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<Xogium> how does one debug something like this ? I'm unsuere... I've double checked and all the drivers are present
<Xogium> cat /sys/kernel/debug/devices_deferred
<Xogium> 0-0039
<Xogium> sound asoc-audio-graph-card: parse error
<Xogium> 5a001000.display-controller
<Xogium> for reference I think the 039 thing belong to the hdmi-transmitter which is on i2c1, which might be stuck because of the parse error of the audio-graph-card
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<ukleinek> Xogium: 0-0039 suggests the busno is 0 (and the device's address is 0x39)
<Xogium> right
<Xogium> but I mean i2c1 in the device tree, not in linux itself. Sorry, I should have been more specific
* ukleinek nods
<Xogium> but yeah parse error is very little to go on
<ukleinek> the easiest action is probably the asoc-audio thing
* ukleinek suggests to improve the error reporting of audio_graph_parse_of()
<Xogium> that could be a good idea
<Xogium> whatever it is, I don't think that's my fault. I have not touched the device tree, or at least nothing related to sound, and neither did I touch the driver itself
<ukleinek> and it worked with an older kernel version?
<Xogium> aye
<militantorc> Another phone this time
<Xogium> this is a vendor kernel, granted. But it was 6.1.28 before and now is 6.1.82
<militantorc> This project is going to be fun
<Xogium> so something was either backported that blew up this, or they did something that doesn't work quite as they were hoping it to
<militantorc> what does this mean wrt gcc architecutre string:
<militantorc> Processor: AArch64 Processor rev 0 (aarch64)
<militantorc> processor: 0
<militantorc> processor: 1
<militantorc> processor: 2
<militantorc> processor: 3
<militantorc> Features: fp asimd evtstrm crc32
<militantorc> CPU implementer: 0x41
<militantorc> CPU architecture: 8
<militantorc> CPU variant: 0x0
<militantorc> CPU part: 0xd03
<militantorc> CPU revision: 0
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<ukleinek> Xogium: bisecting between 6.1.28 and 6.1.82 sounds also like a viable option
<ukleinek> Xogium: git log v6.1.28..v6.1.82 -- sound/soc/generic/audio-graph-card.c is empty
<Xogium> huh huh
<Xogium> smells like the dt might have messed up something then ?
<Xogium> that commit sounds suspect
<Xogium> 9e633411d143 ARM: dts: stm32: fix i2s endpoint format property for stm32mp15xx-dkx
<Xogium> ah it's just switching format to dai-format
<Xogium> but yeah parse error should be kind of more verbose
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<Xogium> oops I meant dai-format, typoed that somehow
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<Xogium> I suppose I'll have to settle for bisecting given I am not sure how to improve the parse error message
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<biju> Does any one knows, once we issue CMD11 for SD voltage switch, How to restore previous state without power cycling??
<militantorc> what exactly is a device tree
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<Xogium> militantorc: a device tree is there to describe the hardware, in a sense. So linux knows the kind of cpu it has, the memory available to it, but also all the SoC peripheral connected to that for example the usb ports, the eMMC storage, the micro sd / mmc slot if there is one
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<Xogium> since arm has no acpi (darn good thing it doesn't), you need some way to be able to tell it the hardware and all of its configuration
<Xogium> it's a very very broad idea I gave though
<Xogium> iirc bootlin has some stuff on dt... Device tree 101 I think it is called ?
<militantorc> Xogium, whats wrong with acpi
<militantorc> Xogium, i have no idea about low lelve
<militantorc> this is a legit question, not an attack
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<Xogium> acpi is an abomination and it cannot easily be interpreted by humans when things do go wrong, whereas deveice tree things are basically plain text (dts/dtsi, not the final dtb mind)
<Xogium> acpi is basically the machine probing the hardware on its own and is kind of hackish imo
<Xogium> *device tree, rather
<militantorc> Xogium, is device tree static or dynamic
<Xogium> what do you mean exactly ?
<militantorc> as an pure end user, not developer, acpi events have been helpful for me to debug some ports of my laptop
<militantorc> Xogium, as in
<militantorc> is device tree specified at boot time or flash time
<militantorc> or can it accomodate change of hardware
<militantorc> such as you plugging in a new keyboard or monitor etc
<Xogium> that depends. The bootloader's device tree is generally built-in for multiple reasons, the main one is that it needs immediate access to hardware and if it had to find the device tree from a disk partition it had no idea about... You can see why that would fail
<Xogium> the kernel's device tree on the other hand is specified at boot time and passed by the bootloader, loaded from the storage medium itself
<militantorc> so does this mean we will have a combinatorial explosion
<militantorc> if we want to have a general purpose ARM Linux distro
<militantorc> to support all possible combinations and permutations of hardware/peripherals
<militantorc> what is the solution to that?
<Xogium> that's definitely tricky. In my experience, it is literally impossible to make something be truely general purpose, as each board/platform might require its own specific bootloader
<Xogium> the kernel can be made generic enough for a lot of devices to use it
<Xogium> but the bootloader... That's another problem entirely
<militantorc> so we are helpless unless ARM manufacturers agrees to standardize on the basis of somthing like UEFI that amd64 have done?
<militantorc> i am feelin this might be used as an excuse by manufacturers to lock down laptops too like they did phones
<militantorc> once arm makes inroads in laptop
<militantorc> i hope someone can force a standardization on them
<Xogium> well, it can be made... But that would still mean you need a specific image for each supported platform afaik. I could of course be entirely wrong in this, but that's what I've generally seen so far
<Xogium> there's some sort of efi implementation for aarch64 iirc, but not for aarch32, if I'm not mistaken
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<militantorc> idk how to feel about it
<militantorc> arm as a technology is interesting
<militantorc> but
<militantorc> we live in a time without the lucky accident of the IBM pc to help us through
<militantorc> and governments are much mroe smart and evil regarding computer technology now
<militantorc> and even worse
<militantorc> the technology no longer solely exists in the hands of western, liberal, democractic countries as it was during the dawn of personal computing
<militantorc> sorry for the political rant
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<militantorc> but its just
<militantorc> some things are worrying me for some time
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<militantorc> Xogium, anyways so yes I was wondering what all those 'arm device tree' entries meant in the output of binwalk to android images
<militantorc> thanks for clarifying its meaning
<Xogium> no worries
<militantorc> Xogium, anyways so yes I was wondering what all those 'device tree' entries meant in the output of binwalk to android images
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<militantorc> so
<militantorc> I have somehow managed to find a way to make changes to the fs as root
<militantorc> while in a fastboot image environment
<militantorc> how does one next cross-compile an 'su' binary for the phone
<militantorc> and or perform necessary steps to disable selinux blockades
<militantorc> so i can just get up to root as a normal mode while booted to the phone normally
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