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<ukleinek> robher: no, didn't notice. My mailtracking for my address isn't very good at the moment. I intend to work on that, but until I managed that, use my baylibre address to get my attention (or ping me on irc) :-)
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<ukleinek> robher: I'll try to reproduce
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<ukleinek> robher: patch in your inbox
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<ajb-linaro> does kexec preserve the EL2 environment so KVM can setup again?
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<maz> ajb-linaro: preserve? no. but it goes back to EL2 to enter the next payload at the same EL it's been initially entered.
<maz> from the PoV of the next kernel, it is a fresh boot.
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<ajb-linaro> maz right - thats what I wanted to confirm, that KVM can survive a kexec - thanks
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