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<ukleinek> geertu: thanks for your feedback for my dev_err_probe + -ENOMEM series
<ukleinek> geertu: the first issue I hit while compile testing patch #2 was:
<geertu> ukleinek: See, it is useful ;-)
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<ukleinek> geertu: no, it's not. It only adds to my list of open patch opportunities :-)
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<biju> ukleinek: pwm/for_nexxt is giving compilation error
<biju> make[6]: *** [drivers/gpu/drm/msm/Makefile:176: drivers/gpu/drm/msm/generated/a2xx.xml.h] Error 1
<biju> make[6]: *** Deleting file 'drivers/gpu/drm/msm/generated/a2xx.xml.h'
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<biju> commit bb195358806847217efba98de62b7decec3b371f (" drm/msm: remove python 3.9 dependency for compiling msm"
<biju> Looks need this commit for fixing build issue
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* ukleinek now really doubts his compile test capabilities
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<ukleinek> biju: ah, is this about ? If yes, then thanks for the fix.
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<ukleinek> ah, I have python >= 3.9, so that problem doesn't exist for me. And I won't fix it in the pwm tree.
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<biju> ukleinek: How do we know such dependencies? if any one tries to build pwm/for-nexxt will get this compilation error. I am not sure about other subsystems. That patch has fixes tag, so it will be fast tracked.
<biju> till the time either one needs to upgrade python or manually apply this patch.
<ukleinek> the patch is already in -rc2, but I won't rebase for that.
<ukleinek> ..ooOO(Even Debian stable has 3.11, so the fault is on you if you have something older than 3.9 :-þ)
<ukleinek> even oldstable is fine with 3.9.2
<biju> OK I need to switch ubuntu version, it is 20.04, will switch to 23.04
<ukleinek> Sounds like a plan. (Of course switching to Debian would be still better, but I don't want to start a flamewar :-)
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