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<geertu> maz: Do you know if there are ARM systems with more than one GIC at the same level (i.e. not cascaded like on Realview)?
<geertu> I couldn't find multiple GICs in any DTS file, but perhaps there are such servers with ACPI?
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<maz> geertu: that's forbidden by the architecture.
<maz> geertu: in multi-socket systems, you do have multiple GICs, but they talk to each other, and the implementation only architecturally exposes one.
<maz> if you know where to poke in the MMIO space, you find them all.
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<geertu> maz: So what about "[PATCH v4 00/14] MIPS: Support I6500 multi-cluster configuration"
<geertu> THat's OK because it's MIPS and not ARM?
<maz> geertu: probably. MIPS doesn't have much of an architecture definition, and is such a pile of hacks that it's not worth losing sleep over it.
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<robmur01> and FWIW it's hard enough to describe all the bits of one GIC in ACPI as it is, anything more esoteric would definitely be a no-go ;)
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<CounterPillow> But people who assure me they are very knowledgeable in computers keep telling me that ACPI would solve everything and it's all the fault of DT :(
<bjdooks> I blame both
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<bjdooks> in fact this whole software on computers is just a bad idea
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<HdkR> Both ecosystems are equally broken, DT has the advantage that it can be more easily changed :)
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<mwalle> WARNING: Reported-by: should be immediately followed by Closes: with a URL to the report
<mwalle> can closes: also point to a lore URL?
<mwalle> nvm. according to Documentation/process/handling-regressions.rst it can :)
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<geertu> mwalle: yep
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<robmur01> what, there are ways to report bugs *other* than by email? :D
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<marex> bjdooks: can FPGA help here ?
<marex> given large enough state machine, you could synthesise it all into hardware
<javierm_> broonie: maybe a silly question but the regmap lock is mostly (only?) useful if the regmap is shared among different drivers (e.g: a MFD driver that passes it the same regmap to two drivers)
<javierm_> broonie: but if is embedded into a struct that is already protected by the locking scheme of a subsystem core, I could just set .disable_locking right ?
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<broonie> javierm_: No, it's also useful for anything that runs in a multi-threaded context. If you're *very* sure that all access to the regmap is serialised elsewhere you can disable locking but it's very far from just being for multiple drivers.
<javierm_> broonie: got it. Thanks
<javierm_> broonie: I believe that all regmap access for this particular driver serialized but will double check
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