ebrasca: yes, but it's implementation-specific and you want to use a wrapper
it's called weak hash tables
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When do the GC delete things from them?
whenever it gets around to it. There are no guarantees that GC will run at any particular time, or ever for that matter
it depends on the GC being used
What about sbcl?
it depends on what kind of weakness
all implementations pretty much support basic weak hash tables, so you shouldn't need to worry about specificity there too much
for a weak-key hash table, the pair (i.e. the key and value) may be deleted if the key is no longer reachable from outside the table. ditto weak-value and the value
and then there's also key-or-value and key-and-value.
Is there some other data structure like this?
there are weak pointers
Is there a weak list?
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you can make a list of weak pointers, which is pretty close.
It says they cost more , is it worth to use them?
depends on your application
Bike: Typically a weak-key hashtable only releases an association if the key is not reachable except from the table; in particular, if it is reachable from the value, you need an ephemeron.
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ebrasca: SBCL has a bunch of GC's actually. None of them guarantee anything about when things will be cleaned up to my knowledge. You should not rely on GC to free resources for you if it's critical that they be freed, it's neither portable nor reasonable to expect of any commonly used implementations because their GCs are not deterministic
Indeed, there is no guarantee that the GC runs at all.
refcounting is the only GC scheme which has a reasonable expectation of determinism, but refcounting is not used in any serious CL implementation
No. And it is only deterministic in principle, not in practice.
that's why "reasonable expectation" :)
For what definition of "determinism"?
I only care it will run before I run out of memory and not consume to much CPU time!
hayley: that cleanup will happen soon after things become inaccessible
And it is best to be precise; only refcounting implementations which update reference counts eagerly, and don't defer or coalesce, will reclaim memory (not involved in a cycle) "immediately".
ebrasca: in that case just making them weak is all you need, it's no different from any other inaccessible object at that point
Speaking of, I still need to figure out how weak references might work with coalesced RC.
hayley: correct. I wasn't trying to be as precise as possible, because again, refcounting is not used in practical CL implementations so it's not super important to get it 100% accurate
Can I add some fuction to run when it is garbage collected ? ( Like delete the asociated image file )
again, implementation-specific, you'll want to use a wrapper
that same section also talks about weak pointers
Good to know
trivial-garbage wraps all of those things, so it'll work fine on SBCL
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why is SBCL + ASDF loading my fasls twice when loading the system? I have a DEFINE-FOO macro which expands to a (defclass my-foo () ...) + (register-foo my-foo), and there's exactly one (define-foo my-foo) in a single file, but (register-foo my-foo) is getting called twice
when I inserted BREAK into REGISTER-FOO, I can see that the fasls are loaded twice
which I don't understand
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CCL does the same, so I guess it's an ASDF thing?
Im pretty new to lisp. What interpeter is best?
first of all, "implementation" and not "interpreter". Almost no CL implementations out there are pure interpreters, most have sophisticated compilers
second of all, depends on what you want to do
SBCL is a safe default
CCL might be nice if you're on a Mac, but SBCL works on Macs too
there are other implementations that might be better suited for your particular needs
why implementation?
cowboy: people say "implementation" because it could be an interpreter or a compiler; it's usually a compiler, but it's not guaranteed
cowboy: "Almost no CL implementations out there are pure interpreters, most have sophisticated compilers"
had no clue. Thanks! Smarter every day! LOL
if you say "interpreter", it's both inaccurate and could be confusing when you're talking to people who understand CL well, because it makes it sound like you're specifically interested in the interpreter component of the implementation
People tend to use SBCL because it tends to both be the fastest and the one with the most useful error messages.
Quite the combination to offer both.
This is, of course, information that can go out of date.
ok cool. Thats the one i have at the moment.
CL is ever differnt. Makes it pretty fun to learn.
aeth, which would the following be? Create all possible states and then destroy all those which do not conform to language semantics?
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what client are yall using?
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what I also don't understand about the double-FASL-load problem is that I put in a safeguard in the macro expansion for exactly that situation, but even though REGISTER-FOO is run on the first load, the safeguard on the second load is rendered ineffective so it still calls REGISTER-FOO
I don't think I understand how the expansion proceeds
mathrick: are you possibly calling REGISTER-FOO at both compile time and load time?
saturn2: I don't know actually. What's the default in the absence of EVAL-WHEN?
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my macro is something along the lines of (defmacro define-foo (name) (unless (lookup-foo name) `(progn (define-class ,name ()) (register-foo ',name)))
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should just be load time then
the lookup-foo will happen whenever the macro is expanded though, which is likely to cause confusion, but probably wouldn't cause register-foo to be called twice
it also doesn't error out when I just C-c C-c in SLY/SLIME
but then, the expander doesn't do side effects
the return value from lookup-foo would reflect the state of the compilation environment, not the environment when it is loaded
so you could compile it in an image where lookup-foo returns true, and load it in one where it would return false, or vice versa, and your class would end up being redefined or not defined at all
I guess I should put the call to REGISTER-FOO in a safeguarded block then and just let the definitions happen when they do
i would suggest making register-foo idempotent if possible
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yeah, it's a part that I don't really know the design of yet, because it's supposed to be a registry of "available" code modules, where "available" depends both on what code was compiled and what the runtime environment is
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it'll definitely require a lot more careful thinking about
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OK, now I'm completely baffled. I changed the macro to wrap REGISTER-FOO in a safeguard block, and it's still getting called twice
...and now it loads, even though I tried clearing ASDF config and retrying. I guess "try recompiling" is not included in "clear configuration and retry"?
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no, that will only search for new or updated .asd files
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Hi, does anyone know if there's an algorithm (and hopefully implementation) that "unifies" two strings into the most specific regular expression that matches both strings? So for the strings "Richard Phillips Feynman (1918-1988)" and "Enrico Fermi (1901-1954)", I would expect to get back something like "^.*(19.*-19.*).*$".
there is a machine learning thing, but I'm not sure how far it will get you
other than that, the most specific regexp will be OR between both strings verbatim
ah yes, of course
i.e 1918 vs 1901 could be unified as 19[10][81]
alternatively, a more lax algorithm would be .*
i was thinking of searching for a solution by "lining up" the characters that occur in both strings, and placing .* between them
and what is the criteria for lining up the characters?
say that both strings have a letter "a" in names, do we line with this "a"? or we treat specially ( and ) ?
if you want to treat things specially to fill some specific pattern, then you are looking for a pattern matcher (i.e trivia)
There is "anti-unification" for logic terms.
I would search the space of possible matches and try to maximise the number of letters that line up, while still being "in order"
sorry, I'm not explaining it very well :)
but I'm not sure that would work
so if you have names "Albert Einstein (19xx-19xx)" and "Albert Zweistein (19xx-19xx)" what will you do?
I think that what you want to achieve is closer to "intuitively good regexp matching strings" vs some "well defined regexp based on strings", that's why I've suggested that machine learning will get you something closer to what you expect
given that you have a training data of course
I think I'd want "Albert .*stein (19xx-19xx)"
I'd use "Albert [12]stein"
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Yeah, I'd like to avoind machine learning for the time being. The problem at hand isn't so critical that it can't be done manually.
pve: and why not "Albert .?ei.?stein (19xx-19xx)"?
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.?.?ei.? *
this gets more cryptic with each iteration! :)
that works too, it's ok to be presented with more than one solution
pve: the thing is that a number of "possible" solutions is quite big, and most of these solutions would not be very readable
one very readable solution is ".*"
or "${common-prefix}.*${common-suffix}"
but doing better than that may prove to be quite unfeasible in general case (i.e without a well defined pattern)
i think .* would be discarded if some letters line up
and otherwise, the solutions could probably be order somehow, e.g. by string length
but yeah, I hear you about unfeasibility in the general case
I think that your problem is not well defined (and I don't have more input than what I've said above)
I will think about this some more, and try to define it better.
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pve: in bioinformatics, there are many variants of edit distance alignment
_death: hmm, didn't think of this in terms of edit distance
the "ordinary" one could result in something like (edit-distance-align "Richard Phillips Feynman (1918-1988)" "Enrico Fermi (1901-1954)") ==> 22, "Richard Phillips Feynman (19-18-1988)", "En---r----ico--- Fer-mi- (1901--1954)"
yes! that looks promising
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if you do the rosalind challenges (without using libraries) you'd have to implement several variants (including aligning more than two strings)
_death: thank you, bookmarked
at least intuitively, it seems I could add filler characters to the shorter string, and then move them around to minimize the hamming distance..
yeah, I guess I had a more specific definition for it than warranted
this is pretty cool, I'm going to try this
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note that the problem references earlier problems that make you implement a procedure to compute the edit distance
there you may learn about dynamic programming, and with this problem figure out how to modify what you implemented for the alignment problem.. the algorithm is called needleman-wunsch
got it
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give it locales packages, other than shimira
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Good Morning :sunglasses:
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hello Josh_2
i have found out the logic beyhond the locale lib, from my question request tomorrow morning
how can i show NAND - not and ?
in normal way, AND, i represent it as: (defun funAND (A B) (if (and (= A 0) (= B 0)) (return-from funAND 0)))
is the nand (not and) simply a chain to the (and ...
The boolean logic functions look correct to me, but the code is very non-idiomatic
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paule32: why you do this to me? onException_LogicError ????
camel case *and* snake case? Lisp uses kebab case :sob:
Catie: i used emacs, and its indent
Camel case could pose a problem as well if you're expecting the reader to treat symbols case-sensitively but don't set it up
paule32: The indentation isn't the only non-idiomatic part of the code
the logic, or the style ?
The style. Near as i can tell the logic is fine
i had thinking that i was hold your guide
when i use emacs
Emacs will take care of indentation --- though it seems that the clauses in your AND forms are misaligned --- but that's about the only style cleanup it'll do for you
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thx Josh_2
With Shasht is there a way to change the way certain objects are encoded?
I do not want the slots within a local-time:timestamp to be encoded literally, I want to convert it to a machine readable date and output that instead :sob:
utf-8 ?
you could use ffc
write a little date.c .so/.dll
gcc -O2 -shared -fPIC ...
talk about the long way round
in clisp
I will just write my own version of jojo's to-json method
for shasht
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i dont know shasht, was a mind of thinking ...
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With this I doubt I will need to write custom encoders for every class
bit of a pita doing that
Its great that you managed to get Shasht so fast while still keeping it generic!
Looks good
The src of Jonathan is uhm well not so nice
Is there a way to stop shasht from writing a newline for every item in an array?
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I guess its the pretty-print key
Sort of. Bind `CL:*PRINT-PRETTY*` to nil
Or use the key as you say. The pretty printer is very basic, since shasht was originally designed for network messaging.
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Of course, there is also the option of Traditional Lisp Identation, aka "Write everything as a solid wall of 80-column text with a minimum of spaces"
good morning all!
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aeth: are you here?
Or anyone making that create docker images for their CL application may be able to help with my question.
For context, I have been doing some benchmarking and explore different deployment of my SBCL workers - local vs remote machines and docker vs repl. The local (docker and repl) are only for sense checking the remote options (local and docker)
I am also testing on the kubernetes (GKE and minikube) and so far those results appear consistent.
Now my question is relates to my remote options: The remote with 'docker run' has a median response time of 3.5 seconds and the remote with 'repl' has a median of 5.1 seconds. The remote machine as no other load and the tasks sent to the workers are exactly identical
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is there a reason a remote repl run is slower? Also, there is not other jobs or tasks on the machine, just the repl (either bare or through docker run)
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so, I haven't used non-standard method combinations before, and I was hoping I had a good use-case for OR, but some further reading and experimentation makes me think it can't possibly work. Please correct me if I'm wrong:
so basically, I want "whoever can handle it first" style protocol for an object whose type is not known beforehand (because discovery is a part of the handling). But any method combination, including simple method combinations like OR, needs to have *distinct* specialisers between different methods
so I can't just say (defmethod foo or (obj) "try handler 1") (defmethod foo or (obj) "try handler 2"), because they will just be seen as redefining the same single method
correct. there has to be some way to distinguish the methods.
you can have distinct methods with the same specializers but different qualifiers, though.
I don't think it helps me, since I want the semantics of OR
that doesn't help you with the OR combination, but you could have a custom method combination where you have arbitrary integer qualifiers, or something
oh, I see!
and just arbitrary keywords are OK qualifiers, right?
Yes, the qualifiers are just a list of objects that's arbitrary other than that they can't be lists
so if I have a keyword that is the name of the backend implementing it, that would be enough to distinguish them?
the code might be kind of confusing to keep track of, so i'd be careful with that. oh that sounds way better than integers confusion wise.
i mean, with the standard method combination you can have :before and :after with the same specializers and you get distinct methods, right? same idea.
and for that I need to define a custom method combination using the long form of DEFINE-METHOD-COMBINATION?
Bike: so the very first snippet in the README has (:method-combination basic progn t), which I don't understand. I thought the name of the method combination was called "PROGN", and you use it like so: (:method-combination progn)
basic is a method combination defined by the library
described a little ways down the readme
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I tried a new style with my code where I write all my protocols for my entire system into all of their separate modules and then create a package called "implementation" where I specialize my generics appropriately
I like
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what is the recommended way to use types with a function? defun plus a declaim vs defmethod vs others(?)
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jeosol: I can't think of why it would be slower
jeosol: defmethod uses classes, defun with declaim and/or declare uses types. There is a bit of a distinction here, with numbers and arrays
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Josh_2: Josh it's more on the documentation side of the things but have types enforced somehow. I normally just use defmethod but not sure what overhead that has
aeth: thanks for your response. I was afraid the post was out of topic. I was just concluding the benchmarking test and have been able to get the repl to be generally less that docker. It's only on the remote machines I noticed the disparity
it's not necessarily enforced, and the implementation is free to ignore it, AFAIK
it is ime easier to use DECLARE over DECLAIM FTYPE unless you need to specify the return type.
jeosol: different versions of a library perhaps?
but it's also allowed to take that into consideration for optimisation purposes
aeth: I can't think of why bare repl would be slow than repl within docker, but I will investigate further
or maybe docker is somehow caching everything into a FASL while the bare REPL somehow isn't
(so one is compiling and the other isn't)
mathrick: thanks for that link. ftype is more of what I was thinking of
mathrick: which is why I wrote a DEFINE-FUNCTION macro to handle this whole mess (other macros exist; they are less complete and some are even GPL, which makes them unusable for most libraries)
ew, GPL is a hot mess, especially in CL
it can CHECK-TYPE (slower, always works), it can DECLARE (faster, don't trust it to work so it's performance-over-reliability), it can DECLAIM (some things need to be declaimed... return types and inline)
aeth: not different versions per se. I have functions with defun and try to use names that could convey intent but I am think if I can start adding some form of documentation that could also carry type information.
mathrick: yeah, everyone always brings up defstar, and probably encouraged a bunch of people to accidentally violate the GPL in the process
I do use ftype in a few places, low-level functionality with array-based functions to "speed" things up(?),
or for optimization
aeth: good point about fasl. I try to use essentially the same process to start the repls. I create a core file and the start SBCL with the core-file in both cases.
declarations can actually slow things down in SBCL because it inserts a checks (unless (safety 0) but never do (safety 0)), but not in checks that are visible in DISASSEMBLE
aeth: I've never, ever liked the whole "linking is derivative work" thing. Even in C it makes absolutely no sense and is, IMHO, an abuse of the copyright law
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(defun foo (x) (declare (single-float x)) (1+ x)) (disassemble #'foo) ; seems nice in SBCL, you eliminated a generic +
(sb-disassem:disassemble-code-component #'foo) ; oops, there's actually a lot of checking going on in SBCL that isn't visible to you portably
aeth: I now use multistage image build, build the core file in the first pass, copy it in the second stage. I noticed this improved the run times, not sure why - perhaps smaller image?
"GPL is a hot mess, especially in CL" it is the number one reason interestingly enough I came to use common-lisp the absence of GPL on all the essential parts
but in practice if you need to do DECLARE and it's not so trivial that you can just inline it, it's probably going to be a performance win to DECLARE types
dbotton: the LGPL is much worse of a choice and the LLGPL is even worse because it's a custom license.
I used to think GPL had a place, way back when I was a kid and the whole open source thing was a novelty
but these days I think it's cancerous
I wrote more lines that you can imaging as GPL and LGP
the LGPL is best interpreted to mean that you can't really build an all-in-one binary (which is how most people deploy Lisp applications). You have to have swappable FASLs of the LGPL parts.
aeth: how's LGPL even worse though?
haha. not a licensing expert, so anything GPL should be avoided?
(not a lawyer though)
unless a you want GPL
(which is one issue with the LGPL just there, because you would need to see one)
AGPL is even worse
the GPL's fine, though, as long as everything's compatible (so no library that's GPLv2 only, etc., etc.)
not sure the impact of the GPL and derivatives, but I use core files a lot and further package everything into a single docker image with all dependencies (sbcl + code + data). So it's drop and go
for developer tools won't touch again anything GPL
I don't care if final product GPL if userland
aeth: not sure how LGPL implies that? At worst, LGPL reverts to being GPL if you have an all-in-one binary, but I don't really think it does even that
The problem is the lawyers for some company in the future attacking your work
mathrick: my point is that the LGPL isn't really useful for libraries based on the way Lisp works because now it forces you into some awkward work-with-the-LGPL application deploying strategy
I've been there twice
You won't be able to defend yourself
mathrick: which you would have to run by a lawyer if you're serious
for the money free software makes.....
dbottom: that's good to know. I have largely ignored this aspect. I primarily used SBCL and supposedly open source CL libs
mathrick: by contrast, the GPL is easy... you just use the GPL or don't use the library
aeth: yeah, thought this is just an extension of the idiotic "static linking is somehow derivation", even though it's patently absurd because most of the time static vs dynamic linking is a switch and you can compile the same code both ways (in C that is)
are there popular CL libs that have this issue? I must admit I haven't paid attention to the licensing of some of the libs I used.
CLOG I make sure completely free GPL, with great gratitude fukamachi changed CLACK from lgpl to mit/bsd for clog
good to know.
I think remember wanted to do some machine learning work and clml had some restrictive license, verified with some others it was the case and I eventually left it.
like I said the issue is that even if LGPL some day ends up being ok in a court, someone can restrict your software till for many years
your competition can play dirty pool a long time