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b3lm0nt_: not tried OpenBSD but I have tried the same setup on Debian by reading which worked fine for me. what happens if you try Slimv instead of Vlime? does SLDB open with Slimv?
but I switched to Emacs + SLIME. I like the real SLIME better which is superior (pun intended) to its imitations
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if I use SYMBOL-VALUE the returned value is the actual value or a copy/constant meaning can I so something like - (pushnew #P"~/common-lisp/" (symbol-value (read-from-string "ql:*local-project-directories*"))))
Nothing is ever implicitly copied in Common Lisp.
That is my assumption, but want to make sure not considered a constant
and a violation of something
the symbol-value of a symbol isn't a constant unless that symbol names a constant
What do you mean by "a constant"? Code such as (push x (symbol-value y)) is sort of equivalent to (setf (symbol-value y) (cons x (symbol-value y))).
... modulo multiple evaluations of course.
Even if the symbol-value is a literal list, then this code is fine.
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if you use pushnew with a pathname, it's likely that you want :test to be #'equal
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beach, yes that is what I wanted to make sure was the case.
thanks _death
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dbotton: more precisely (symbol-value 'symbol) and (locally (declare (special symbol)) symbol) designate the same place.
thanks pjb
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Is it now considered bad style to write (let ((a 32) b (c 34)) ...)? It's invalid in Scheme.
i try to write (b nil) instead. i'd only write b by itself if's never read before being written by something, but if i had code like that i'd try to rewrite it anyway.
dunno if it's consensually bad style though
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No, jcowan.
This, however, is preferable: (LET (B (A 32) (C 34)) ...)
Notice placing such things at the beginning makes them easier to notice.
If you say so. I'm with Bike; I'd write (b nil) or (b '()) dependent on my intention.
yeah, I don't like bar var with implicit initializatino
yeah, I don't like bare var with implicit initialization
Yes, it's unCupertinoive.
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hi, stupid question, I run code in an HPC cluster and they do not support iteractive nodes, I would like to kind of submit an sbcl instance with slynk loaded or swank and then communicate with it. However most ports are of course closed. Is there a way to communicate via filesystem files with swank so that I can circumvent this?
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kaskal: can it call you back?
kaskal: ssh to a remote host with a key, and open a reverse tunnel
s/remote host/your debugging host/
I tried, they don't allow it, they only allow ssh communication with a selected number of nodes,
but you can r/w a shared filesystem? what, nfs?
maybe a socket then, instead of a file?
kaskal: don't ssh TO the node. have the node's program ssh to you
maybe a socket yes, that could work, I tried a fifo and it failed drastically
I could try the node ssh my server, and then through this tunnel, but I'm pretty sure they disallow ssh connections outside of an IP range
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One must recognize it, in any case, because it's allowed, jcowan. I like to use every part of the language for such things. I recall people here criticizing usage of &AUX.
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I can't wait for an implementation of Common Lisp that puts each feature in its own file.
Attempting to have a aux.lisp in Windows would be fun.
s/have a/have an/
If I ever get around to it, I'll be putting everything in one file.
verisimilitude: How's your usage of PROG?
I occasionally use it.
Usually, it's good for when I know what I want, but before I know how I can express it otherwise.
I also enjoy the simple form of LOOP.
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Knuth's 1 1/2 times loop is sinteresting: "loop: ... while expr: ... repeat"
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In which book is that?
donald "GOTO is fine sometimes actually" knuth
The paper is called "Structured Programming with GO TO Statements"
When you want to go somewhere...
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my admittedly vague recollection is that a lot of the GOTO uses he identified were for error handling, and we have handler-whatever for that
but those are generally implemented with cl:go under the hood, so who's laughing in the end
goto: the ultimate lambda
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and indeed TAGBODY + proper tail calling = LETREC.
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I find myself wanting to paste an CLOS object as it's printed (e.g. #<RL-MESH {1005BBE653}>) to the REPL so I can inspect it. Or maybe I want to use its value that I know is still hanging around in another REPL usage, but I don't have reference to it other than by how it's printed.
Is this possible in some way?
Seems like it should be if the address is given fully in the curly braces
you can get the last few values from the repl with *, **, ***
like (print *) etc
I think if you kill an object in Slime and yank it later, it's still clickable and everything
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Bike: Yeah but I'd have to have returned that value beforehand. What I'm looking for is to be able to hop into some complicated code, throw a print in the middle somewhere, then after running the code via REPL I want to have the same clickable-type access to the printed thing.
have you considered just putting in, like, (setf cl-user::*temp* the-object) instead of (print the-object)
that's my usual modus operandi
or just breaking there, if that's doable
Ah, yes, that's just the type of thing I was looking for, thanks :) I forgot setf returns the set value
There's probably a billion ways to do it, I was just looking for something like this that's easy to do in a pinch
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if there is one particular object (as opposed, say, you print a thousand objects then pick the one of interest), you can you can use (clouseau:inspect FORM :new-process t) to open an inspector window with the object without stopping the program
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jmes: slime has presentations. So instead of copy-pasting the text of #<foo> you can right-click on it, and you will get a pop-up menu in which there's an inspect option.
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Learn how to properly use the debugging tools, jmes.
It's inappropriate to ``print debug''.
jmes: I tend to use (break "~S" thing) in the code, which lands me in the slime debugger; from there, I can move the condition object to the REPL, and from there I can (FIRST (SIMPLE-CONDITION-FORMAT-ARGUMENTS *)) to get the object I want to operate on
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or, without leaving the debugger, I can copypaste the presentation into the REPL (it still works while the debugger is open!)
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