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<militantorc> arnd, :
<militantorc> (v7l)
<militantorc> oops
<militantorc> # cat /proc/cpu
<militantorc> cpu/ cpu_ss/ cpufreq/ cpuinfo
<militantorc> root@8312D:/ # cat /proc/cpuinfo
<militantorc> Processor: ARMv7 Processor rev 4 (v7l)
<militantorc> processor: 0
<militantorc> BogoMIPS: 2589.52
<militantorc> processor: 1
<militantorc> BogoMIPS: 2589.52
<militantorc> Features: swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee neon vfpv3 tls vfpv4 idiva idivt
<militantorc> CPU implementer: 0x41
<militantorc> CPU architecture: 7
<militantorc> CPU variant: 0x0
<militantorc> CPU part: 0xc07
<militantorc> CPU revision: 4
<arnd> militantorc: ok, so that's just a cortex-a7 as I expected. Any chance you are running an old kernel?
<militantorc> Its most probably quite ancient
<militantorc> Let me check
<militantorc> Linux version 3.4.67, (gcc version 4.7 (GCC)
<militantorc> arnd, its an old cellphone
<militantorc> (this is from /proc/version so the gcc version is probably the one used to build the kernel, not the one i intend to compile)
<militantorc> arnd, is lpae something that should have existed on the CPU features?
<arnd> militantorc: yes, all cortex-a7 are arm7ve and have lpae, it's just that before linux-3.10 it was not reported in /proc/cpuinfo
<militantorc> I see
<militantorc> is there any other way to detect its existence?
<militantorc> I have a crosscompiler running on my pc
<militantorc> I can run a linux syscll or whatever to test it
<arnd> As far as I know, the feature registers are only accessible from the kernel and not exposed any other way besides hwcap and /proc/cpuinfo. In runtime code, you'd normally use hwcap, but that change was added in the same 3.10 commit as the /proc/cpuinfo one
<militantorc> I can run asm to test the register
<militantorc> i don't know asm but if you give me some code i can try executing it on my phone
<arnd> militantorc: no need, I promise it's there. the discussion between ardb and me yesterday was just about a really obscure corner case from a single SoC that was put into the first generation Google Chromecast IIRC
<militantorc> I see
<militantorc> I'd just like to clarify nevertheless becuse the system seems very whiny about small changes even
<militantorc> For example I got a gcc somehow don't ask me how
<militantorc> i used something called musl-gcc to cross compile gcc
<militantorc> used a similar process for binutils
<militantorc> and now the linker whines the compiler emitted code that uses VFP registers
<militantorc> and that it failes to merge
<arnd> right, it's a bit tricky to find the right toolchain. Most distros come with working cross-compilers, but then those require having a copy of the glibc installed on the device. With musl-libc gcc can build a statically linked executable at least
<militantorc> arnd, my cross compiler works fine
<militantorc> I use -static
<militantorc> to generate binaries
<militantorc> and they execute fine
<militantorc> My issue is I am trying to create a native gcc that works on the phone itself
<militantorc> to avoid this crosscompiling bs for more complex projects where static might be hard or impossible
<militantorc> note that i can build static binaries fine without musl for small simple programs
<arnd> I see. That is a bit unusual though, most people find it much easier to cross compile in this scenario
<militantorc> i used musl only for stuff that failed to link staatically with glibc
<arnd> if you want native compilation, you could install an debian armhf into a chroot environment and run things in there
<militantorc> arnd, lets say i am building a complex project like say emacs (just randm example) how does one go about doing that in a cross compile mode?
<militantorc> I have no idea how to link the libraries on the phone itself
<arnd> militantorc: usually you start with a distro that is already cross-compiling everything: openembedded, buildroot, aosp, ... whichever you are most experienced with
<militantorc> so does that distro also ship with a native gcc for arm?
<arnd> no
<arnd> but they have packages for most of the normal projects, and you can add your own packages that link against the distro libraries
<militantorc> ah i see
<militantorc> yes that sounds good
<militantorc> so this thing, i'd need to somehow build a chroot for that?
<militantorc> and then i can use its package manager like normal?
<arnd> it depends, in the simplest case the output of the build system is a preconfigured rootfs that you copy to the target machine after you build all the binaries
<militantorc> oh
<militantorc> I have never used any of these oses
<arnd> with aosp, I suppose you'd build an android package and install that through adb
<militantorc> which would you recommend
<arnd> if you have not done any of those but are familiar with desktop linux, you may want to start with a debian chroot and then build natively in there
<militantorc> yes so does debin have a build available on this platform?
<arnd> debian armhf is what everyone uses for armv7
<militantorc> ok
<militantorc> arnd, do you know if this machine supports hard floats?
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<arnd> armel is usually only used for armv5, armhf works on pretty much every armv7 with very few exceptions that you don't have to worry about. The "vfpv3" in /proc/cpuinfo means that debian armhf will run, the vfpv4 and neon are additional extensions to the fpu that are in cortex-a7 and later but not in the earlier cortex-a9 and similar
<arnd> (most a9 have neon as well)
<militantorc> so this armhf is a safe common denominator guaranteed for this
<militantorc> ?
<arnd> yes
<militantorc> Ok thanks
<militantorc> this stuff was just so confusing
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<militantorc> could it be because of really ancient kernel?
<militantorc> Linux version 3.4.67
<militantorc> wrong channel
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<militantorc> Managed to get a native compiler working after a lot of wrestling
<militantorc> only need to find a way to rebuild it with correcy sysroot
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<NishanthMenon> just in generic interest: not strictly an ARM linux discussion, but more of a u-boot discussion.. but if any SoC vendor is interested.. in the #u-boot channel on will probably start a mail chain on u-boot mailing list as well (context: where should core system firmware binaries in advanced SoCs reside? vendor github? linux-firmware or elsewhere?)
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<javierm_> NishanthMenon: a u-boot-firmware repo makes totally sense to me
<javierm_> not that my opinion matters but just FWIW :)
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