jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: glib: update to 2.24.1
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: [notify] samba: update to 4.17.2, security fixes for CVE-2022-3437 and CVE-2022-3592
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: i3: update to 4.21.1
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<mnkydeth> So, starting to play with emu/KVM via virt-manager. I have the 3.7 iso and it boots fine into mbr but I want to use UEFI in the kvm. My problem is...
<mnkydeth> I have everything installed as needed. the UEFI shell boots up every time. But I can't seem to get the crux iso to boot into uefi mode on the install cd. Anyone that has done this have any tips for getting the Crux iso to work with the uefi in kvm?
<SiFuh> mnkydeth: I could be wrong but I do seem to remember an issue with QEMU and CRUX UEFI. But installing a system as UEFI worked.
<SiFuh> I am pretty sure, just the initial boot from ISO was an issue.
<mnkydeth> yeah, I only install Crux on real hardware using UEFI. I don't use VM's hardly ever. But wanted to poke around a bit.
<SiFuh> I don't think the problem existed with Virtual Box though.
<mnkydeth> So I wanted a VM install of Crux to play with. But wanted it installed via uefi
<SiFuh> You can boot BIOS and install as UEFI
<SiFuh> Then reboot into the UEFI installed CRUX
<mnkydeth> It will pick up all the efivars needed?
<SiFuh> Yes, of course
<mnkydeth> I'll give it a shot. :)
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<jaeger> I've installed quite a few systems with qemu and uefi
<jaeger> No, booting into BIOS mode will not pick up efi vars
<jaeger> What specifically is happening or going wrong when you try to boot the ISO in UEFI mode?
<mnkydeth> It just boots to the uefi shell. I can never get to the install iso.
<jaeger> And the VM is specifically configured to boot from the ISO or use the boot menu?
<jaeger> Can you pastebin the XML for the VM?
<mnkydeth> Sure, one sec. I need to reset it up. As I went to the mbr install.
<mnkydeth> I just don't see much online for it. Plenty of stuff how to enable uefi. But not much for how to troubleshoot why it wont boot in uefi.
<mnkydeth> Just tried the 22.10 Ubuntu iso and it loaded right to the Try or install screen.
<mnkydeth> Ok... apparently using the Generic 2020 Linux doesn't work when it asks for you to select an OS. I decided to boot Crux as a Slackware (current) and it brought up the uefi menu. Looks like I can go forward with a UEFI install. What do you normally select for the OS?
<mnkydeth> I tested with the release Crux 3.7 iso and the updated iso from crux.ninja ... 100% I had to select Slackware and not Generic 2020 Linux option as my OS>
<stenur> (Just in case ... i did not test the 3.7 ISO [yet], my bandwidth is very limited and that thing is huge; maybe when i come to some speedy public wlan i could make it happen; i am using CRUX qemu-all with qemu-efi-bin without issues)
<stenur> other than that sorry even more, i am vomiting all the time due to political reasons..
<mnkydeth> Well, I have it worked out. Just got the full base install from the ISO in a VM, using KVM. So, very happy about that.
<mnkydeth> I am unfortunately using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS on my server that has the VM. It's the only Linux distro I could get to work with the RX6400 GPU, Highpoint 3720c Raid Controller and Blackmagic Design Intensity 4k Pro capture card.
<mnkydeth> The 3720c requires systemd ... Debian stable has to old of a kernel and there are issues with the backports currently for the gpu. The capture card needs a non-bleeding edge kernel. To new and it wont compile right.
<mnkydeth> My main machine runs Crux however. But I needed a better way to test then to break my system.
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<mnkydeth> As for politics. I try to stay out of those discussions. If you need to vent or anything hit me up in a msg. Just an fyi... I'm more right then left. Shots are bad, and you better be prepping. :)
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