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<Xogium> I was given this web page to load on my hardware as a test to see how many fps I could do with cog and wpewebkit web browser
<Xogium> my kernel's reaction was this
<Xogium> linux is very annoyed, but that's pretty much all I know
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<robmur01> Xogium: well, there's always the option of turning off CONFIG_DEBUG_PREEMPT and pretending nothing's wrong :)
<robmur01> Otherwise, "scripts/faddr2line vmlinux do_page_fault+0x2c5/0x32c" and dig into how an unguarded smp_processor_id() invocation apparently managed to get inlined from somewhere
<Xogium> robmur01: mmh well, I could, but the renderer process crashed... Due to that BUG line, maybe ? Or would it crash regardless ? But I also wanted to understand what exactly that means
<Xogium> kernel dev calling a function they shouldn't ?
<Xogium> mm hmm let me try just for fun
<robmur01> It's not actually a real BUG() (see check_preemption_disabled()) so it's not fatal in itself, but it's definitely indicative of something being wrong
<Xogium> ah. I lack debug_info. Well, time to rebuild kernel and try again, I reckon
<Xogium> so the renderer process would probably still crash even if I ignored that bug message, I suppose. Unless that actually forces the process to terminate ?
<Xogium> I'll see what that script says with my new vmlinux... Probably should make it do that crash again because the address will most likely change
<robmur01> It could equally be the other way round, and that that page fault *is* the process SEGV'ing, but just happens to tickle a minor kernel bug on the way out
<Xogium> true. I don't see much in the way of segfault or sigabrt or such though, but it's wpewebkit so unsure
<robmur01> not sure if 32-bit has an equivalent of show_unhandled_signals...
<Xogium> what should I select for debug_info, typically ? v4 debuginfo, v5, or rely on toolchain ?
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<Xogium> robmur01: well that's... I'm not sure what to make of this
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<robmur01> Xogium: aha, there you go, looks like I was right! :) The (addr > task_size) condition which reaches harden_branch_predictor() implies the process tried to access a bogus VA (in the kernel range) which will be fatal and its own fault
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<Xogium> hm so... wpewebkit is the one at fault here, correct ?
<robmur01> However the fact that harden_branch_predictor() is called while apparently preemptible appears to be a legitimate kernel issue
<Xogium> huh
<Xogium> well this kernel's a bit on the old side, so for all I know there's been a patch for this
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<Xogium> but I'm really not that great at finding patches and the likes
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<Xogium> how do you folks typically figure out if there are patches you can backport to an older kernel version ?
<Xogium> say I ant to check if there could be any patch from the 6.1 branch I could add into my 6.1.28 here, for example
<Xogium> *want
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<ukleinek> Xogium: if git cherry-pick is happy, chances are high it works fine :-)
<ukleinek> on top of that apply some common sense, extra points for testing.
<Xogium> ukleinek: I meant more like... How do you actually find patches in the first place :)
<ukleinek> Xogium: you ask that question as a user of 6.1.$((latest-1)), or are you interested how the stable maintainers pick patches from mainline for the stable branches/releases?
<Xogium> the former
<Xogium> I'm very bad at finding if there's already a fix for something, or even one that is not yet merged
<Xogium> I was trying to figure out if there's a fix for this issue with harden_branch_predictor/preemptable that I've seemed to hit today or not
<Xogium> robmur01 pointed out that the application wpewebkit in this case is attempting to do something bogus, which is fatal and its own fault, but the fact that harden_branch_predictor() is called when preemptable is most likely a real kernel bug
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