I would guess to supply :rename to the :if-exists keyword argument of open
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that or look into any functions exported by UIOP
in this irc channel I think kakuhen that is the only meaning for Lisp ;)
Just trying to make sure you don't mean LISP 1.5 or something else :P
renaming directories in that would be difficult i think
#commonlisp :)
that's just the name of the channel and doesn't make it obvious what you mean by "lisp" unfortunately
it's a similar reason drivers must use turn signals even if they're in e.g. a left-turn lane, but this is getting off-topic now
anyways the open solution you mention will not work on directories and I do not know of a funtion in uiop
RENAME-FILE appears to work on directories, but the CLHS isn't clear that it should work.
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"rename-file modifies the file system in such a way that the file indicated by filespec is renamed to defaulted-new-name." Problem is that I'm not really indicating a file, I think.
ok I found my mistake; I blindly assumed osicat-posix is part of uiop (it's not)
it exports the relevant syscalls for renaming dirs
with that said, I think it's intentional rename-file doesn't specify what it does for directories since not all OSes and file systems will want to treat directories as files
nonetheless, a quick look at CCL's implementation of RENAME-FILE shows the rename() syscall being used under the hood, so you should be fine using RENAME-FILE in that implementation, but this strategy isn't very portable it seems
so I stand by osicat-posix:rename
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Am I misunderstanding how `LDIFF` works? `(ldiff (list 1 2 3 4 5) 3) => (1 2 3 4 5)` I was expecting it to return `(1 2 3)`
hayley: hash-table is not a hash table data structure. It's a data structure that is intended to have the same time and space complexities as if it was implemented with a hash table.
I read "[CL hash tables not having collisions] is a demonstrate of the difference between an algorithm school exercise, and an actual industry-strength library." But, in the classes I went to, we'd handle collisions, and that was the motivation for introducing bucket vs. linear probing tables.
hayley: the specs doesn't impose a strategy to avoid collisions or deal with them if they occur.
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regarding the earlier discussion about renaming directories: on UNIX systems, if the CL implementation or library in question uses rename(2), the operation will fail if the old name and the new name are not on the same filesystem. SBCL, for example, uses rename(2)
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Is there a `format` directive to determine whether a certain word should be preceded with "a" or "an"? I seem to remember there was, but I can't seem to find it.
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contrapunctus: are you maybe thinking of -y/-ies vs -/-s for the plural directive?
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scymtym: I may have been remembering that. What I'm after is "apple" → "an apple", "fruit" → "a fruit", etc.
Easy enough to do via regex, but `format` is one less dependency, and terser too.
you could also package that as a custom format directive so that you can write (format … "… ~/my-package:with-article/ …" "ananas")
contrapunctus: you could wrap that in a (format nil "~/indefinite-article/ ~a" word)
as scymtym said.
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Is there a built-in way to preserve polymorphic method dispatch while only dispatching when a method exists for the most specific class of the given object? Rather than calling the next most specific method I'd like a condition to be raised instead. I figure a custom method combinator might work, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel if unnecessary.
i think you just don't call the next method and raise a condition instead no?
Conditions are "signaled". Not "raised".
neominimum: you are saying if call-next-method does not exist then signal a condition?
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I think that they say that if you have a method foo specialized on the class qux, then if you have a subclass xyz then this method should not be applicable to an instance of xyz
No, signal a condition if a method doesn't exist specialised on the class
I think that neominimum means that if the generic function is given some object O, and O is a direct instance of the class C, then only a method with C as its specializer should be applicable, and not a method specialized to some D which is a superclass of C.
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beach: yes thank you
jackdaniel: yes
Thought that sounds contrary to the Liskov Substitution Principle.
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It is, although necessary in my case
I am just saying that it would be strange if any standardized method combination would break that principle.
Ah okay, perhaps not a common need
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I suppose I am misappropriating the object system if I am asking such things. I'll try something else.
What is the Liskov Substitution Principle?
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behavior defined on a superstate applies to the substate
this basically means, that if X is a subclass of Y, then anywhere where Y fits X will do as well
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The concrete version of the LSP: "If you need a dog, you need a dog. If you just need a mammal, a dog will do fine.""
+1 :)
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pretty obscure, but SBCL has a kind of specializer with the described behavior: (defclass super () ()) (defclass sub (super) ()) (defmethod f ((o (sb-pcl::class-eq super)))) (f (make-instance 'sub)) |- no applicable method
Cool thanks
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Did you forget to (:use :cl) in your package definition
here it is
nope, it says undefined variable: COMMON-LISP:<
Your indentation is wrong.
it's how Emacs indents it
So this is not a form, but part of the DO variable clauses.
you've put (< i +register-count+) in the test position of do
LonelyAdventurer: I seriously doubt that. You must not be using Lisp mode.
I'm using Lisp mode
in other words: "when < is not nil …"
then evaluate i and +registers-count+
It's exactly what I want
not really
you want there ((< i +registers-count+) :finished!)
I want to loop the setf as long as i is less than +registers-count+
that is 'when (< i +registers-count+) is not nil, then …'
doesn't < return nil if the condition is false?
LonelyAdventurer: I have no explanation for the bad indentation.
and even the other way around
so (do … ((>= i +registers-count+)) …)
it says that >= is undefined
this is confusing me
put another pair of parenthesis around your test
just as I've suggested
i.e not (do … (>= …) …) but (do … ((<= …)) …)
LonelyAdventurer: all the parenthesis matter. I know it's tempting when starting with lispy syntax to randomly add and remove them, but they all have a meaning.
I used (describe 'do) to check that
maybe I'm misreading here?
DO ({(Var [Init] [Step])}*) (Test Exit-Form*) Declaration* Form*
ohhhhh I see now
the Test is wrapped, okay.
also, the key to indent form in emacs is [tab], perhaps you have not pressed it, because that indentation made me count parentheses (and that is silly :)
I did use tab
pjb: scymtym: (format nil "~/indefinite-article/ ~a" word) from earlier where indefinite-article is a custom function, does indefinite-article (or any thing inside of ~/.../) need to take 4 arguments?
then probalby some hacker corrupted your emacs to do the indentation wrong
We need to find out why the indentation doesn't wor.
I'm using the emacs configured by roswell
maybe roswell sets some indentation rules I'm not aware about
doubtfully, it skrews up the environment but in other (much more subtle) ways
you can call emacs function indent-sexp (usually bound to C-M-q) at the beginning of the form and see if anything changes
let's see
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no variations to the form
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wait a minute
in this case, it's because your paste contains tabs
my paste?
then the only explanation left are scary hackers :) /me leaves the office, see you \o
I realized that the bin I pasted had some missing whitespace
yes.. the paste site uses 4 spaces, while your emacs probably uses 8
what I have in emacs is not the same
ahahahha silly me
in general, lisp code should not use tabs
LonelyAdventurer: I would configure Emacs so that it never uses TABs.
yeah, I'm doing it
formatting is important
kagevf: yes, the stream, the argument and two arguments for the "flags", that is ~: and ~@
thank you beach, _death, jackdaniel.
kagevf: see clhs ~/ for the details.
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scymtym pjb : ok, thank you, that's what I thought
Note, you can also use ~( : (format nil "~@(~/fmt-indefinite-article/ ~a~)" "old" "hat") #| --> "An old hat" |#
pjb: thank you for that pastebin ... I don't think I would've come up with that on my own ... and I'll have to clhs ~( not familiar with it ...
ah! case conversion .... I remember now :)
a umbrella
* kagevf
uses fmt-indeifite-article as the basis to make a grammarly rival :p
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kagevf: After a wholesale change in terminology, I had to use the regex /an [bcdfghjklmnprstvwxyz/ to find and fix all the uses of "an new", and even that is imperfect"
(and similar phrases)
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I gave a one dollar bill to a unicorn outside an hotel.
jcowan: how did "an" get in front of new? was it the result of an automated rule gone awry, or was it a human/manual mistake? and did you use cl-ppcre?
I changed "X" to "Y" throughout a document where X began with a vowel sound and Y did not
So yes, an automated rule gone awry, but a rule that I myself created on the spot
a corresponding term changing "Z" to "E" left me with a lot of "a E" phrases
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and no, my editor was not written in CL
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jcowan: cl-ppcre is a package for regex ... can be used in any editor :) what editor do you use?
(with occasional switches to vi mode to bounce on the % key)
is ex the same as "command mode" in vim??
well, maybe not same ... let me rephrase: "is ex what vim's command mode is based on?"
* ober
would have bet edlin
hmmm ... on my system "ex" maps to /usr/bin/vim.basic ...
not sure if that's real "ex" or not ... any advantages to using ex to edit CL?
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CL can all be in a single line...
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Hi, someone has the experience of compiling ZS3 or CXML for android? getting weird error
kagevf: ex and vi are Siamese twins
and yes, ex-mode is vim's "command mode"
I usually start vim as "ex", which brings it up in command mode
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The only advantage for me in using ex is that it has been built into my fingers for the past 30+ years
I no longer think about what I am doing at the finger-macro level, only at the higher level
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+1 for being able to use the same editor for +30y :) ... 30 years ago I used a DOS based editor called VZ ... I think it's long gone, though haha ... vim and text objects are great, like vanilla emacs handling of sexps a lot too :)
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technically, it's #'1+ not #'+1
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You can still use old DOS editors in DOSBox, but you won't get UTF-8, support for larger screen sizes, etc. It probably wouldn't be fun to edit Lisp with this.
DOSBox is fine with fairly big screen sizes if you tweak the config files. Of course, they are grainy.
(bosdox #'ed *file*)
aeth: I used a reader macro :p
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Tell me if this is right. You can create a symbol whose home package is an existing package and then change its home package to be NIL. You can create a symbol whose home package is NIL and change its home package to some existing package. But that's it. You cannot, for example, directly change the home package from package p1 to package p2.
* jcowan
thinks that's probably a silly question
jcowan: you can call unintern and intern, each with a symbol as an argument ... so that answers 2 of your questions
as for the 3rd question, don't quote me on it, but I'm guessing instead of re-assignment you would shadow a symbol
are operations on alist thread-safe in CL? or is it unspecified?
search the cl spec for "thread" and you'll find zero occurrences.
does that answer your question?
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often an alist is not modified in any way, so there's no need to restrict use.. if however you store a reference to an alist that you do modify, that requires protection
kagevf: Well, you can unintern and then intern, which is why I said the 3rd question was silly
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that saves the eq'ness of the symbol, but instead of new-package::symbol you have #:symbol, and more weird (symbol-package new-package::symol) => nil
What it does mean is that there is no unique natural label for a symbol: you would have to gensym one and put it on the p-list, or something like that.
what if MOVE-SYMBOL used INTERN instead of IMPORT?
intern finds or creates a symbol with a given name
hmmm. i reversed the order of int unintern and import
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hmmm ... it seems like they'd be interchangeable in MOVE-SYMBOL ... if there's a nuance I'm not getting it (clhs'd both import and intern)
well, try it..
why does ASDF die with COMPILE-ERROR if a macro WARNs during expansion? I can load my system just fine using QL:QUICKLOAD, but if I use ASDF:LOAD-SYSTEM, it fails
I have a warning in a macro to remind myself that I'm not done writing it, but that apparently completely kills ASDF loading
you may signal a style warning instead..
I will try it later
damn you, ANSI CL
It's definitely weird that unintern and intern are not counterparts, but they aren't
_death: thank you though! I hate the fact ANSI CL defined it that way, but I appreciate your help :)
mathrick: what? what non-style warnings are a kind of failure?.. if it's just your personal code base you can set asdf:*compile-file-failure-behaviour* to :warn in your rc file
"The tertiary value, failure-p, is false if no conditions of type error or warning (other than style-warning) were detected by the compiler, and true otherwise."
this is a definition of failure set by the standard
and I'm unhappy, because I want this warning to be more prominent than a style warning, but not so serious that it fails the compilation
when I run (symbol-package (move-symbol (gensym) "FOO")) it just returns nil ... I also tried 'FOO instead of "FOO" ...
jcowan: in what kind of scenario would you need to move a symbol?
kagevf: you should make sure to (defpackage "FOO" (:use)) first
dah!! my understanding of the args was flipped ...
oh, there's UIOP:STYLE-WARN
which works like CL:WARN
still get NIL, plus I had to use (string) on the gensym for the arg to intern
kagevf: do you mean with your version that tries to use INTERN?
oh crap ... it was supposed to be import ... sorry
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finally! woo-hoo ... now why didn't intern work ... hmmmm
intern maps from a name (a string) to a symbol.. it may create a symbol but otherwise can't change anything with regards to one
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let me re-clhs intern ...
I don't get it ... in clhs "intern enters a symbol named string into package" ... so it seems like (symbol-package (progn (intern symbol package) symbol)) should work, but it doesn't
read what I just wrote
oh wait ... is it because (eq (string symbol) symbol) isn't true??
I read what you wrote, but I still don't get it ...
a symbol is an object that has a name.. names of symbols are strings
intern takes a string and an optional package.. if it finds a symbol that has a name matching the string in the package, it returns it.. otherwise it creates one
so intern can "change" a package (not a symbol) by creating a symbol "in it", that is, the symbol has the package as its home package
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import can also "change" a package, by making an already existing symbol present in it.. but it may also "change" a symbol by setting its home package
_death: so ... does that mean intern updates a package's list of symbols, but does NOT update whatever SYMBOL-PACKAGE reads on that symbol?
unintern, like import, deals with existing symbols and may "change" both a package and the symbol
oh, wow ... ok ... thank you for patiently epxlaining all that ... this definitely is going into my notes
(simplified; return value etc. should be fixed)
I remember the book Common Lisp Recipes had a good discussion about symbols and packages (nevermind my general opinion about it :)
another one may be in CLtL2
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is there any way to silence all the noise of ASDF loading and compilation when I call ASDF:TEST-SYSTEM? I couldn't find any proper mechanism of doing it, and from what I can tell, Quicklisp just hacks its way by binding *STANDART-OUTPUT*, which doesn't really seem like an option here
kagevf: I don't think you would; the question was whether it is possible to do so, and the answer is yes.
therefore the home package is not a stable property of a symbol in the way that its name is
it is not even quasi-stable in the sense that it is either nil or some fixed package
it can, during its lifetime, have any number of home packages one at a tme.