hi. do people have a good workflow for evaluating longer expressions at the REPL? I use SLY, which allows to inspect output at the REPL quite well. for example the hashtable (let ((ht (make-hash-table))) (setf (gethash 'a ht) 'b) ht) appears at the REPL as an inspectable object. but I do not know a way to write a long expression in a file and have the result of evaluating that expression show up in the REPL in this way, apart from
copying the whole thing.
into the REPL and evaluating
Does anyone know of a "dictionary" where you can pick e.g. sets and see the API/operations each language has (and their symbols)?
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sveit: check out slime-eval-last-expression-in-repl (C-c C-j)
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skin: if you find somebody to talk to about the history of asdf, please ask him this question: "drmeister Is there a way to ask ASDF why it recompiles systems? I can load cando (a Common Lisp implementation) and then `(ql:quickload :cando-jupyter)` - it compiles some systems. Shut it down, repeat the process, and it compiles the same systems again." https://irclog.tymoon.eu/libera/%23commonlisp?around=1729134787#1729134787
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rainthree: if it recompiles some deps it is because timestamps of source files change. so there is likely a step in systems themselves that generates new files
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Aside from alist and plist, is there a name of the list taken by let and friends? (let*, letrec, flet, labels, macrolet, what else are there?)
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From the glossary: binding n. an association between a name and that which the name denotes. “A lexical binding is a lexical association between a name and its value.” When the term binding is qualified by the name of a namespace, such as “variable” or “function,” it restricts the binding to the indicated namespace, as in: “let establishes variable bindings.” or “let establishes bindings of variables.”
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bindings of variables to variable bindings in the symbol
smlckz: You don't seem pleased with that answer.
younder: I don't see the word "symbol" mentioned in that section, and I don't know why you used it either.
The type and nature of an environment object is implementation-dependent. The values of environment parameters to macro functions are examples of environment objects
Is what it sais.
I know that, but I wanted to know what you meant by "to variable bindings in the symbol"
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If I am reading this right variables are bound to symbols when evaluating forms. There is on function slot and one variable slot per symbol. More surprisingly there is a separate type constant-variable.
I quote: There are three kinds of variables: lexical variables, dynamic variables, and constant variables.
isn't a constant variable a contradiction of terms? I mean if it is constant then it isn't variable.
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Seems to me I want symbol-macrolet: Define the NAMES as symbol macros with the given EXPANSIONS. Within the body, references to a NAME will effectively be replaced with the EXPANSION.
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I mean a variable you can't change defeats the purpose of declaring it in the first place. You want changing a value in defconstant to be reflected throughout. It behaves more like defvar.
younder: you don't want constants to change
younder: constant-variable is useful, because it communicates the intent of the constant better: what is 12? can you tell my intent, when you see me using 12?
do I mean +number-of-months-in-a-year+ or +number-of-inches-in-a-foot+? or something different?
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If they are truly constant, like +moths-in-a-year+, no problem. But consider +stack-size+ where you might want to adjust the constant.
You can't just go in and change the definition of the constant because according to the spec that would be undefined.
younder: "constant variable" is a single term.. it refers to a variable whose value cannot change..
You are only guaranteed for it to take effect if you restart the REPL.
don't use defconstant for something you intend to change without restarting then
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right, symbol-macrolet which substitutes the value in the form works better.
beach: I have come to the conclusion that you don't set symbols in 'let' unless they are 'special'. You maintain a local store which you discard when going out of the block's scope.
younder: Right, and not even special variables are stored in the symbol, because that would not be thread safe.
younder: And there is nothing that says that it is required to have a function slot and a variable slot in a symbol.
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Well you need to define symbol-[name plist value function macro-let], but they need not be a structure.
They need not be stored in the symbol object.
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The only thing I can figure is the #.(vec ..) forms, which return a vec instance. But that has a make-load-form, so it should be dumpable just fine.
in fact it does - yesterday ticket in the repo
oh well I'll be.
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try as a test rebaming file to debug-trial.lisp
... is that really- ok
Well, I'll let you know in an hour or two when it finishes compiling I guess.
alright, thanks
there was another weird miscompilation thing in trial/bag.lisp, where it was complaining about a (the simple-vector value) saying the value wasn't a simple-vector, even though it was.
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incrementally recompiling the function seemed to fix it, but yeah.
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oh, and a couple times I got a "Detected access to an invalid or protected memory address." though just hitting retry on those made em continue
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these are too vague fto be actionable
yeah, sorry. just noting what I encountered.
(also use the latest release just in case)
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renaming doesn't seem to have helped: LOAD: Could not load file #P"/home/linus/.cache/common-lisp/ecl-23.9.9-linux-x64/home/linus/Projects/cl/trial/debug-draw.fas" (Error: "/home/linus/.cache/common-lisp/ecl-23.9.9-linux-x64/home/linus/Projects/cl/trial/debug-draw.fas: undefined symbol: Aq0aJIZ4peq9H_EoTJsU71")
I'll try again with latest another day, need to hurry off now.
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