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<mwalle> linusw__: any chance you can give a quick test?
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<linusw__> mwalle: I've been planning to do so, just didn't have time & equipment at the same moment!
<mwalle> linusw__: ok, great :)
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<marc|gonzalez> Consider a probe function for a platform device, foo_probe(struct platform_device *pdev). If we do platform_set_drvdata(pdev, drvdata); in the function, but the probe fails, and drvdata is devm_freed, pdev will have a dangling pointer. Is there any risk some code will try accessing this memory?
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<pinchartl> marc|gonzalez: not in core code
<broonie> marc|gonzalez: The driver would have to try to access drvdata before setting it in probe().
<marc|gonzalez> pinchartl: thanks!
<pinchartl> and device_unbind_cleanup() sets it back to NULL
<pinchartl> device_unbind_cleanup() is called in the failure patch of really_probe()
<pinchartl> so I think you're safe
<marc|gonzalez> I was concerned about the following code pattern:
<marc|gonzalez> p = devm_kzalloc(...); platform_set_drvdata(pdev, p); other_stuff() if (err) return err;
<marc|gonzalez> actually, same thing for i2c_client, with s/platform_set_drvdata/i2c_set_clientdata/
<marc|gonzalez> But it seems like a fairly common code pattern
<pinchartl> marc|gonzalez: core code doesn't dereference the drvdata pointer. furthermore, if the probe function fails, really_probe() will call device_unbind_cleanup(), which will set the pointer to NULL
<marc|gonzalez> thanks for the definitive answer!
<pinchartl> you have the source code, you can check too :-)
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<javierm_> pinchartl: in fairness, the dd core / probe deferral path is not that easy to follow :)
<pinchartl> true
* pinchartl needs to remember that not everybody speaks dd core as a second language
<javierm_> :D
<mripard> pinchartl: tbf, I'm not sure anyone does
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* ukleinek would have claimed the same as pinchartl
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<javierm_> mripard: I *thought* that did at least as a 3rd lang but then realized that probe deferrals timeout now for some subsystems... so agree with you that probably is hard to claim that
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<marc|gonzalez> pinchartl: I don't understand simple-bridge.yaml (the compatible prop's definition)
<marc|gonzalez> First option is: either ti,ths8134a OR ti,ths8134b, followed by mandatory ti,ths8134
<marc|gonzalez> second option is foo or bar
<marc|gonzalez> how is 3rd option different semantically from option 2?
<marc|gonzalez> I'll take my question to #device-tree
<marc|gonzalez> animesh explained, option 2 was foo AND bar
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