jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<mnkydeth> nice
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<cruxbot> [xorg.git/3.7]: xorg-libxmu: update to 1.1.4
<cruxbot> [xorg.git/3.7]: xorg-libxkbfile: update to 1.1.1
<cruxbot> [xorg.git/3.7]: xorg-libpciaccess: update to0.17
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<darfo> crux-3.7 torrent has 52 seeds and 509 peers
<SiFuh> crux-3.7 torrent has 25 seeds and 136 peers and no one downloading
<joacim> Tracker knows: 82 seeds and 0 leeches
<joacim> we comparing?
<SiFuh> If you want
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<Guest3421> Hi everyone
<Guest3421> I've noticed that Crux doesn't provide signature files for the installation ISO. Is there any particular reason for that? Also, is the package manager able to handle signature verifications?
<SiFuh> The package manager will inform you if the signature is incorrect before compilation
<stenur> does not have? well i guess there is some SHA file on some HTTPS that could be checked so signatures are hm overkill if you are veeerrryy pragmatic
<stenur> it will be iterated out if you keep on going and update
<SiFuh> The ISO does not need signature verification because you have an md5 file that comes with the ISO.
<stenur> then again it seems a bit pissing to not include these tiny little helpers
<SiFuh> As stenur had said it would be overkill to have signatures for each package as well
<stenur> he
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<mnkydeth> zlib-32 wont download the source. A simple number bump fixes it. 1.2.12 to 1.2.13
<mnkydeth> @luke-skywalker <-- Just in case he reads the irc logs. Building up to steam on a fresh install. Seems gtk-32 needs atk, most likely atk-32. But I don't see atk in the normal ports list either. A quick search on the portsdb page shows https://crux.nu/portdb/?a=search&q=atk ... The gtk-32 Pkgfile does call for atk-32 however it's no longer in the compat-32 repo from what I can tell.
<mnkydeth> hmm, using the Pkgfile there fails to build. Something may have replaced atk in Crux? I'll have to go back and read more logs. But it does seem there is a break in the 32bit compat ports because of it.
<mnkydeth> at-spi2-core seems to have replaced atk in 3.7 but is still in 3.6? gkt-32 ... Anyways installing at-spi2-core-32 does allow gtk-32 to get further into the compile. But still fails.
<mnkydeth> ** Cannot link to Accessibility Toolkit. Accessibility Toolkit is required *** to build GTK+
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: grafana: 9.2.0 -> 9.2.1
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: libical: 3.0.15 -> 3.0.16
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: matrix-synapse: 1.68.0 -> 1.69.0
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: networkmanager: 1.40.0 -> 1.40.2
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: p5-http-message: 6.41 -> 6.42
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: php-igbinary: 3.2.7 -> 3.2.9
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: procs: 0.13.2 -> 0.13.3
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: python3-icalendar: 4.1.0 -> 5.0.0
<cruxbot> [contrib.git/3.7]: python3-pytz: 2022.4 -> 2022.5
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: clang: 15.0.2 -> 15.0.3
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: compiler-rt: 15.0.2 -> 15.0.3
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: lld: 15.0.2 -> 15.0.3
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: lldb: 15.0.2 -> 15.0.3
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: llvm: 15.0.2 -> 15.0.3
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: polly: 15.0.2 -> 15.0.3
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: scummvm: 2.6.0 -> 2.6.1
<mnkydeth> Looking at Arch's build of gtk2-32 and gtk3-32 it seems atk is needed for gtk2 but not gtk3. at-spi2 is used for gtk3. Removing gtk-32 from the depends line in the steam Pkgfile allows steam to install. You can do everything in steam, but when launching a game it never starts. So.... In comparison with Arch's build of steam we need to get gtk3-32 and get atk-32 back into working order I think.
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<mnkydeth> I went through and did a gtk3-32 with a lot of copy pasta and trial and error. I think it's a 32bit port. Still no luck on steam launching games. So... That brings me back to atk and getting it build for gtk-32 even though it was removed for 3.7 hmmm
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<cruxbot> [compat-32.git/3.6]: zlib-32: updated to version 1.2.13
<cruxbot> [compat-32.git/3.7]: zlib-32: updated to version 1.2.13
<jaeger> will test the gtk-32 thing, probably just the missing dep on 3.7, I'm guessing
<mnkydeth> Yeah, I was gonna get a log posted. I'm not sure where the fault is yet.
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<mnkydeth> err, I mean, to clarify maybe ... gtk-32 faults out because it's missing atk-32 But, atk-32 was removed from 3.7
<mnkydeth> atk-32 using the Pkgfile from the 3.6 repo fails to build as well on 3.7
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<mnkydeth> If you compile at-spi2-core-32 ... gtk-32 will make it a little further in the build process. But clearly indicates that it cannot find the Accessibility tool kit that atk provides.
<mnkydeth> I assumed at-spi2-core-32 replaced atk but... thats me assuming things.
<jaeger> gtk-32 from 3.7 should build with a proper at-spi2-core-32, yes
<jaeger> Haven't gotten there yet in the build container
<jaeger> Is it looking for a specific file? a .pc file or lib or something?
<mnkydeth> I tried, I removed the atk-32 depend from the Pkgfile and added the at-spi2-core-32 but it still fails. I rebuilt all the depends just in case as well for gtk-32.
<mnkydeth> Thats the log file for gtk-32
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<mnkydeth> oops, that might be after I fiddled with it.
<jaeger> still waiting for my container to get there but I think the solution is simple. the .32bit file is missing from at-spi2-core-32
<jaeger> what does 'file' have to say about /usr/lib32/libatk-1.0.so.0.24609.1 ?
<mnkydeth> usr/lib32/libatk-1.0.so.0.24609.1: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped
<mnkydeth> gtk-32 built fine after adding the .32bit to the -32 directory. Steam still fails to launch but I am gonna recompile those now.
<jaeger> Ah, so that was after adding .32bit
<jaeger> ok
<mnkydeth> I honestly never would have looked.
<jaeger> /usr/lib32/libatk-1.0.so.0.24609.1: ELF 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, stripped
<jaeger> yeah, this is without the .32bit file. That file, simple as it might seem, does alter pkgmk behavior for 32-bit stuff
<mnkydeth> Recompiling all the steam depends now. Jus to make sure all is well. Then I'll try to do steam one more time.
<cruxbot> [compat-32.git/3.7]: at-spi2-core-32: added missing .32bit file
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