jackdaniel changed the topic of #commonlisp to: Common Lisp, the #1=(programmable . #1#) programming language | Wiki: <https://www.cliki.net> | IRC Logs: <https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp> | Cookbook: <https://lispcookbook.github.io/cl-cookbook> | Pastebin: <https://plaster.tymoon.eu/>
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<sveit> hi. do people have a good workflow for evaluating longer expressions at the REPL? I use SLY, which allows to inspect output at the REPL quite well. for example the hashtable (let ((ht (make-hash-table))) (setf (gethash 'a ht) 'b) ht) appears at the REPL as an inspectable object. but I do not know a way to write a long expression in a file and have the result of evaluating that expression show up in the REPL in this way, apart from
<sveit> copying the whole thing.
<sveit> into the REPL and evaluating
<veqq> Does anyone know of a "dictionary" where you can pick e.g. sets and see the API/operations each language has (and their symbols)?
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<_death> sveit: check out slime-eval-last-expression-in-repl (C-c C-j)
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<rainthree> skin: if you find somebody to talk to about the history of asdf, please ask him this question: "drmeister Is there a way to ask ASDF why it recompiles systems? I can load cando (a Common Lisp implementation) and then `(ql:quickload :cando-jupyter)` - it compiles some systems. Shut it down, repeat the process, and it compiles the same systems again." https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp?around=1729134787#1729134787
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<jackdaniel> rainthree: if it recompiles some deps it is because timestamps of source files change. so there is likely a step in systems themselves that generates new files
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<smlckz> Aside from alist and plist, is there a name of the list taken by let and friends? (let*, letrec, flet, labels, macrolet, what else are there?)
<beach> "bindings"
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<smlckz> hmm
<beach> From the glossary: binding n. an association between a name and that which the name denotes. “A lexical binding is a lexical association between a name and its value.” When the term binding is qualified by the name of a namespace, such as “variable” or “function,” it restricts the binding to the indicated namespace, as in: “let establishes variable bindings.” or “let establishes bindings of variables.”
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<younder> bindings of variables to variable bindings in the symbol
<beach> What?
<beach> smlckz: You don't seem pleased with that answer.
<ixelp> 3.1 Evaluation | Common Lisp Nova Spec
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<beach> younder: I don't see the word "symbol" mentioned in that section, and I don't know why you used it either.
<younder> The type and nature of an environment object is implementation-dependent. The values of environment parameters to macro functions are examples of environment objects
<younder> Is what it sais.
<beach> I know that, but I wanted to know what you meant by "to variable bindings in the symbol"
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<younder> If I am reading this right variables are bound to symbols when evaluating forms. There is on function slot and one variable slot per symbol. More surprisingly there is a separate type constant-variable.
<younder> I quote: There are three kinds of variables: lexical variables, dynamic variables, and constant variables.
<younder> isn't a constant variable a contradiction of terms? I mean if it is constant then it isn't variable.
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<younder> Seems to me I want symbol-macrolet: Define the NAMES as symbol macros with the given EXPANSIONS. Within the body, references to a NAME will effectively be replaced with the EXPANSION.
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<younder> I mean a variable you can't change defeats the purpose of declaring it in the first place. You want changing a value in defconstant to be reflected throughout. It behaves more like defvar.
<TMA> younder: you don't want constants to change
<TMA> younder: constant-variable is useful, because it communicates the intent of the constant better: what is 12? can you tell my intent, when you see me using 12?
<TMA> do I mean +number-of-months-in-a-year+ or +number-of-inches-in-a-foot+? or something different?
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<younder> If they are truly constant, like +moths-in-a-year+, no problem. But consider +stack-size+ where you might want to adjust the constant.
<younder> You can't just go in and change the definition of the constant because according to the spec that would be undefined.
<_death> younder: "constant variable" is a single term.. it refers to a variable whose value cannot change..
<younder> You are only guaranteed for it to take effect if you restart the REPL.
<TMA> don't use defconstant for something you intend to change without restarting then
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<younder> right, symbol-macrolet which substitutes the value in the form works better.
<younder> beach: I have come to the conclusion that you don't set symbols in 'let' unless they are 'special'. You maintain a local store which you discard when going out of the block's scope.
<beach> younder: Right, and not even special variables are stored in the symbol, because that would not be thread safe.
<beach> younder: And there is nothing that says that it is required to have a function slot and a variable slot in a symbol.
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<younder> Well you need to define symbol-[name plist value function macro-let], but they need not be a structure.
<beach> They need not be stored in the symbol object.
<younder> right
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<Shinmera> I made trial loadable from CCL and ECL. https://mastodon.tymoon.eu/@shinmera/113935106453572263
<ixelp> Yukari Hafner: "" - TyNET
<Shinmera> Still some trouble afoot, especially with ECL seemingly barfing on two files, but hey.
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<jackdaniel> woof
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<jackdaniel> there is newer release in the wild
<jackdaniel> congrats
<Shinmera> LOAD: Could not load file #P"/home/linus/.cache/common-lisp/ecl-23.9.9-linux-x64/home/linus/Projects/cl/trial/debug.fas" (Error: "/home/linus/.cache/common-lisp/ecl-23.9.9-linux-x64/home/linus/Projects/cl/trial/debug.fas: undefined symbol: Iy2L91QkiWL4H_PPtHrU71")
<Shinmera> does this sound familiar at all?
<Shinmera> The only thing I can figure is the #.(vec ..) forms, which return a vec instance. But that has a make-load-form, so it should be dumpable just fine.
<jackdaniel> in fact it does - yesterday ticket in the repo
<Shinmera> oh well I'll be.
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<jackdaniel> try as a test rebaming file to debug-trial.lisp
<Shinmera> ... is that really- ok
<jackdaniel> renaming*
<Shinmera> Well, I'll let you know in an hour or two when it finishes compiling I guess.
<jackdaniel> alright, thanks
<Shinmera> there was another weird miscompilation thing in trial/bag.lisp, where it was complaining about a (the simple-vector value) saying the value wasn't a simple-vector, even though it was.
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<Shinmera> incrementally recompiling the function seemed to fix it, but yeah.
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<Shinmera> oh, and a couple times I got a "Detected access to an invalid or protected memory address." though just hitting retry on those made em continue
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<jackdaniel> these are too vague fto be actionable
<Shinmera> yeah, sorry. just noting what I encountered.
<jackdaniel> (also use the latest release just in case)
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<Shinmera> renaming doesn't seem to have helped: LOAD: Could not load file #P"/home/linus/.cache/common-lisp/ecl-23.9.9-linux-x64/home/linus/Projects/cl/trial/debug-draw.fas" (Error: "/home/linus/.cache/common-lisp/ecl-23.9.9-linux-x64/home/linus/Projects/cl/trial/debug-draw.fas: undefined symbol: Aq0aJIZ4peq9H_EoTJsU71")
<Shinmera> I'll try again with latest another day, need to hurry off now.
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<Shinmera> jackdaniel: compiled ECL from master. It now gets through until this: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/4738#4738
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<Shinmera> I restarted and it got a bit further, but another new weirdness: https://plaster.tymoon.eu/view/4738#4740
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