jaeger changed the topic of #crux to: CRUX 3.7 | Homepage: https://crux.nu/ | Ports: https://crux.nu/portdb/ https://crux.ninja/portdb/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
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<ivandi> desktop-file-utils still depends on pkg-config in 3.7
<ivandi> i thought using the iso instead of ports to upgrade would be faster, but had to rebuild everything after all.
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<ivandi> glib puts stuff in /usr/libexec : usr/libexec/gio-launch-desktop
<ivandi> rust: usr/libexec/rust-analyzer-proc-macro-srv
<fishe> when installing woff2 it can't find `libbrotlidec` though i have brotli installed
<ivandi> flac: usr/share/doc/FLAC/
<ivandi> docbook-xsl: usr/share/doc/docbook-xsl-1.79.2/
<ivandi> inotify-tools: usr/share/doc/inotify-tools/
<brian|lfs> is there a reason I have to invoke pulseaudio manually these days on CRUX that thre is no daemon
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<jaeger> brian|lfs: beerman disabled the client autospawn
<jaeger> you can reenable it if you want
<jaeger> take a look at /etc/pulse/client.conf
<jaeger> ivandi: thanks for the reminder on desktop-file-utils, I had it on my mental list and forgot
<brian|lfs> thanks jaeger
<jaeger> np
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<brian|lfs> unfortuantely sourcemage completely fucked up my CRUX install
<jaeger> how did that happen?
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: desktop-file-utils: updated dependencies
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<pvn> Pro users of `pgAdmin 4` (Electron based?) around?
<pvn> I cannot delete a server group
<pvn> "The specified server group cannot be deleted"
<pvn> Ups, wrong group, sorry about that
<cruxbot> [core.git/3.7]: bash: update to 5.2.2
<cruxbot> [core.git/3.7]: readline: update to 8.2.1
<cruxbot> [opt.git/3.7]: glib: do not install into /usr/libexec
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<farkuhar> ivandi: the latest 3.7 ports tree does not show any /usr/share/doc paths in the flac footprint. Maybe you had a soft dependency installed, and cmake decided on its own to build documentation? On my system flac compiled without placing anything in /usr/share/doc. It would be helpful to see your build log.
<ivandi> farkuhar: true, just checked the footprint, no docs, looks like it is because i have doxygen installed
<ivandi> same for inotify-tools
<farkuhar> ivandi: yes, i just saw that option in doc/CMakeLists.txt under the flac source tree. The Pkgfile is begging for revision anyway, thanks to its gratuitous redefining of unpack_source(), but your observation suggests a less trivial change: to add a test for whether $PKG/usr/share/doc got populated with junk.
<ivandi> pkgmk should have an option to remove stuff from share/{doc,locale} by default
<farkuhar> or you could just put 'INSTALL ^usr/share/doc/.*$ NO' in /etc/pkgadd.conf
<farkuhar> I still have the rule 'INSTALL ^usr/lib/.*la$ NO' in my pkgadd.conf (an alternative to groovy2shoes' libtool-garbage-day script) but I have since commented it out, waiting for some consensus on how we'll handle *.la files now that autotools is losing ground to meson and cmake.
<SiFuh> doxygen is evil
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<ivandi> farkuhar: thanks, i completely forgot about the INSTALL option in /etc/pkgadd.conf
<farkuhar> SiFuh: I can swallow a bit of evil as long as it's followed by a spoonful of hilarious (such as the comments in https://github.com/baguette/crux-ports/blob/master/Util/bin/libtool-garbage-day.sh )
<SiFuh> He should work for Slackware
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<jaeger> ocb: is l-25.net still around/working?
<SiFuh> Thought that died already
<SiFuh> I ended up cloning it
<jaeger> Yeah, I see in the logs there was talk of it moving a while back
<SiFuh> Yes, and you helped a lot
<jaeger> going to disable it in the portdbs, can always reenable if it's back later
<SiFuh> I have old repos anyways
<SiFuh> They are updated nightly but not updated to gitlab
<ocb> jaeger: sorry about that, was somewhat busy with other things.. and honestly i also did forget to bring it up back. the new machine isn't running a web server. will figure something out in the following days.
<jaeger> No worries
<jaeger> Upgraded some of the libs/modules used by the unofficial portdb, let me know if there are any issues with it
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<ahmadraniri[m]> It sounds really stupid but I deleted both bash package and its archive, my system was doomed. But now it's fine (Thanks to Crux ISO). A lesson was gained "Do not remove bash, no matter what !".
<farkuhar> ahmadraniri[m]: glad to hear you got your system up and running again. The lesson about what to leave installed can be generalized to all core packages. Some daredevils like to play around with replacing core packages (e.g., libressl instead of openssl, neovim instead of vim, postfix instead of exim), but such adventures are not for the faint of heart.
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