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<kwizart> Hello armlinux. I need some advice about older armhfp board for a mesa bug (with llvmpipe). Basically newer llvm has reversed the cpu feature logic so this need to be re-sorted
<kwizart> basically as soon as the CPU lacks neon, there are also others features that cannot be assumed. Best would be to have theses feature properly conditionalized
<kwizart> this is the mesa upstream ticket:
<kwizart> thanks for any advices
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<militantorc> hi
<robmur01> kwizart: Seems like that's an issue between Mesa and LLVM? If you're already able to detect the HWCAPS for the features that *are* present, then it's just a case of explicitly configuring the compiler to use those and only those
<robmur01> if you want to be portable, don't make any assumptions about how the distro/user/whoever may have configured a particular compiler's defaults
<militantorc> how do you do portable then? explicitly set all flags of gcc?
<militantorc> *whatever compile
<militantorc> *whatever compiler
<robmur01> all the ones relevant to the ISA and instruction/register selection, yes
<robmur01> you don't know if, say, "arm-none-eabi-gcc" alone is going to generate code for ARM926 or Cortex-A72
<kwizart> robmur01, thanks. right I'm currently trying to see if all features can be detected... so this would give something like this (no compile test/ desc update yet):
<kwizart> I'm assuming -crypto is an aarch64 thing, so not relevant in #if DETECT_ARCH_ARM case
<robmur01> no, crypto exists in v8 AArch32 as well
<robmur01> (to an extent, at least)
<kwizart> Okay, so it means it works for me because my host triplet doesn't assumes crypto ?
<kwizart> (i'm doing native compilation on fedora, but I should meant target triplet)
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<robmur01> well, it should really depend on NEON anyway. Plus I doubt llvmpipe does much that could use AES or SHA instructions in the first place :)
<kwizart> right
<kwizart> robmur01, there is already such mention for x86 like "buggy setup" qemu that would only expose crypto but not neon altough real arm CPU would never have such case.
<kwizart> not sure if there is a need to handle such case
<arnd> kwizart: I think it's reasonable to assume that the kernel correctly identifies the available features. If this is broken in qemu, it should be fixed in qemu, not in gallium
<robmur01> I mean in the compiler as well - if you tell it not to use NEON then logically it cannot use crypto instructions which operate on NEON registers either
<arnd> From what I see on the other architectures, you should have a line per feature like "MAttrs.push_back(util_get_cpu_caps()->has_neon ? "+neon" : "-neon");" to enable or disable it based on the CPU alone, with no check for preprocessor macros
<kwizart> arnd, sure. llvm/mesa "used not to" do much runtime detection beyound neon. Others features are likely to be assumed at build time (given the -march=armv7-a)
<kwizart> I think my bug was just that, fedora build with -march=armv7-a -fpu=vfp3-d16 but llvm would assumes vfp32 at runtime.
<arnd> kwizart: you have a corner case where mesa is built for ARMv5 softfloat, but you are running on an ARMv8/aarch32 with NEON, so you want llvmpipe to use the NEON instructions
<robmur01> Looks like Mesa's check_os_arm_support() could stand to be fleshed out for HWCAP_VFPD32 etc. as well
<arnd> same as how i386 binaries running on modern x86-64 hardware enable avx2
<kwizart> OK, so instead of pre-processors checks, the best way forward is runtime checks, even for arm
<arnd> yes
<arnd> the various options for FPU features make this is little complex, but it's still nor as bad as x86
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<marc|gonzalez> hello arnd & robmur01 :)
<militantorc> is anyone good with android here
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<marc|gonzalez> militantorc: what SoC are you on? You might be better off in the SoC-specific channel
<militantorc> this is more a software based question than hardware
<militantorc> some qualcomm aarch64
<marc|gonzalez> OK. If no one answers here, you might try #linux-msm ?
<militantorc> what is msm
<marc|gonzalez> msm is the qcom arch
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<militantorc> marc|gonzalez, thanks
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