advantages docker has over a simple chroot?
<SiFuh> I use a VM and have never been able to get my head around a docker
<elderK> I guess I'll have to learn. AFAIU, it's just a lightweight vM in a sense.
<elderK> Instead of virtualizing the hardware, it's just sealed off from the rest of the system, in a way that's much more "boxed in" than say, a chroot.
<elderK> Like jails in FreeBSD.
<elderK> Or some kinds of QEMU virtualization.
<elderK> Since I'm here: What's a good way to find out what the dependencies of some python library are?
<elderK> Say, you know, I'm trying to build a package for some python program. Github doesn't mention all the deps.
<SiFuh> Or vmd in OpenBSD?
<SiFuh> elderK: trial an error
<SiFuh> I build the system in a core only system and then add the deps as I go.
<elderK> It must take a lot of time to package things?
<SiFuh> Gentoo, Arch, Alpine and so on have will list dependencies but they usually use a lot of dependencies that most of us don't really need.
<elderK> Aye. I generally try to find out the minimum set of dependencies that I want.
<SiFuh> Like this, you can get ideas
<elderK> Aye, but that means I need to "rip" from Archj
<elderK> I'd prefer to be more self sufficient.
<SiFuh> Yes, that is why I build from core only
<elderK> I was hoping like, you know, there was some way for me to determine what libraries a python program needed without actually going through the source code of that program.
<elderK> So, why a VM and not a chroot, Sifuh?
<SiFuh> It will complain when you build it
<elderK> Python things sometimes build but fail only at runtime :(
<elderK> You know, they try to import some module that doesn't exist.
<SiFuh> VM was already here
<elderK> Fair enough :)
<SiFuh> I also test what I build to see if they segfault
<SiFuh> I have actually dumped entire ports because of the segfaulting and created new ports of a similar program to replace the segfaulting prick
<SiFuh> I can't think of the latest port. But one particular port was Openshot was continually causing issues so I dumped it and now use Shotcut.
<elderK> Nice :)
<ivandi> elderK: No gotchas so far but a lot of rebuilds. started with packages pointed by revdep, then all python3-*, all p5-*, everything compat-32, everything wayland. After that i just rebuilt everything in my pkg folder that was older than the upgrade date. so reinstalling is not a bad idea. or bumping ports and rebuilding slowly to avoid a lot of broken stuff after upgrading from the iso.
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: libksba: 1.6.1 -> 1.6.2
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: python3-olm: 3.2.12 -> 3.2.13
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: libolm: 3.2.12 -> 3.2.13
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: ostree: 2022.5 -> 2022.6
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: p5-http-message: 6.37 -> 6.38
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: prometheus: 2.39.0 -> 2.39.1
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: python3-importlib_resources: 5.9.0 -> 5.10.0
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: python3-poetry-core: 1.3.1 -> 1.3.2
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: python3-requests-toolbelt: 0.9.1 -> 0.10.0
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: python3-tabulate: 0.8.10 -> 0.9.0; new dependencies: python3-build python3-installer python3-setuptools-scm
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: python3-typing_extensions: 4.3.0 -> 4.4.0
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: qownnotes: 22.9.2 -> 22.10.0
<farkuhar> elderK: your latest question about dependencies is focused on the python ecosystem, in which the upstream devs typically write a Requirements file (https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/user_guide/#requirements-files ). Referring to such a file is arguably more self-sufficient than to "rip" from Arch.
<farkuhar> if a project has been around long enough, though, the devs might forget to update their documentation when a dependency becomes stale. To illustrate: https://github.com/apple/swift-corelibs-libdispatch still mentions libbsd in the Linux section of its INSTALL.md (last updated 4 years ago), but the latest code compiles just fine without libbsd installed.
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: python3-gevent: 21.12.0 -> 22.08.0
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<farkuhar> Re: "ccache is pretty cool. It doesn't speed up the initial (first) build though." <- seems intuitive, but when ccache is configured to invoke distcc (by exporting the CCACHE_PREFIX variable), you can benefit from distcc indirectly (i.e. without prepending /usr/lib/distcc to your $PATH). This speedup happens despite the CMake warning that "Manually specified variable LLVM_CCACHE_BUILD was not used by the project."
<farkuhar> but braewoods had a suggestion better suited to users with only one CRUX machine: define the CMake variable LLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD more narrowly (it defaults to 'all' otherwise). Our current llvm Pkgfile does not disable the non-native targets.
<stenur> it adds in all sort of stuff that i guess 99% of CRUX users do not use; it was a tad different in the past
<stenur> clang is unbelievable 945.9 MiB. gcc is 204.9 MiB. tcc is 1149.5 KiB.
<stenur> clang is grazy.
<stenur> llvm is 566.4 MiB.
<stenur> somehow i guess our build is "broken" and clang includes llvm again. 1.5 GiB. Oh. My. God.
<stenur> A nice sunday everybody nonetheless.
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<brian|lfs> its still saturday here
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