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<jmercouris> I am having trouble base encoding and decoding strings with utf 8 in them
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<jmercouris> I don't understand why it can't encode the airplane utf-8 symbol
<shawnw> Convert the string to a byte array first and base64 encoded that? And vis versa.
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<Bubblegumdrop> yea
<Bubblegumdrop> I think it's flex:something
<Bubblegumdrop> CL-USER> (flex:string-to-octets "Flying ✈ Salmon" :external-format :utf8)
<Bubblegumdrop> #(70 108 121 105 110 103 32 226 156 136 32 83 97 108 109 111 110)
<Bubblegumdrop> something like this
<Bubblegumdrop> then octets-to-string on the way back out I think
<jmercouris> OK I see
<jmercouris> let me give that a try
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<jmercouris> That weas it, thank you
<jmercouris> s/weas/was
<shawnw> Yeah, peeking at the source, cl-base64:string-to-base64-string doesn't look like it'll handle characters with codes > 255 correctly.
<jmercouris> That's no good, perhaps I shouldn't be using this library
<jmercouris> maybe Ironclad instead
<shawnw> Base64 only really makes sense for encoding binary data anyways.
<jmercouris> but that seem soverkill
<jmercouris> I'd agree with that, typically
<jmercouris> I have a usecase where it actually makes sense
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<nil> (babel:octets-to-string (cl-base64:base64-string-to-usb8-array (cl-base64:usb8-array-to-base64-string (babel:string-to-octets "Flying ✈ Salmon"))))
<nil> you will have babel if you have cffi
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<Bubblegumdrop> thanks, babel is probably better than flexi-streams?
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<jmercouris> yes, I think so, thanks nil
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<Shinmera> it is faster.
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<mishoo> dmho: is it all written by chatgpt? that's impressive!
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<beach> What is it that you think might be written by ChatGPT?
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<mishoo> ah, sorry, I was looking at this line actually: https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp?around=1731135973#1731135973
<beach> I see.
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<aeth> for the very specific niche case of octets-to-strings and vice versa
<aeth> the fastest (though perhaps not the most ideal) implementation is to use implementation-internal non-generic functionality (e.g. sb-ext:octets-to-string / sb-ext:string-to-octets) which gets to cheat in two ways (1) being specific for just that one encoding and (2) being able to use implementation internals
<aeth> with a fallback to babel if the implementation has none or if the implementation's way benchmarks slower
<aeth> it is, perhaps, not the most ideal because in theory there could be slight differences in behavior or even output
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<aeth> You could probably justify a trivial-string-octets library around this premise.
<aeth> Or, rather, for UTF-8 encodings. Because internal ones may support some encodings (perhaps a different set of them), but now you get a mess, and they're named differently. So I guess it'd be trivial-utf8-octets or something
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