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<Forty-Bot> Xogium: generally, I do `git log v6.1..linux/master file/of/interest` and see if there's anything interesting
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<Xogium> Forty-Bot: not a bad idea :O
<Xogium> doesn't appear there is... :/ this might still be a current bug
<Xogium> hitting a kernel bug when you least expect it. That appears to be one of my things
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<Xogium> unfortunately, I have no clue how to solve it
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<Xogium> I mean, I should also get the wpewebkit issue that triggered this in the first place fixed, but the kernel issue should also get fixed
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<Forty-Bot> Xogium: send a bug report and CC some relevant people
<Forty-Bot> maybe someone else will have a better idea :)
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<Xogium> Forty-Bot: yeah... Because I really don't. I'm a little lost to be honest, I am not sure if it is still present in more recent kernel, as in not 6.1.y
<Xogium> a bit overwhelmed
<Xogium> and I cannot test this easily as I require the functionality of the vendor kernel
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<ukleinek> Xogium: The official position is: Always update to $latest
<ukleinek> Xogium: when in doubt is Linus's tree has a fix and stable doesn't: Test Linus's tree. If that's good, do an inversed bisect.
<ukleinek> s/is/if/
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<Xogium> ukleinek: well, I guess I'm pretty much screwed
<Xogium> oh well
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<robmur01> Xogium: FWIW it was mainline 6.10-rc1 code I was looking at to deduce the bug...
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<Xogium> robmur01: oh. I thought you just checked what I had sent ;)
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<ukleinek> abelloni: are you aware of the following warning from make allmodconfig dt_binding_check dtbs_check?:
<ukleinek> arch/arm/boot/dts/microchip/at91-tse850-3.dtb: pwm@f002c000: Unevaluated properties are not allowed ('clocks', 'interrupts' were unexpected)
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<conchuod> ukleinek: why that one particular issue?
<conchuod> Ah, "pwm" I guess?
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<ukleinek> conchuod: guessed correctly
<ukleinek> IIRC make allmodconfig dt_binding_check dtbs_check DT_SCHEMA_FILES=/pwm/ didn't list that not so long ago
<conchuod> The at91 devicetrees are a "work in progress"
* ukleinek likes progress without introducing warnings :-þ
* conchuod picked his wording carefully due to his employeer
<ukleinek> ..ooOO(s/progr/m/ looks nearly like program)
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<conchuod> Anyway, I dunno why something would've changed there recently. sama5d3's pwm controller was coverted to yaml in 2022 & both of the properties predate that.
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<ukleinek> conchuod: might be I just missed these warnings before then. The output of make dt_binding_check dtbs_check is quite verbose ....
* ukleinek calls it a day and maybe prepares a patch tomorrow
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* headless wondering where SYS_SMCR_EL1 is defined...
<j`ey> headless: via arch/arm64/tools/sysreg
<headless> j`ey: thanx!
* headless finds SMCR_EL1 in ARM ARM
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<headless> night
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